All Chapters of Super Elation Under the Sun: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
329 Chapters
Chapter 81 Get the Sword (Ⅴ)
Li Fuyao didn’t know what was going on. Seeing that the sword came to stab him, he was at a loss for a short while. Then he drew the wooden sword on his waist soon. With the sword in front of his chest horizontally, he uplifted it and made the coming sword No Return fly away. Then he stabbed its blade with his sword to make the former shaky, as if it were drunk.Li Fuyao walked a few steps backward. Looking at this strange sword, he was not much surprised. Before he walked out of Baiyu Town, he saw that Chen Sheng grabbed the Baiyu Sword in Baiyu River. That sword even turned into a big white fish, and it was much more terrifying than this sword with rust all over.However, the sword didn’t give up. After it failed in stabbing Li Fuyao, it didn’t shrink back but rallied and then tried to stab again. Li Fuyao leaned and avoided it, and the wooden sword patted that sword’s blade, with a slight sound. Then he wanted to reach out his hand to grab this sword’s h
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Chapter 82 I Am Here Waiting for Him
The man dressed in a grey robe walked out of the bamboo cottage and caused such a strange scene. Nobody knew how many swords there were at the bottom of the cliff or where exactly they were, but at the moment, sword chirps appeared one after another, as if the officials at the imperial court saw the emperor and paid respect. Li Fuyao even noticed many emotions in the sword chirps, but no matter what the emotions were, the sounds appeared because of this man in grey.When Li Fuyao saw this young man for the first time who was dressed in a grey robe and standing straight, he was stunned. It was different from when he saw Chao Qingqiu’s sword Qi for the first time. At that time, when he saw Chao Fengchen and imagined that he cut the rivers, stars and great demons with his sword, he saw Chao Qingqiu, but now when he saw this man in grey, he didn’t have that feeling at all. He just simply thought that the man in grey was a sword with sword Qi dashing to the sky.
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Chapter 83 How about You Go with Me
Li Fuyao walked around the bamboo cottage and then came to the back, to see a path made of bluestone leading to the distance. He looked cold and felt a piercing chill while walking on the bluestone path. Although he thought it was sword Qi, it was colder than before, and it was like a gust of cold wind, with some resentment.The countless broken swords under the cliff on Sword Mountain and the sword grave achieved the same result by different methods, but most of the broken swords under the cliff had been ruined by the demonic cultivators, and there were resentment and restlessness on the blades. After they fell off the cliff, the man dressed in a grey robe gathered them here. As time went by, it became a sword forest. There was no so much sword Qi inside as that in front of the bamboo cottage, but when he walked in it, it influenced the mind of sword greatly. Some people with no firm will might die here.Li Fuyao walked slowly along this bluestone path. Ev
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Chapter 84 Green Strand
In front of the shabby temple at the foot of Sword Mountain, an old Confucian scholar with a book box on his back came today.The old Confucian scholar who climbed the mountain with the old master didn’t stay on the mountain for a long time and then came to the shabby temple at the foot of Sword Mountain. He talked about the sages’ principles and said that he would reason with the three people in the temple. Xie Lu and Liu Yibai were experts in killing people with a sword and didn’t have an interest in reasoning, so after the old Confucian scholar came down to the temple, he had to talk with Xian Chunan who was always gentle. The old scholar with a book box on his back seemed not to have read books for many years, and he just quoted the principles from the books while reading, so he wasn’t learned and didn’t baffle Xian Chunan. Xian Chunan was good-tempered and reasoned with the old scholar for a long time and didn’t feel bored. In the evening, seeing that the old schol
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Chapter 85 He Finally Has a Sword
After all the rust on the sword Green Strand fell off, it revealed what it had been. Li Fuyao laughed and grabbed Green Strand in his hand, planning to ask Master Liu to make a sheath for him after he came back. This time, he would have it made of green bamboo instead of sword tree. The green bamboo and the name Green Strand went well with each other.But when he picked up this sword, there were sword chirps in the sword forest all of a sudden. From the distance, a long sword with cold light came over and aimed at Li Fuyao’s face.Before the sword arrived, it caused many sounds of the wind.Li Fuyao waved the sword with his vital energy pouring.Even though he hadn’t planned to use the sword, he wanted to now. This feeling was like that when he was in front of the great river that day. He had feelings in his chest and had to vent them.He hit that sword to fall on the ground, but soon the swords here seemed to become s
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Chapter 86 Yuwu Mountain
All people, including the Confucian cultivators and Taoist cultivators in the human world as well as the monks who stayed out of the social life on the Buddhist land, liked to arrange in order of seniority, and there was no exception.The Taoists in Liangxi certainly took Liangxi Dao Temple on Chenxie Mountain as the leader, which was a fact that all the Taoists in the world approved, but there were different opinions about the second and third most famous Taoist temple. Some people said that Wanshou Taoist Temple which was once in vogue for a period was ranked second. Those years, many Taoist saints came out of this temple and they were all top Taoist cultivators, and five of them were cultivators at the Ascending Stage, but later in the great war, the foundation was injured, and most of the Taoists died on the demonic land. Moreover, after that war, now the human world had been disintegrated and wasn’t as prosperous as before, so almost all the cultivators in the worl
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Chapter 87 The Reasonable Temple Owner Came to this Mountain
Zhang Shouqing spoke casually, but in fact, Ge Hong was restless in his heart, almost like overturning rivers and seas. As the host of the mountain, Ge Hong was not at a high stage, but with the foundation of Yuwu Mountain, he was one of the best in Liangxi and even in the Taoist sect in the whole world, so nobody had ever spoken to him in this way at ordinary times. Nobody argued with him, not to mention falling out with him. However, now the Taoist in yellow and purple Zhang Shouqing in front of him was not an ordinary person. He had the huge Chenxie Mountain behind him, and he had the reason.The people on Chenxie Mountain had been rude and unreasonable for many years, and all the Taoist temples on the famous mountains in Liangxi knew that, yet nobody dared to say anything. However, the people on Chenxie Mountain were reasonable this time, so they were naturally aggressive.In fact, Ge Hong had worried when the people on Yuwu Mountain decided to attack t
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Chapter 88 He Reasoned Things out on the Mountain
Before the temple owner climbed up the mountain, on the Cloud Terrace, Ge Hong and Zhang Shouqing had made an agreement on the issue that the gifted Dao cultivator had been attacked, but neither of them left the old pine on the terrace.Ge Hong looked much more relieved than before. Although Yuwu Mountain suffered great losses on this issue, in fact, what Ge Hong got afterward was more than several precious magic tools.Under the old pine, Zhang Shouqing looked calm. He looked up at the old tree above his head in silence.After talking about this deal, Ge Hong was cozy. Looking at this Taoist in yellow and purple from Chenxie Mountain, he asked about something with a smile. “Which stage is the temple owner at?”Zhang Shouqing asked in reply with a smile, “Host Ge, which stage do you think the temple owner can reach?”Ge Hong pondered for a while and then responded, trying to sound him out, “It’s said on the mountain th
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Chapter 89 The Longevity Stamp
The temple owner whose soul was out of his body came to Yuwu Mountain and started a fight at the summit. Yang Changsheng showed a cold face and certainly fought back first. Both of them stayed high in the midair on the mountain and showed their Taoist skills endlessly, which made the clouds above the mountaintop colorful. Under the sunshine, it appeared that the whole mountain was covered with a colorful coat of glow seemingly.The old Taoist in grey had spat blood after he was beaten by the temple owner. Now after he stood up, his mind of Taoism was shaky. With a terrible-looking face, he looked up at the sky and felt the power shown by the temple owner. Although all the Dao cultivators in Liangxi had imagined the temple owner’s stage by guess, after all, they hadn’t seen him fight hard, so in fact, few people could know which stage he was at. The old Taoist in grey was pounded by the temple owner, and under the palm’s power, his meridians were lashed by a wisp of stro
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Chapter 90 It Has Been Settled
The weather changed dramatically at the top of Yuwu Mountain.All disciples on the mountain were restless. There were so many cultivators in the world, but how many people had seen the number one in the Taoist sect start a fight?With his identity, the temple owner should stay secluded and cultivate on Chenxie Mountain, expecting to take the last step someday and become a sage that all the cultivators in the world would look up to, yet now when he was close to the peak, he walked out of the Sky Building, left Chenxie Mountain and came to Yuwu Mountain to fight against the master of the highest rank in seniority on this mountain, so they were lucky to see the temple owner’s demeanor.If the temple owner didn’t come to cause trouble, perhaps many disciples would think that they had the good fortune.The young Taoist who went down the mountain and then returned was a disciple of the direct line of the old Taoist in grey in the Tranqui
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