All Chapters of The Crowned Lady: Chapter 441 - Chapter 444
444 Chapters
Chapter 441 Mushrooms
When Wei Changying received the letter from the imperial capital urging her to go back as soon as possible, it was the middle of May, and at that time Shen Shuxie was about five months old, and although the little one had grown quite strong, he was still a bit too small. Do mother's natural uneasy, called the person who sent the letter to ask the reason "Xie child is only half a year old, I'm afraid to rush on the road is not good for him. The imperial capital but what is the matter, want us to return quickly?"The person who sent the letter is Shen Zangfeng's beloved guards, since not hidden from her, please guards long Ying cleared the field, leaving only Huang and others to wait, then whispered Shen family hope that the West Liang army into the capital of the intention "Although the Grand Duke and the Su family three masters led by the Liu family's elite, but Yanshou high trench depths, and the supply wagons piled up like a mountain, for a moment and a half is very difficul
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Chapter 442 A Family of Four Reunited
On the day of the departure, Wei Changying was very worried and anxious, holding Shen Shuxie and Shen Zangzhu to say goodbye and boarding the bus she had to urge her to keep an eye on Shen Shuyan and Cao Yiren, not to say that they should not be neglected in taking care of them, but that they should be well disciplined so as to prevent them from doing something stupid again.The caravan, which was winding like a cloud because of the many earth rituals and provisions it brought with it, was flanked by a vast number of soldiers, going out of Xiliang, through the ancient road, and toward the imperial capital.Xiliang army is now one of the Wei's most elite soldiers, this way, although thousands of miles in a lot of civil unrest in the place or tsunami gathered a lot of green warriors, but a little inquiry is the Xiliang army escorted the Shen family young lady and the Sun Gongzi returned to the Imperial Capital, in addition to individual head bad, the rest are all look forw
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Chapter 443 Mrs. Su
Returning to the Tai Fu House, the ladies have all gathered in the upper room at Mrs. Su waiting.The people in the hall is not less, not to mention the slave girl, the eldest daughter-in-law Liu led the eldest grandson Miss Shen Shujing, the second daughter-in-law Duanmu Yanyu left and right is the second grandson Miss Shen Shurou and the third grandson Miss Shen Linyue, accompanied by the end of last year's five daughter-in-law Su Yuyin exactly is married to someone else, out of the cabinet before the favorite of those who like to be messy and different makeup are convergence up! She is used to seeing her makeup. Wei Changying is used to seeing her make-up and makeup, and at first glance, even though she has made the Flying Sunset make-up, there is still a sense of cleanliness, but the years of experience are there, and there are still a few points of youth between the eyebrows.This group of people in the hall, but not as lively as Wei Changying before he left for Xil
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Chapter 444 Father and Son's Scheme
Leaving the upper room, back to jintong courtyard, but see two or three years have not seen, the courtyard is quite changed. The first into the change is not big, in addition to the ground on the moss is more solid, a hundred years of sycamore lush still, in this summer jittery spirit, will be half of the martial arts arena are covered a tight.In the second section of the house, the flowers and trees that had been planted at the time of the wedding had now grown into full bloom, and a few small saplings stood out like covers. A few small saplings have also grown to be quite impressive. Compared to when Wei Changying left, there are a few new flowers, and the small pond in the southeast corner is filled with Nymphaea, dragonflies, and the sound of insects and finches in the deepest part of the flowers and grasses is very lively.A brightly colored leather ball was thrown under the porch, as well as Ruban locks, kites, gyroscopes, tangrams, four happy people ...... a larg
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