All Chapters of Dawn of the Gods: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
852 Chapters
Chapter 151 An Upsurge in Rumors
The one beside Xiao Chen saw Xiao Chen's face full of resentment and said, "Brother, don't get angry. One day, we will eliminate all these demons!" It took Xiao Chen quite some time to realize that the person is talking to him. He smiled and said, "Yes, the people of the Devil's Practice are harmful to the common people, and every one of the Orthodox Path should kill them on sight." This was Ling Yin's teaching in those days, but now he even felt so hypocritical when he talked about it. Just then, a common-looking young man came along and looked at the others with thievish-looking eyes. He then put his hand on his mouth and said in a low voice, "Shh, truth be told, the Skygale Sect is also not peaceful recently. I heard that there is always an abnormal aura coming out of the mountain recently. At night, some people can even hear the strange sound from the mountain, which scares everyone in the Jing Province..." Another one said
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Chapter 152 Tianyun Zi
Xiao Chen nodded. "Then you can die!" As his voice fell, a sharp air blade flew out and immediately took Han Yu's life. Until he died, he still kept his eyes wide open. Looking at the five bodies with eyes open on the ground, Xiao Chen took a deep breath. When did he become so clean and quick in killing people? Was it his hatred toward the Skygale Sect? Or he had run the Heaven's Talisman again and again, which eventually generated the Inner Demon? He shook his head because he didn't have time to think about these problems at the moment. He took out the face-shifting item from his Divine Vessel he already prepared and turned himself into Han Yu's appearance. He then put on Han Yu's clothes, took the jade badge in Han Yu's arms, got rid of the five bodies, and went to Jing Province. It's time now. The cultivators of all sects were heading for the Skygale Sect. What he needed to do now was to infiltrate the Skygale Sect and took the chance to
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Chapter 153 The Skygale Sect of Violet Manor
A night had passed, Xiao Chen didn't try to kill Tianyun Zi because he was worried that Tianyun Zi had been alerted. And then Tianyun Zi looked better on his face. Maybe he would soon recover from the injury. A bright light came in from the outside. Tianyun Zi stood up and said, "Well, Han Yu, let's go back." Xiao Chen had been running around for days and did not sleep last night, now he was getting sleepy. After Xiao Chen nodded, they both went outside. Since Tianyun Zi had recovered, he would not afraid of those people anymore. His flying sword showed up as soon as he chanted the incantation. It was only hundreds of miles from the Skygale Sect in Jing Province that he flying sword could arrive in a short time. Xiao Chen looked around and saw a mountain covered with gloomy clouds, which must be the position of the Skygale Sect. It seemed that the Blood Soul Formation would be started today and he must save Xian'er before that. The closer th
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Chapter 154 The Unknown Past
As soon as Xiao Chen had stood on the ground, Yu Yifeng approached him and asked, "Lil Chen, is that you?" Xiao Chen nodded and took off the mask on his face. He looked at Murong Xian'er who was still fainted in his arms and said, "Brother Yifeng, today we must not allow that man to succeed in resurrecting." Although he wanted to know the truth about what happened a thousand years ago, he knew that if this old monster really came back to life, all the people of Orthodox Path that gathered in the Skygale Sect today would not survive. Tianyun Zi looked at Xiao Chen, he didn't expect that this "Han Yu" was a fake one. Yunya Zi and Master Xuanji just had a quick fight with each other, both of them didn't expect the other person's cultivation to be as good as himself. Since the Blood Soul Formation had lost its spirit energy resource, it was continuously becoming dimming. The Elder of the East Chamber said hurriedly, "It's time to open the sarcop
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Chapter 155 Patriarch Guanshan
"Brother Xiao Chen..." At this point, Murong Xian'er woke up. Apparently, she was awakened by the powerful aura. Seeing Xiao Chen hold her so tightly at this moment, she found herself blushing. Then, seeming thinking of something, she couldn't help but say, "This aura seems so familiar. It belongs to that bad guy..." Xiao Chen saw that she finally woke up, his brows creasing into a frown. "Xian'er, are you awake? You said that the bad guy..." Before his voice fell, spurts of black Qi were suddenly sent up from the deep bottom of the abyss. The black Qi was not the Immortal Qi. It was more likely to be the Devil Qi! Yuheng Zi shouted out loud, "Be careful! Back off!" He immediately led the crowd to retreat back. Suddenly, a sky-shaking devil roar sounded, and then a black ball of mist welled up from the bottom of the abyss. Everyone felt the powerful strength of the unknown existence in the black mist. Right then, a spooky and frightening voi
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Chapter 156 A Discussion
Holding Murong Xian'er in his arms, Xiao Chen was standing on the flying sword that Yu Yifeng took out, and he was also surprised. Even thousands of years passed, the power Qianyu Nishang left on Autumn Water could still fight against Patriarch Guanshan who had reached the Nascent Soul Realm. At the moment, Xiaoyue was also bounced back violently. Blood still gushed uncontrollably from her mouth. The skirt of her chest was stained with flower shape blood spots. She uttered loudly, "Go!" All the people immediately escaped to the distance. Patriarch Guanshan flew into a great rage, but he couldn't leave the place. Then with a wave of his hand, he quickly printed four marks of the devil's seals between the eyebrows of the four Elders. "The four of you, listen to my order. I need countless souls and Spiritual Meridians to rebuild my body. Now I am going to transfer a layer of cultivation to you. You should take the Spiritual Meridians of all the
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Chapter 157 An Inexplicable Sharp Pain in the Heart.
For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Chen. Since this young man came into sight, numerous rumors appeared. People held different judgments on Xiao Chen, but at this moment, all the people turned their focus on him. He was going to deal with Patriarch Guanshan. Not to mention the fact that the majority of the people didn't have the ability, but who among them could have the courage and responsibility to proceed without hesitation? Xiaoyue paced toward him and smiled tenderly. "Welcome to become one of the Orthodox Path, Brother Xiao. It is a blessing to the world." Xiao Chen smiled slightly. "You overpraised, Fairy Xiaoyue." This matter was no longer his own business. It was now related to the safety of the entire East Continent. The eyes of Perfected Immortal Qing Chen reminded him of his grandmaster, Perfected Immortal Qingxuan. At that time, in order to get him back from death, Perfected Immortal Qingxuan didn't hesitat
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Chapter 158 Disasters Happened Everywhere
Luo Shangyan saw that Xiao Chen was fine just now, but all of a sudden, he turned pale. So he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?" After a long while, Xiao Chen finally came to his senses. With a gentle smile, he shook his head and said, "No, nothing. It's probably because I'm too tired these two days." At this time, the sunset glow tinted the dusk. A crisp bell-ringing sound suddenly rose outside the courtyard. Xiao Chen knew that Xian'er was coming. He got up and said, "Xian'er? Why don't you let Perfected Immortal Qing Chen teach you more knacks?" "Tee-hee!" Murong Xian'er rushed to him, bouncing. Now that she looked almost the same as those ordinary girls without the two fluffy ears on her head. She giggled and said, "Grandpa Qing Chen has taught me a lot of funny tricks." After that, she moved her fingers quickly to cast out a spell and pointed in the air. In an instant, an Immortal's Sword was formed. Though this sword was ma
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Chapter 159 Mu Shaoai
Soon, there was an odd voice outside the temple, "Xue'er, don't push an old guy. If you push me again, I will leave!" When the Perfected Immortal Qing Chen heard the voice, he was extremely happy. He hurried to the gate of the temple with Xiao Chen behind him. They saw a beautiful woman in white dress outside was pushing a comical strange old man in a purple dress to through the gate. Qing Chen was so happy that he cried,ignoring his identity and image and hurried to receive them. "Brother Xiaoyao, you finally come back!" All the disciples were amazed—Was this strange old man the legendary Martial Uncle Xiaoyao? This was so ridiculous! Xiaoyao must be, in their eyes, a master with an elder's presence like Qingfeng. Who could imagine that he was such a comical and strange old man? When Zi Mo saw Qing Chen coming, he cried and ran away immediately. Qing Chen moved in front of him quickly and stopped him. "Junior Brother, after so
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Chapter 160 The Letter "Love"
After scolding with Mu Shaoai, facing the cold wind from the cliff, Xiao Chen felt empty in his heart. He counted the past bit by bit which would always come to mind when it was quiet at night. Had Muxue really forgotten them at all? Of course, since she had lost the soul of memory, how could she still remember Xiao Chen. Even if she remembered, Xiao Chen could do nothing at all... At this time, he heard a weird voice from the top of pavilion, "Kid, if I were your, I would court her back!" Xiao Chen shook his head and showed a bitter smile. He said, "Predecessor Zi Mo, what are you doing here instead of discussing in the temple?" "Oh, they kept speaking something about that lives are in misery and suffering. I am nearly bored to death, so I slipped out." Zi Mo had come to him unconsciously when he was speaking. "Kid, although Qingfeng doesn't think you two can achieve it, I think so! This time I brought her to the Violet Manor.
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