All Chapters of Dawn of the Gods: Chapter 681 - Chapter 690
850 Chapters
Chapter 681 Love doesn't know what it's like to be in love.
Icy cold warning, so that all the people in the vicinity have shivered, only to see that the woman's delicate face, as if shrouded in layers and layers of frost, the world, there is such a cold and merciless eyes, but also a beautiful and unparalleled woman.At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly became a little stiff, even in the hot summer of June, the sky seemed to be on the verge of snow and ice, Xiao Chuan's double eyebrows were deeply locked, pulled the woman's sleeve, and whispered, "Xiner ......"The woman, was none other than Huangfu Xin'er, who had been watching from Tianxuan Palace after everything that had just happened.Huangfu Xiner slowly turned her head, looked at Xiao dust, this moment of the eyes, it is so cold, even Xiao dust did not hold back a cold shiver, separated for nearly two years, why is it such a cold and heartless eyes ......In the next moment, Huangfu Xin'er held Xiao Chen's hand in front of everyone and slowly walked towards
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Chapter 682 - "It's hard to end love in this life"
"I'm sorry, brother Xiao Chen ......"Huangfu Xin'er suddenly let go of him at once, flicked her two sleeves, and sat cross-legged behind him, then her hands kept changing spells, and finally, with a special sealing gesture, she pressed against the underside of his shoulder blades on both sides.Xiao Chuan stifled a grunt, only to feel that his body was much easier all of a sudden, saying that it was inexhaustible, and for a while, he was even a little light, until he felt that Huangfu Xin'er's hands were gently trembling at the back, and only then did he wake up with a jolt.Yes, Hua Zhen has been trapped by love and hurt by love all her life, how powerful is the spell of absolute love planted, even if now Xin'er's power has increased greatly, and I don't know how many times she has practiced the Xuan Gong of Absolute Love, but how can she unravel it?As if Xiao Chen understood what she was doing at the moment, he immediately shouted, "Xin'er! Stop!"H
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Chapter 683 The Heavenly One
Huangfu Xiner raised her head and looked at him, silent, Xiao Chen gently smiled, gently wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes and said, "That time they came to the Xiao family to withdraw from the marriage, I never agreed to it, so where do you want to go ......""But ......" Huangfu Xin'er's eyes flashed with tears, the words were not finished, Xiao Chen has gently kissed her lips, even the moonlight at this time, also became gentle, gently, jumping.A few small animals that were awakened in the distance, thinking of their toes, watching the two kissing and entangled in the grass, the beauty of the scenery is like this, how can you help the dawn wind speed.The night passed, Xiao Chen opened his eyes in a daze, his shoulders were empty, Huangfu Xin'er was no longer there.Xiao Chuan slowly sat up, his hair still stained with morning dew, and smiled dementedly, "She's gone, she's still gone ......""Ah..." came a long whine that went straight
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Chapter 684 - The Identity of the Ice Man
"She's dead, her Yuan Shen shattered by a single slap from Chifuyu Nishang."Icy words that echoed in the icy cave, Xiao Dust suddenly felt a heavenly spin, how could Master be dead, how could Master be killed by Thousand Feathers Nishang, how could Master not be able to defeat Thousand Feathers Nishang!"No!" Suddenly, Xiao Chen came to his senses again, this person in front of him, repeatedly saying that his master was dead, was nothing more than not wanting to continue searching for his master, how could his master not even be able to defeat Thousand Feather Nishang, how could it be possible!Figuring this out, Xiao Chuan immediately calmed down and stared into the frozen man's eyes as he asked, "Who exactly are you?""It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you know exactly who you are! Go back!" The frozen man shouted in a deep voice, and the entire cave trembled, and the entire dream world, then collapsed......."Kid, the day is st
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Chapter 685 - The Mystery of the Soul Vein
"Why?" Tactile Hitomi got up and couldn't wait to ask, Bai Susu shook her head at him and passed her eyes, only then did Tactile Hitomi sit back down again.Xiao Chuan asked, "Can I please ask Realist Gu Yang to elaborate?"The three elders glanced at each other, and Realist Gu Yang said, "Not long ago, that Xuan Realm again appeared to have a strange movement, and the impact was quite large, so we asked the two scattered immortals from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, and with their combined efforts, we have completely sealed the entrance."Xiao Chuan's eyes narrowed and he immediately understood, that Xuan Realm had originally had quite an impact on the Dao Alliance, but suffered from the fact that it had not been able to be sealed, and now that it was sealed, the people of the Dao Alliance naturally did not want anyone to go and open it up again lest there would be another problem.Xiao Chuan said, "Can Realist Gu Yang allow us to try?"Hearing t
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Chapter 686 - Going to Kunlun
After a long time, Bai Su Su let go of him, shaking her head and sighing.Xiao Chuan turned around and glanced again toward the location where the cold ice was placed in the first place, then turned back around and asked, "Sister Bai must know something about what happened a thousand years ago, can you tell me?"Bai Susu shook her head and sighed, "About you, Ask Tian seldom mentioned to me, I only know that that time, he went to Kunlun with your master, and he came back a long time later, that time, he supposedly didn't find what he was looking for.""Kunlun ...... "Xiao Chuan silently lowered his head, the Kunlun in Bai Susu's mouth must not refer to the Kunlun Sword Sect, but to the entire Kunlun Mountain Range, why did he have a strange feeling when he passed over the Kunlun Mountain Range?Bai Susu slowly stretched out her hand, gently stroked on his face, and softly said, "Although Ask the sky is a person in the devil clan, but he has been bright and up
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Chapter 687 Peak Youth
"What did you say!" Xiao Chuan's face changed, scaring the store assistant so much that he nearly dropped the bowl and plate in his hand.The store assistant saw his expression change drastically and said in a daze, "I said, where can we mortals see ......""Previous!"The store assistant was really a bit confused this time, was scared by him, some can't remember what he just said, thought for a moment, before awkwardly laughing: "Oh, I said, that the Kunlun Fairyland inside there is a frozen thousand years of fairy it."Xiao Dust's breathing gradually became rapid and his eyes were somewhat confused as he raised his head and asked, "Where did you get this information from and is it reliable?"The shopkeeper laughed and said: "These are the neighborhood rumors, how can we see with our own eyes ah ......" paused for a moment, and then continued: "small look at the guest you are also a person in the cultivation, or not tomorrow personally go to Kunlun to see it
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Chapter 688 - The Seven Swords of Heavenly Mountain
Chi Ruan listen to him talking to himself here, but also inexplicably put on an icy mask, startled, open his head and look around, but only see the wind blowing the grass and trees move, do not see any silhouettes, and then immediately boldly drank: "What ghosts of Sh ......! This big fairy here, not quickly show his original form! Otherwise, I will call you and other demons and monsters soul fly away and scatter ......."Before the words stopped, only a gust of wind could be heard, "Swoosh - swoosh - swoosh - swoosh -", seven silhouettes had instantly surrounded the one person and one cat in the center.Zhi Ruan was so scared that he jumped to Xiao Chen's side, but then he saw that the pair of cold eyes under his mask were terrifying, and with another shock, he looked at the seven silhouettes and said in a trembling voice: "Who are you ...... you guys! What big guts!"Only to see that the seven people had cold eyes, their robes fluttering in the wind, all of them
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Chapter 689 - The Killing Fury
Distant Zhi Ruan scared cold hair Zhuo erect, two rows of teeth straight chattering, muttering to himself, "Meow ...... meow, the kid is about to beat, this big fairy want to not first return to the immovable city to move the rescue troops to ...... "Fang Chengzi looked at Xiao Chen with a cold gaze, "Since you brought about your own destruction, then you should not blame my seven for being merciless!" After drinking, both hands quickly formed a seal while biting the tip of his tongue, a mouthful of essence blood was sprayed out, and his Immortal Sword, which was glowing with a reddish aura, immediately increased in light.And the other six people, at this moment also like him that pinch knuckles seal, mouth blood a spray, their respective immortal sword immediately glow, far away from the words, it is like seven 10,000 meters of light straight into the sky, even at this moment under the mountain of many cultivators also saw, the crowd thought it was the door of the fai
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Chapter 690 - The Eagle King
"Shhh ...... go, someone's coming."Just now the battle on this mountainside has attracted many people to come, at this moment only to see a large number of cultivators rushed to the bottom of the mountain, Zhi Ruan silent, will Fang Chengzi lifted up and flew away to the distance, Xiao Chen was about to follow up, the eyes glanced at the scattered seven-colored immortal swords."These seven Immortal Swords are extraordinary, taking them back for Xian'er to play with is precisely good." Saying that, Xiao Chen flicked his sleeve and rolled over the seven Immortal Swords of different colors.The seven Immortal Swords were extraordinary, all of them already had spirituality, although their masters had already died, they were still a bit resistant to Xiao Chuan at the moment, Xiao Chuan's Yuan Shen shook, and put the seven Immortal Swords back into the Yuan Ding, and with a movement of his body, he immediately followed the Zhi Ruan and went away.Not long after t
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