All Chapters of Follow Me: Chapter 411 - Chapter 420
515 Chapters
Chapter 411 Chasing Zhao Ran
"How's the surveillance and stuff in this neighborhood, how's it working? Is it clear?" The cop asked."Of course it's clear, our neighborhood's surveillance system won't go wrong." The property's replied in a hurry.The police officer looked down and thought about it, so he turned his head to Tang Xia and said, "Tell you what then, Ms. Tang Xia, don't be in a hurry, let's go to the property and access the video from that time first, we should be able to find something.""If it works well, you'll be able to see exactly what people look like, and don't worry, just clean up the house first, we'll go to the property and look at it first, and we'll be back to let you know the results.""Ms. Tang, don't worry, we'll help you find the thief no matter what we say, just wait for news at home, we won't let you down."Property people, and Tang Xia's relationship can also be said to be not bad, so the theft of Tang Xia's home, whether it is not the security of the
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Chapter 412 The Interrogation Begins
After Zhao Ran came back from the neighborhood where Tang Xia lived, he had been scared all the way, but then he felt that this time he finally didn't have to look at Liu Zixi's face anymore, and his heart was more happy instead.Zhao Ran was filled with anticipation, fantasizing that he would be praised by Liu Zixi as soon as he entered the house.However, when Zhao Ran returned home, he didn't find Liu Zixi's figure, and he couldn't find Liu Zixi in every room, so it was obvious that Liu Zixi had gone out to fool around again.When Zhao Ran remembered that Liu Zixi had gone out and dated someone earlier, he felt angry and wanted Liu Zixi to know the good news immediately and hurry home.However, what Zhao Ran didn't expect was that no matter how many times he called, Liu Zixi didn't answer.Zhao Ran felt angry that he went out and risked his life for this woman while this woman was cuckolding himself on the side.But then Zhao Ran remembered his
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Chapter 413 The Pot That Can't Be Dumped
Looking at Tang Xia's serious expression, there was no hint of telling a lie, of course, according to his understanding of Tang Xia, it was impossible for Tang Xia to tell a lie.Zhao Ran drooped his head powerlessly, it seemed like he was taking the blame for this one.It's all because of that shit Liu, not reliable at all, can't get things done and let himself get into a mess.Right now, Zhao Ran can only think of a way to see if he can make up for the 100,000 dollars, but the problem is again, he has no money of his own!Zhao Ran wrinkled his face in some annoyance, suddenly he thought of Liu Zixi, but this idea was vetoed by Zhao Ran himself in the next second.How could he rely on Ryu Zixi again, if he contacted her now to say that he was approached by the police department, wouldn't that be a disguised indication that he had failed again in stealing the manuscript this time?In fact, since the last time Liu Zixi stayed out all night, Zhao Ra
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Chapter 414 Blackmailed
Looking at the caller ID on the lit up cell phone screen, Tang Xia's mind couldn't help but conjure up Chi Mu Bai's handsome face.With a bashful smile, she picked up the phone, "Hey, Chi Shao, this is Tang Xia, what do you want?"The obvious detachment in Tang Xia's tone made Chi Mubai unable to resist frowning slightly, but he quickly adjusted his emotions and opened his mouth in an exceptionally brisk manner."The cast has been finalized, would you be interested in coming to see it?"Chi Mu Bai was looking forward to Tang Xia coming over to his side to take a look when he opened his mouth, so his hand holding the cell phone was squeezing it tightly, his heart slightly apprehensive.However, Tang Xia didn't feel the anticipation in Chi Mu Bai's tone at all, she just pondered a little bit, and then opened her mouth indifferently, "I don't need to come over, I still have a lot of things waiting for me to do, and besides, your vision is definitely not wr
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Chapter 415 A Tyrannical Response
The techs are only behind the scenes, but they have heard some things about this anchor.I heard that she had an unusual identity and also had a strong relationship with the company's upper echelon figure, Ye Yifan, so when he received Tang Xia's request he immediately contacted Ye Yifan, fearing that there would be some urgent matter that would be delayed.Ye Yifan's side was quickly connected, and he has always been quick in company matters and will never delay.Cold sweat beaded on the technician's forehead as he said with trepidation, "It's like this, Anchor Tang Xia asked me to block the black accounts in her anchor room, may I ask if I need to make the next move?"Ye Yifan frowned, he had been paying attention to the movements of Tang Xia's live broadcast, this was her first mission after escaping from the small world, she mustn't make any mistakes.He has also noticed the frequent appearance of black people in Tang Xia's live broadcast recently,
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Chapter 416 Dating
At this time, Tang Xia, was at home opening a live interactive broadcast, chatting with fans, when suddenly, the ringing of the phone broke Tang Xia's plan to immediately bathe and sleep."Tang Xia, are you home? Is it convenient now?" Tang Xia had just picked up the phone, and before she could speak, she heard Chi Mu Bai's voice from the other side of the phone.Tang Xia didn't know what Chi Mu Bai was looking for himself to do when it was so late, but it must be something, so Tang Xia replied, "Well, I'm at home, ah, what's the matter? I don't have much to do right now, just say it straight.""Oh, that's simply great, I'm now downstairs in your house, if it's convenient, let's go out and have a seat, it just so happens that I'm also bored." When Chi Mu Bai said this, his voice was also a lot lighter, it looked like he was also relieved.Hearing this, Tang Xia suddenly felt something abnormal, today's Chi Mubai, not only did he speak in a different tone, but
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Chapter 417 Retribution is not a good thing
Although Tang Xia was surprised, she also wanted to know why Chi Mu Bai knew about the fact that she liked hot pot, so she could only ask, "How did you know that I like hot pot? No one should know this ah?""Which is not, I didn't pry into anything, and I don't know with whom to inquire about you, last time when we ate, I saw that you like to eat are heavy a little bit of dishes, so I deduced that you, should like to eat hot pot, I should not guess wrong, right?" Chi Mu Bai said with a smile."Oh my god, you can even guess this? Chi Mu Bai, congratulations, you guessed it right, but, you're so smart, why didn't you go to be a detective to solve the case, instead of becoming an actor? What a talent, what a pity." Tang Xia teased Chi Mu Bai.In fact, what shocked Tang Xia the most was that she had never said what she liked to eat, just one working meal, she was able to see her own preferences, it seems that this Chi Mu Bai, is really a lot smarter than imagined.
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Chapter 418 Pleading
Hearing the ringing of the cell phone, Tang Xia and Chi Mubai tacitly stopped at the entrance of the hot pot restaurant and looked at Tang Xia's satchel containing the cell phone together.Tang Xia opened her bag and took her cell phone out, only to find that the caller ID was Zhao Ran's name, Tang Xia rolled her eyes, then held the cell phone in her hand and didn't connect or hang up.She could probably guess what Zhao Ran was looking for her for, but it was not something she really wanted to say in front of Chi Mu Bai.Chi Mu Bai saw Tang Xia's movements and had some doubts in his heart, but he really wasn't in any position to ask Tang Xia why she didn't answer the phone right now.Since there was no way to talk about it, Chi Mu Bai didn't dwell on it too much and told Tang Xia that he was going to drive and asked her to wait for him here, then turned around and went to the parking lot.Tang Xia watched Chi Mu Bai walk away, while her cell phone's cel
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Chapter 419 The Movie Star's Confession
Tang Xia had never seen such an expression on this movie star's face before, so he was a little apprehensive inside, wondering if he had just said something out of place.At the end of the day, Chi Mu Bai and herself were in a partnership, if she really angered this great Buddha, then her future path of reversal might be in a bit of trouble.Just as Tang Xia pondered whether or not her words and actions were appropriate, Chi Mu Bai suddenly moved closer to her, an inexplicable look of disappointment coming into his eyes.Tang Xia froze at Chi Mu Bai's sudden action, shrinking back and asking suspiciously, "What's wrong with you?"Chi Mu Bai couldn't help but feel stagnant when he saw Tang Xia's scared look. He frowned tightly and said with an aggrieved nasal voice, "I just heard you mention your ex-boyfriend, you're in such a good mood now, are you going to get back together with him?"Tang Xia swept a glance at Chi Mu Bai and raised her hands to resist
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Chapters 420 Advice
The vast expanse of heaven and earth heavy rain poured down from the occasion of the Milky Way, Chi Mu Bai's car shuttled between the rain, as if a white lightning in the dark night.The old, heavy gates of the manor opened slowly, and the car finally arrived where it was supposed to go.Chi Mu Bai opened the headlights, the gray sky Qian Jin's villa refracted quite a nice color to.This illumination woke Qian Jin up, the beam of light stabbing and pulling at his room, his eyes were going blind, it was hard to ignore it.Qian Jin hurriedly put on his plush slippers and went to open the door for Chi Mu Bai.As soon as he opened the door of the room, a cold breath drilled in, and the sound of the rain outside the door came into the room, chilling Qian Jin to the bone.Qian Jin looked at Chi Mubai, who was somewhat in a sorry state outside the door, and couldn't help but be a little surprised."Cousin, what has become of you? Look at this half-
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