All Chapters of Follow Me: Chapter 441 - Chapter 450
513 Chapters
Chapter 441 - Fainting
Tang Xia was startled by Chi Mubai's sudden movement, nervously closing her eyes and leaning stiffly against the cool wall behind her, and next to her head was one of Chi Mubai's large hands blocking the way.By the time Chi Mubai managed to finish this maneuver, Tang Xia had also slowed down from the spinning she had just done, blinking her eyes in a somewhat dumbfounded manner.For Chi Mu Bai this action, Tang Xia heart is of course very surprised, the two of them have known each other for such a long time, in her impression Chi Mu Bai is a person who does things steadily, in addition to filming, never seen him do this kind of action with such a fast rhythm.If she wasn't still being circled between herself and the wall by Chi Mubai, Tang Xia couldn't believe that this was something Chi Mubai could do.In the face of Chi Mu Bai's overzealous behavior, an alarm went off in Tang Xia's heart. Everyone knows what to do after a wallop, and Tang Xia didn't have t
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Chapter 442 - Awakening
"May I ask if you are the patient's family?" The doctor clung to his professional ethics and didn't directly inform Tang Xia of Chi Mubai's condition."No, it's just a coworker relationship, can't we say that too?"Tang Xia frowned and muttered, "If anything happens to him, I really can't take the blame.""I'm sorry, but this is the patient's privacy, and it's a special situation that can't be easily communicated to outsiders. In case something happens, the blame will be on me." The doctor pushed up his glasses and looked at Tang Xia with a serious face.Xiao Su on the side gave full play to his role as a divine helper, hastily adding to the doctor, "Tang Xia is not an ordinary outsider, she's on good terms with our boss!" Saying so, he winked at the doctor in a gesture.The doctor let out a "Wow...", remembering what Tang Xia had just said about "hard to blame", he couldn't help but show a look of realization and nodded, saying:" Well then, I can tell
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Chapter 443: Chicken Chickens.
After the doctor came in, he gave Chi Mubai a checkup, and finally took off his mask and said to Chi Mubai and Xiao Su, "There's no big problem, just one thing that needs attention.""What place?" Xiao Su asked curiously, but of course Chi Mu Bai knew very well in his heart what the doctor needed his attention for.The doctor opened his mouth and said, "Pay attention to intercourse, don't be too frequent it's best not to, if you can't help it, try to be a little lighter."Saying to the last sentence, he also gave Chi Mu Bai a meaningful look, on the surface, he looked very serious, but his eyes were full of curiosity.It didn't look like the man would overindulge and have a sexually frigid face, so how could he have gotten hurt in that spot.The path of the doctor's mind was all seen by Chi Mubai, and interpreting the doctor's meaning, Chi Mubai's face became even more unsightly.It was already as frosty as ice, and this added a layer of cold ice,
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Chapter 444 - Visits
Chi Mu Bai was hospitalized, Tang Xia felt that this matter was related to herself, her heart felt a little bit too much, besides, the people in the live broadcast said that she should go to take a look, so Tang Xia decided to go to the hospital to take a look at Chi Mu Bai.On the way to the hospital again, Tang Xia thought about it and decided that it was never polite to visit a patient empty-handed.But because the reason for Chi Mu Bai's hospitalization this time was somewhat special, Tang Xia didn't know exactly what she should buy, so she asked the people in the live broadcast."What do you guys think I should buy if I go to the hospital to see Chi Mu Bai?"As soon as Tang Xia finished speaking, the live broadcast room was a laughter, after all, the reason for Chi Mu Bai's injury this time was a bit embarrassing.But there were still a lot of people giving Tang Xia advice on the air. Tang Xia also had a rough idea of what she needed to buy in her
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Chapter 445 "It's time to be humiliated.
As soon as Tang Xia returned to the hospital room, she saw Liu Zixi lying on top of Chi Mu Bai.Tang Xia glanced at Liu Zixi's outfit and felt a little nauseous in her heart. How was she so good at pretending to be pure herself, Tang Xia felt pity for Liu Zixi in this outfit.Chi Mu Bai called Tang Xia to come in, and originally wanted to push Liu Zixi away, but when he saw Tang Xia looking so unconcerned, Chi Mu Bai felt bad in his heart.Xiao Su was also in awe of this Miss Liu Zixi, admiring her.She really thinks that no one knows what kind of person she is.Now actually can get Chi Mubai's hospitalization address, looks like, before really underestimated her, also do not know, Chi Mubai will not blame himself.When Tang Xia saw Liu Zixi's appearance, she just raised an eyebrow.She had never been able to look at Liu Zixi, and what's more, Liu Zixi had made things difficult for herself again and again."Tang Xia, you've come just i
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Chapters 446 Recognizing Each Other
Tang Xia was confused by Chi Mubai's sudden change in voice, because it was so different from his previous style, Tang Xia couldn't believe that it was Chi Mubai who was talking just now.For Chi Mu Bai's sudden seriousness, Tang Xia suddenly thought of the reason why Chi Mu Bai went into the hospital after a brief moment of surprise, and she couldn't help but feel nervous in her heart.It's over, this Chi Mu Bai won't be trying to settle the score with himself, right?Oh God, he's not going to use this as an opportunity to blackmail himself into staying with him ......Tang Xia was apprehensive, but right now there were only her and Chi Mu Bai in the room, and there was no way for her to pretend to be confused, Tang Xia wrinkled her face somewhat sheepishly.But due to the pressure from Chi Mu Bai's two gazes, Tang Xia moved extremely reluctantly and carefully towards Chi Mu Bai's bedside.Watching Tang Xia approaching himself at turtle speed, Ch
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Chapter 447 Trickery
At first, Tang Xia was a bit baffled, looking at Chi Mu Bai in disbelief, could this guy be...?After thinking about it and understanding the meaning of Chi Mu Bai's words, Tang Xia remembered that what she said to Chi Mu Bai, her man is Chu Tian Gao.This is now really embarrassing to say to myself that my man-crush is him.When Tang Xia heard Chi Mu Bai tease herself, she suddenly became a bit shy, but she didn't squirm.Instead, he directly hugged onto Chi Mu Bai's neck and said, "Then we are going to be together all the time."Chi Mu Bai was also happy that Tang Xia had said such words, which was also what he had in mind."I'm so happy that you don't give a damn about other suitors, even to the point of showing no mercy at all!" Chi Mu Bai said with a fluttering brow.His own woman was loyal to him, and I'm afraid there was nothing under the sun that would make him happier than that.Although, Tang Xia also has a little bit of Chi
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Chapter 448 Framed
The two of them, Tang Xia and Chi Mubai, had been hugging each other the whole time, and since they couldn't move their desires, Chi Mubai wanted to keep hugging Tang Xia to get over it.The two of them hadn't seen each other for so long, Chu Tiankuo but he missed Tang Xia so much that he just kept hugging tightly.Tang Xia wanted to get up when she saw Xiao Su come in, and would have been a little embarrassed to be seen in an intimate manner.However, Chi Mu Bai just wouldn't let go, and kept his arm around Tang Xia, looking at Xiao Su was a little embarrassed, forgetting what she wanted to say, and kept her hand blocking her face for fear of seeing what she shouldn't see, and growing needle eyes, which wouldn't be worth it.Tang Xia heart slandered, Chi Mu Bai you big bastard, you are thick skinned, but I am embarrassed.Tang Xia glared at Chi Mu Bai with eyes that seemed to say so, but then Chi Mu Bai cheekily pretended he didn't see it.And wi
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Chapter 449 The Water Army
Who else in the world today could interrupt a live broadcast for no reason? Ye Yifan knew who the culprit was as soon as his thoughts turned.The timing of the live broadcast closing was too coincidental, and it was exactly when Chi Mu Bai showed Tang Xia his identity.In addition to Chi Mu Bai awakening his memories into Chu Tian Gao, Ye Yifan had no other thoughts.After all, only Chu Tiankuo could act recklessly in the small world, ignoring the laws of the system.Ye Yifan really didn't expect that the first thing Chu Tiankuo did as soon as he woke up was so reckless.When Chu Tiankuo appeared in the small world only a few surviving anchors knew about it, and this matter was held in everyone's stomach and not said outwardly.In case it was known that the bug Chu Tiankuo still existed, I'm afraid that it would set off another uproar.At that time, I'm afraid that it would be harder than heaven for him to create a body for Chu Tien Gwak aga
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Chapter 450 Sleeping on the Floor
"Did you forget about the launch tomorrow?"Chi Mu Bai sat up expressionlessly, but Tang Xia could clearly see his pale lips and the sweat seeping out from the corners of his forehead.Tang Xia hurriedly held Chi Mu Bai, patted Chi Mu Bai's arm, scolded: "Still hurt? If it still hurts, don't try to be brave, Qian Jin will prepare for tomorrow's conference, don't worry! And I as a party will also help.""It doesn't hurt. As long as it's hit by Xia Xia, it doesn't hurt at all, and inside, it's as sweet as honey."Chi Mu Bai angled his face and smiled gently, staring at Tang Xia without moving his eyes.Tang Xia took a long breath, "Since you're so insistent, I can't afford to not let you go, but you have to let me follow, don't let anything happen, or I'll be heartbroken.""Haha. What would happen to me? Don't worry about it, no one can hurt me in this side of the world. On the contrary, it's you who has suffered so much unreasonable abuse, you've b
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