All Chapters of The Reborn Girl's Honor and Glory: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
499 Chapters
Chapter 121 It Is Not Easy to Be a Noble Lady!
After scolding Jinxun, Song Yixiao reluctantly calmed herself down and made her leave for introspection with a wave!“Madam, yesterday the Su sisters submitted a visiting card, saying that they would pay you a visit today.” Qiaoqin didn’t dare to come in to remind Song Yixiao until now, “By estimate, they will arrive soon. Would you like to go back to the inner chamber first?”“Yes, I’m going back!” Song Yixiao heaved a sigh and said, “When they arrive, you receive them on behalf of me in advance. You should know what to say or what not to say.”Qiaoqin hastened to take the order.After a bowl of tea’s time, the Su sisters arrived as expected.“You were well when we met two days ago. How come you are ill now?” Upon entering the door, Su Shaomo said bluntly, “I thought that you only looked dainty and weak. Yet, you turn out to be really weak indeed!”Su Shaoling couldn’t stop her in time...Act
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Chapter 122 I just can't win it perfectly!
After a while, Song Yixiao finally got the reply she wanted to hear and turned happy.She flipped her hair and summoned the maids, intending to ask them to distribute several visiting cards to Jian Xubai. Unexpectedly, right after she said so, a pearl hairpin suddenly dropped on the ground, thus leaving her falling-off-the-horse bun spread out instantly!Jian Xubai and Song Yixiao thought of why at once. While Jian Xubai was standing behind Song Yixiao before, he plucked her pearl hairpin that fixed her bun for a while, which had loosened the bun!However, the maids were busy working so they failed to notice that. Now when they saw the Mistress with hair disheveled, they seemed to have understood something and all of them blushed.Song Yixiao was speechless.She had no idea what to say!With a gloomy face, she assigned tasks to the maids, then watched Jian Xubai handle the rest of the visiting cards and ha
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Chapter 123 Too Careless!
Upon hearing the news, the couple was both startled. While getting up, Song Yixiao hurriedly asked, “Where is she? Is she rescued?”“Madam, some of the watchmen have gone to rescue her but the result remains unknown.” The maid outside the door was Liyu, who hesitated and then said implicitly, “It is said that Miss Wei didn’t wear much when she jumped into the lake.”That was to say, even if Wei Chan was saved from this accident, her reputation would be probably ruined.Shocked and Angry, Song Yixiao hurriedly got dressed and also noticed that Jian Xubai was tying the belt of his inner garment, saying, “You are going to court tomorrow. Don’t worry about this. You just go to bed first!”“Remember to put on a cloak to keep out the cold before you go out!” Jian Xubai sensed that she didn’t want him to go with her. After thinking for a while, he finally loosened the tied belt and said, “Come back first after you make sure that she is fi
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Chapter 124 The Hidden Truth of the Dukedom Inheritance
As the Chief House Steward was ready to have a long talk, Song Yixiao became even more worried. “Jian Xubai is likely to be concealed in the guise of Chan’s jumping into the lake, but since he went to question Chan while I was sleeping, he may follow me and see what happens too this time? However, judging from the Chief House Steward’s unhurried appearance, obviously, he is sure that Jian Xubai doesn’t or won’t come!”It also indicated that the Chief House Steward was confident of the action tonight!Lost in thought, she didn’t say anything. The Chief House Steward was not embarrassed at all. He waited for a while and said, “In light of your intelligence, you must suspect about this. The Old Master has three sons and a daughter. Putting aside Madam Qingjiang, the First Master is the eldest and yet a concubine’s child. It is fair enough that the Old Master didn’t pass down his dukedom to him. However, the Second Master and Third Master are both legitimate so
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Chapter 125 Get Rescued
“You only need to write down a note!” The Chief House Steward saw that she didn’t insist anymore, saying smilingly, “Madam, is it okay for you?”Song Yixiao was a bit surprised at the easy condition.She was nervous before but now she didn’t dare to believe what she had heard for the moment. After thinking for a while, she said, “Can I leave after I write down a note?”“Because I don’t want to fail the Old Master, I venture to talk with you after Miss Wei jumped into the lake.” The Chief House Steward seemed to forget that Song Yixiao was still besieged by the people he brought here, saying respectfully, “Now that you are a lady of sense and it is late at night, how dare I keep you here longer?”Song Yixiao stayed silent for a while and said, “It is dark outside and the road is too slippery. What if I want to ask Xubai to pick me up at Jiangxing Villa?”“Then how about sending for His Highness on behalf of you later?”
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Chapter 126 The Truth
Seeing that Jinxun was watching her with confusion, Song Yixiao didn’t mean to explain to her, saying, “Bring me the medicine for wounds offered by the doctor!”She had got changed before seeing the doctor. Her wound also stopped bleeding. Now she needed to change fresh dressing for the wound.Jinxun hurried to go outside and asked a maid to fetch a basin of hot water. When she returned inside to wait for the water, she scrutinized Song Yixiao’s pale countenance, saying, “Madam, you are so blessed! The wound is only as big as rice. Supposedly, it will not leave a scar. The Chief House Steward is too crazy!”“Madam, before the wound is healed, the dishes that are colored should be avoided. You shall have a bland diet, or you may have a scar.”Song Yixiao was depressed at the moment. No matter what Jinxun talked, she just kept silent.Jinxun didn’t notice at first, but after a while, she sensed Song Yixiao’s silence and
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Chapter 127 Officially Conferred with an Honorary Title by Imperial Mandate
After the servants set up a table in the main hall, where incense sticks were burning, Song Yixiao wore solemn make-up and magnificent clothing, kneeling before the hall decently.After the protocol officer finished reading the article about conferring Song Yixiao with an honorary title, which contained pairs of four parallel constructions and six-character sentences, Song Yixiao kowtowed and expressed her profound gratitude to the Emperor’s honor. Raising her hands above her head, she took over the imperial decree made up of the jade axis and brocade embroidered with flying phoenix-like birds and stood up with the help of the maids by her side. Before she offered her greetings, the protocol officer joined his hands together in salute as he said indifferently, “Your Highness, I have to leave first since I have other official business to take care of!”“Please take care of yourself!” Based on the protocol officer’s behavior, Song Yixiao knew it was clear tha
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Chapter 128 A Blessing in Disguise?
Both Jian Xubai and Song Yixiao knew the aunt sent by Empress Dowager, who turned out to be Yuguo, who had accompanied Song Yixiao to the Eastern Palace previously.“Your Highness, Her Majesty was told that something had happened in your mansion last night and Your Highness had been injured. Feeling concerned, Her Majesty sent me here to inquire about the details.” After Yuguo paid her respects, the Jian couple invited her to sit down. Taking a cup of tea served by Jinxun over at her hands, instead of directly taking a sip, Yuguo added with concern, “Your Highness, I wonder how you were injured? Was the injury a serious one?”Song Yixiao pointed at her neck and replied with a smile, “Thanks for Her Majesty’s kindness. I was just somewhat physically injured. It was of no consequence.”She added, “It was because of my carelessness that I was trapped. I feel ashamed about making Empress Dowager worry about me!”Yuguo replied, “Your Hi
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Chapter 129 “Recovering from the Injuries”
Xie Yiren chuckled and said, “If she had targeted me, at worst, I would have apologized to others in the Sikong Family and stayed somewhere else where she couldn’t see me, which would have solved the issue! After all, I went there to offer my congratulations because of my friendship with Yiluo rather than for her sake. Did you know who she had targeted after she had been done with her makeup that day?”Song Yixiao asked, “Who?”“Her legitimate grandmother, Her Highness Great Grand Princess Zhenyang!” Xie Yiren sighed and continued, “Never have I ever seen such a disobedient and unfilial girl in my life!”Song Yixiao was astounded, “How come?”No wonder that Xie Yiren, a legitimate lady brought up obediently according to the rules in Duke of Lai’s mansion, would be driven crazy. In her opinion, Sikong Yihan, who had accused her legitimate grandmother, Great Grand Princess, in public, was overwhelmingly rebellious and cruel!
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Chapter 130 Princess Changxing Got Married
The weather on the fifth day in November was cloudless and sunny, making everybody assume that the weather the next day surely would be quite good too.However, nobody expected that it would snow that night.In the morning on the sixth day, by the time Empress Su got up, the window in the hall had opened a fraction. The chilly wind coming directly at them was mixed with the snowflakes and icicles surprisingly. As the wind blew past the face, people felt it painful as if their faces had been pierced by a knife.“As the saying goes, a fall of seasonable snow gives the promise of a fruitful year. Rarely has it snowed since the beginning of the winter this year. I hear that all the officials in the court are concerned that the spring plowing will be affected!” As the eldest palace maid, Fangyu, saw the look on Empress Su’s face became dull, she added in a hurry, “However, when the happy day comes when Her Highness Princess Changxing gets married, i
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