All Chapters of The Reborn Girl's Honor and Glory: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
495 Chapters
Chapter 81 Cui Jianlian Is Pregnant
Wei Mengying was not due yet when a piece of good news came from the Eastern Palace. That was, Side Concubine Cui was pregnant!Side Concubine Cui was Cui Jianlian. She was not the legitimate wife. After being designated to marry the Crown Prince, she moved into the Eastern Palace soon. It had been less than half a year since she served the Crown Prince. She was arguably so blessed to get pregnant in such a short period of time.The Crown Prince had two sons and one daughter at the moment. However, only his eldest son was born by the Crown Princess while the other two were both born by women of humble birth. Cui Jianlian was his legitimate cousin and now was honored as his side concubine. As she got pregnant now, the Crown Princess must do something for her. Hence, the titled ladies of the outer court who were close to the Crown Princess were assigned to hold a feast in the Eastern Palace to celebrate for Cui Jianlian’s pregnancy.Song Yixiao w
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Chapter 82 Ask for Help
Thanks to Wei Yinlian, Song Yixiao was not in a hurry to turn to the Crown Princess.After the feast started, the three of them sat together.Having drunk some liquor, they left the feast on the ground of getting changed and went into a wing-room. With maids guarding outside, they had a talk in the room.“It’s all Baoying’s fault!” After sitting down, Wei Yinlian came to the point, “Her Majesty the Empress Dowager is unhappy to learn that Baoying used to force you to be a scapegoat for Muting, saying that even a maid of the Jiang Family was so domineering, let alone the young lady.”Then she added, “Daiguo Grand Princess told His Majesty that Prince of Wei was not born by Her Highness the Virtuous Consort and that Muting was the legitimate niece of Her Highness. If Muting were married to His Highness Prince of Wei and got haughty, His Highness Prince of Wei would have to tolerate her given that he was raised by Her Highness the Vir
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Chapter 83 A Jade Tree Of The Su Family And Fragrant Orchid Of Qingzhou
“I’m sorry!” Obviously, the accident gave him a surprise too. Upon seeing the woman falling backwards, he grabbed her arms by instinct. The minute he felt her soft arm and smelt her sweet scent, he realized that his action was rude so he hastened to release his hands.Then he went backwards for two steps and meanwhile lowered his eyes to avoid eye contact with Song Yixiao as a gesture of respect, apologizing to her, “I have a little knowledge of medical skills. It is said that someone is lying ill in the guest room and the doctor hasn’t arrived. Therefore, I want to go there and see whether I can do a favor. Sorry for offending you. Please forgive me!”While saying, he made a bow with hands folded in front to apologize. His wide sleeves decorated with white ground and embroidered black bamboos were eye-catching, which looked like cranes stretching out. Indisputably, His elegance was beyond words.Song Yixiao didn’t intend to look much at a stra
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Chapter 84 The Tacit Understanding!
Needless of the servant’s report, in light of her memories of the previous life, Song Yixiao also knew that Wei Mengying’s delivery would go well so she was not nervous at all even though she decided to pay a visit right away.She spent a while getting changed back in the bedroom. After learning that Jian Xubai decided to put off his work and accompany her to Prince of Hengshan’s mansion, she asked Jinxun to put the readily prepared cape on her. This time, when Jian Xubai held her into the carriage, he was going to ride a horse himself. Yet, Song Yixiao said to him in a soft voice, “It’s a bit late. I’m afraid that it will be too cold when we come back. Xubai, you may as well go with me by carriage?”“How can I say no to your kind reminder?” Jian Xubai saw her obscure eyes and put on a faint smile. Then he waved his hand at the servant to take the horse back and he himself entered the carriage.“Anything you want to tell me?” There was no maid
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Chapter 85 Don’t Think Too Much!
Song Yixiao was not trying to tear her birth mother down before Jian Xubai. Yet, since she was on the same boat with him, or worse still, he would not share wealth and glory with her, she had to endure hardships with him if he was in trouble!The consequence was so serious that she couldn’t beat around the bush at all! Of course she must cut to the chase and figure it out directly to see whether there was any remedy!However, Jian Xubai just pondered for a while and shook his head, “Nothing special happens at court.”“I went to the inner house just now and Mother’s trusted maid told me that she was not awake.” Song Yixiao frowned and thought for a while. Then she told him about the ins and outs of the matter, “I was not suspicious at first. Yet, afterwards, while I was having tea and chatting with the maid in the wing hall, I heard my brother talking outside. The maid went outside to take a look and came back to tell me that my brother had gone
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Chapter 86 Get up and Serve Me!
Jian Xubai had to attend a court meeting the next day so he got up early. Song Yixiao thought that the loving show could be waived this morning, so when hearing the noises, she only turned around leisurely and intended to catch up on sleep. However, upon catching sight of her indifference, Jian Xubai didn’t feel happy now and very soon put on a gloomy face!Having tied up his belts, Jian Xubai took a glimpse at the bed and saw his wife still sleeping at bed, making him feel so unhappy. Without hesitation, he rolled up his sleeves and shook her shoulders, “Wake up! Wake up! Your husband is going to attend the court meeting. How can you still be sleeping? Get up and serve me!”Song Yixiao was speechless.She pushed aside Jian Xubai’s hands and climbed to the bedside to look around. When she found that no servants were in the room, she couldn’t help complaining, “If you are really a good husband who loves his wife, you should get off bed carefully
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Chapter 87 Mother-in-law’s Preferences
But it didn’t matter that she couldn’t figure it out. Several days later, people sent by Jinguo Grand Princess to see Jian Pingyu would come back to the imperial capital. Then most servants would be sent back to serve their former master. At that time, they couldn’t be calm any more!Song Yixiao was confident after thinking about it. She began to think how to tell it to her mother-in-law.But she didn’t take much time to ponder. The servants who were sent to Grand Princess’s mansion came back to tell her that the Grand Princess agreed to see her at any time.Two house stewards tried to persuade Song Yixiao but failed. They had to listen to Song Yixiao to let servants in the kitchen leave. Song Yixiao didn’t need to care about the affairs in Duke of Yan’s mansion temporarily. So after hearing that, she immediately dressed up and went on the carriage.When she arrived at Grand Princess’s mansion, Jinguo Grand Princess didn’t see her
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Chapter 88 The Death of Future Princess Consort of Liang
A long time later, the Empress Dowager asked with a little hope, “Which Miss Sikong did you mention?”“Your Majesty, it is future Princess Consort of Liang!”“Future Princess Consort of Liang?” The Empress Dowager looked at Song Yixiao in shock, “I heard that she was fine when she was sent back to the Sikong’s mansion, right?”“At that time, Yiluo breathed steadily although she didn’t wake up. The doctor said that she could be treated after being sent back to the Sikong’s mansion.” Song Yixiao was struck dumb after hearing the maid’s words and finally realized the current situation by her mother-in-law’s cough. She tried hard to restrain her emotion and still sobbed a little, “How come... How come?”Sikong Yiluo was only 14 years old!She was even one month younger than Song Yixiao. The young girl was always healthy. How could she die suddenly?Song Yixiao’s heart wasn’t calm at all. She bit her lip tightl
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Chapter 89 Give Title of Nobility to You And Give Subordinates to Jian Yiyou?
After she knelt down, other people of the Sikong Family who kept silent also knelt down. They all said, “Please administer justice for Yiluo!”How could people of the Wei Family do nothing at this time?They also knelt down to ask for punishment. At this time, Side Concubine Cui chuckled and said slowly, “Your Highness, can I talk about my thoughts about it?”The Crown Prince was annoyed at present and always spoiled her. So after hearing her words, he said casually, “What do you want to say?”“In fact, it’s caused by me!” Although Side Concubine Cui said that, she didn’t look guilty on her face but her tone was a little proud, “If I hadn’t been pregnant recently, Her Highness the Crown Princess wouldn’t have held a feast for me to congratulate and Miss Wei wouldn’t have persuaded Miss Sikong to drink. So Miss Sikong would be fine now and the Sikong Family wouldn’t need to lose their daughter.”Song Yixiao used her han
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Chapter 90 Teach You to Be A Really Good Wife!
Song Yixiao went downstairs and still looked pale. Seeing that Jian Limiao didn’t go into the room and just waited for her in the yard, she hurried to curtsy to him.“Did they scare you?” Jian Limiao let her up and said kindly, “These two servants are rude. Please don’t mind them.”“I don’t mind.” Song Yixiao puckered her lips. Jian Limiao didn’t let them leave. She had a look at them secretly and was shocked that they didn’t look ferocious. One of them had delicate features and looked so weak. He smiled with an apology and seemed to be a well-behaved person.But she still remembered the scare just now. Otherwise she would think it was her own illusion about the cold eyes.“Where is Xubai?” Jian Limiao took her into the room and didn’t see Jian Xubai. So he asked the servants around.“His Highness said he was tired and then went to rest in the wing-room.” The house steward said quickly, “I’ll tell him to come here!”
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