All Chapters of The Conqueror of the Universe: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
470 Chapters
Chapter 121 Killed Li Jiucheng
"Damn it, I'm too anxious!"At this time, Li Ping'an also realized that the gap between him and Li Jiucheng was not big, and he actually could use the Trick Guide to make up for it. With the help of Wind Step, he even had a slight advantage in speed.However, his strength, or it could be said his aura, was still a bit inferior to Li Jiucheng.Li Ping'an could feel the difference but it was hard to tell, and it didn't seem like a big deal at the moment. However, Li Ping'an's keen perception told him that if the battle went on like this, his weaknesses would be exposed.Speaking of the throwing knife he had shot but was dodged by Li Jiucheng, he could actually wait for a better opportunity to directly deal a fatal blow to Li Jiucheng.But now that he had missed the opportunity, he could only force himself to fully concentrate to avoid showing any of his weaknesses.Clink!Clang!
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Chapter 122 Li Jinya, Yanhuang Group
Silence prevailed.At this moment, heaven and earth seemed to have stagnated, and even the air stopped flowing."Hmm..."A moment later, Li Jiucheng turned his head with great difficulty, trying to see Li Ping'an's face.However, the four-edged blade was a famous killing weapon, and Li Ping'an had completely pierced through Li Jiucheng's lungs and heart with it. Li Jiucheng slightly turned his head, and blood mixed with broken internal organs gushed out from his mouth and nose. Even though he was a grandmaster beyond the Awakening Stage, he still could not stop himself from dying. He was extremely unwilling to accept the fact, and he widened his eyes, but his head fell uncontrollably.He was already dead!Li Ping'an looked at him expressionlessly with his deep eyes.It was the law of the world, the law of the jungle!If he, Li Ping'an, had not stepped into the Awakening Sta
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Chapter 123 Five Tigers Saber Technique
Li Ping'an's previous goal had always been the Hyphalosaurus Group of Yanjing University. He had never thought that he would be able to join Yanhuang Group, Walt Country's top special warfare agency before he obtained his diploma.But Li Ping'an soon came to his senses.Although he was only at the early of the Awakening Stage, his true combat strength was almost the same as that of someone who had surpassed the Awakening Stage.He really had the ability to join an organization like Yanhuang Group.However, it was obviously not a suitable place to consider things.Li Ping'an and Lin Jianjia exchanged a glance. Then, Li Ping'an shot out like a stream of light, directly hitting Li Jinya and the others in the back of their heads.Although Li Jinya and the other three men weighed six to seven hundred pounds in total, they were no different from chickens to Li Ping'an.At this time, on the ba
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Chapter 124 More Adept at Controlling Objects Through Mind
Boom!Swoosh!The sun had just risen, and it was not yet dawn. In a secluded mountain forest at the north foot of Taihang Mountain, a vigorous young man was already sweating profusely. He was tirelessly practicing the Five Tigers Saber Technique, aiming at the surrounding rocks and trees.In the car not far away, Li Jinya and the others wanted to sleep, but the noise was so loud. How could they sleep?"Brother Jinya, I finally understand why the Bull Demon King is so awesome at such a young age. Who else can bear the pain like him? Who else can practice like him?"An assistant said helplessly. He didn't even think of running away.How could they run away?Even if they drove away, the tireless Bull Demon King could still catch up with them easily.Li Jinya and the others looked at each other, speechless.Another assistant said, "Brother Jinya, it has been five d
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Chapter 125 Superb Terms of Employment
In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.In these three days, Li Ping'an had been practicing the Five Tigers Saber Technique and the ability to control objects through the mind.After nearly ten days of study and practice, Li Ping'an had basically grasped the Five Tigers Saber Technique, especially the way of exerting strength, which benefited him greatly.Li Ping'an still couldn't display the most powerful move of the Five Tigers Saber Technique, the Five Tigers Soul Breaking Slash. However, with these fundamental skills, Li Ping'an believed that if he met Li Jiucheng again, he could completely suppress Li Jiucheng!Li Ping'an's ability to control objects through the mind had also improved after the past few days of study and meditation.He estimated that the strength he used to control the dagger had reached around 350 kg, and the attack range was around 45 meters.Although the numbers seeme
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Chapter 126 Gravity Space
However, Li Ping'an soon calmed down.He realized that the Yanhuang Group was doing this to reserve talents for the elite combat team.After all, everyone now knew how powerful the beasts were. It was reasonable for the government to make preparations in advance.And this time, the government had come up with an extremely attractive piloting program.But even so, Li Ping'an still felt that it was a pie from heaven.He glanced at the people around him from the corners of his eyes.Even Yang Qitian, who was at the peak of the Awakening Stage and ranked fourth on the New Generation Ranking, and Miss Wang, who was one of the top ten of the New Generation Ranking, were both a little excited.Even with their status, they were still tempted by this pie.Judging by their ages, even if their parents worked in the government, they were probably only one or half a level higher than th
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Chapter 127 The First One to Pass the Test
Li Ping'an trudged forward in the dark space. As he went further, it got more and more difficult for him to move.He could clearly hear that there was only his heavy gasp left in the whole space.His battle suit was already drenched in sweat, and his every step left a deep trace of sweat under his feet.Still, he couldn't see the end. It was as if he had been abandoned under this boundless and dim starry sky, and he could not find his goal at all.But at the same time, Li Ping'an could feel that his body and spirit were being purified.It was a feeling of mixed pain and happiness.If he gave up now, it would be difficult for him to find such an opportunity again."Hold on! Hold on!""Li Ping'an, how could you be defeated by such an environment? How could you be defeated by yourself? The exit should be right in front of you. Hold on, you must hold on!"Li Ping'a
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Chapter 128 The Thrilling Second Test
However, Li Ping'an quickly calmed down.After all, it was the Yanhuang Group, an important official elite special operations organization. Even if someone extremely powerful wanted to do something to him, they could not act against the rules.His identity as the Bull Demon King actually only had one biggest secret: the Trick Guide!However, the Trick Guide was very illusory, and no one could grasp it easily.Moreover, although Li Ping'an was a little confused before, he could feel that Fei Wei and that major general did not have any ill intentions towards him. Instead, they showed a kind of undisguised joy.Considering the current situation, the military must be short of talents, so it was not a bad thing for him to stand out conspicuously."I should not think too much about it for now. As long as I am strong enough, all problems will be solved. This gravity space is indeed magical. I can feel that
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Chapter 129 Yuan Bing'er
This short-haired beauty was quite powerful!She was already at the late of the Awakening Stage and was going to reach the peak of the Awakening Stage. She was not much weaker than Wang Xi, the First Miss from the Wang Family.She should be one of those top talents on the New Generation Ranking.Li Ping'an had noticed that she was very close to Wang Xi. They should be close friends. He believed that she must come from a rich family."Roar!"Boom!Clang!This short-haired beauty held a long and thin black saber in her hand, and in a flash, she fiercely fought with the strong cheetah.Obviously, she had very exquisite martial skills.Although she and the cheetah were about equal in strength, she quickly gained a certain advantage.Li Ping'an frowned and sighed in his heart.If he hadn't forced himself all the way... If it weren't for his
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Chapter 130 Conflict
Silence.The world was in deathly silence.The two stared at each other, completely petrified.Although Li Ping'an knew that Yuan Bing'er must have a good figure, he didn't expect that her body was more attractive and more seductive than he had imagined.Yuan Bing'er was about 165 cm tall, relatively small, but her legs were long and straight, making her look well-proportioned, not less and not more.Li Ping'an had seen quite a lot of porn films, and Jiang Zhiyan also sent him some sexy photos before. In addition, he had also seen a lot of erotic videos and photos collected by Young Master Can and his mother, as well as Li Weidong.But how could they be as real as what was in front of him?Besides, how could they be as exquisite as what was in front of him?Even Li Ping'an's exceptionally strong heart was pounding.Yuan Bing'er blushed.She didn't
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