All Chapters of God of Medicine: the National Guardian: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
443 Chapters
Chapter 151 Capital Crime Could Be Forgiven but Punishment Was Inevitable
Lin Hao finally understood where the photos of Sansheng Herb came from at that time when Stella Taylor had led Lin Hao to the suburb of Modu. Everything that happened could be explained if Sansheng Herb had been in the Cao Family.Therefore, Lin Hao also nodded. There was no doubt that he really needed Sansheng Herb. His internal injury could recover quickly with the help of Sansheng Herb. Of course, Lin Hao really needed it.Cao Shikai was completely different from Lin Hao. He was so nervous that the sweat on his forehead flowed down drop by drop like a death prisoner waiting for the final sentence.Therefore, Lin Hao looked at Cao Shikai and immediately said coldly, "You're doing well, Cao Shikai. You can say what you need now.""I, I..."After hearing Lin Hao's words, Cao Shikai's face was full of great joy. Before he could speak, Lin Hao's words once again made Cao Shikai feel nervous."But what
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Chapter 152 As a Man Sowed, so Shall He Reap
"Is it real? Are you really willing to let go of our Chen Family, Lin Hao?"After listening, Chen Xueli also showed a surprise and hurried to say.There was a surprise on her originally pale face.She never expected that Lin Hao would actually let the Chen Family go, and she knew what she had done to hurt Lin Hao. Therefore, she didn't expect Lin Hao to let her go.However, she was really surprised that Lin Hao was willing to forgive her now."You can go. I don't want to see you again. As for the marriage relationship between you and me, it will be completely dissolved from today on."Lin Hao continued to say coldly.Although their marriage was nominal, Lin Hao finally chose to forgive, and this was also for Xiyan's sake. Lin Hao would never have let the Chen Family live until tomorrow if it had not been for Xiyan."Yes, I understand! Thank you for your forgiveness, Lin Hao
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Chapter 153 The Elixir
"Oh? What do you mean?"Having heard the words of Chu Xiongfei, Zhuge Lengyan and other leaders of some great families present looked at Chu Xiongfei at the same time and waited for his further explanation.Qin Tang just said straightly, “Chu Xiongfei, you should know that I will not let you go if you cannot give us a satisfactory explanation!”“Ha-ha…”Having heard the words, Chu Xiongfei now sneered, “You guys just have a think that why the people of Cao Family and Chen Family could survive but their family business was destroyed totally. Why? Have you ever thought about it?”The words of Chu Xiongfei immediately attracted the attention of the people present. They all knew this information. After all, the Seven Great Clans had some informants lurking in Modu, but the internal reasons about it were hardly known by others.“Chu Xiongfei, could you just tell us the exact information? Just say it out.
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Chapter 154 The Threshold of the Hwang Level
Boom!After a whole month’s elixir-making and treatment, at this moment, the medical efficacy inside the body of Lin Hao finally reached its peak, and then his internal injury was cured completely!Besides, the aroma of the medicine on the skin of Lin Hao now had vanished radically.“Huh?”However, at this moment, Lin Hao made a light surprising voice.It was because Lin Hao now surprisingly found that there was a slight special change inside his body.He found that due to his taking of Nine Turn Seven Stars Elixir, apart from his internal injury being cured, all of the acupuncture points in his body had been full of infinite strength.And he also found that each time he gathered his strength, each opened acupuncture point in his body was constantly mobilizing strength for him.Such a discovery made Lin Hao surprised and delighted because it indicated that apart from his pr
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Chapter 155 The Attitude of Dengta
"What? You can say it directly."Seeing what Bai Zhi was like, Lin Hao felt confused about what Bai Zhi wanted to tell him."Master, Lin Family suffered heavy attacks from Seven Great Clans during your retreat for recovery!"Bai Zhi informed him of what had happened during the past two months systematically, "Recently, the financial attack from Seven Great Clans seems to be fiercer. The Lin Family couldn't resist it again. We don't dare to take action casually but wait for your order.""Really?" Hearing this, Lin Hao became cautious.He never thought Seven Great Clans dared to continue their attack after he made public his identity.Over the past two months, the Lin Family suffered continuous fierce attacks from Seven Great Clans in Didu. Although Bai Zhi and other followers knew it, they had to stand by because Lin Hao asked them to keep calm no matter what happened.Bai Zhi and other
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Chapter 156 What the Deputy Leader Said
"Oh? What do you mean?"After hearing it, the leader looked at him and asked."Master, we don't know whether Lin Hao was heavily injured. If Lin Hao just wants to test us, what can we do? After all, Stella Taylor was killed by Lin Hao. If we irritate Lin Hao because of this, how could we Dengta resist it?"The deputy leader said with anxiety on his face.What he said was the truth. The deputy leader knew clearly that Taylor couldn't have defeated Lin Hao even if he had not died!Therefore, the deputy leader tried his best to persuade the leader not to make Dengta become the enemy of Lin Hao."Gosh!"After hearing this, the leader's face changed again. After keeping silent for a long time, the leader said with a serious expression, "Our Dengta is a big country. Could we just give in to Lin Hao? To tell the truth, it is an insult for our free and democratic Dengta.""Master,
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Chapter 157 An Important Task
Every word was heard by Lin Hao."Oh? That's incredible."Lin Hao listened to Bai Zhi's report and curled his lips to smile.He hadn't expected the Seven Great Clans to be so bold as to challenge him."Master, the Seven Great Clans are insane to challenge your authority. I am willing to exterminate them for you!"He Shouwu said murderously."Hmm..."Lin Hao didn't rush to reply.Lin Hao let the Seven Great Clans run riot just because they were nothing in his eyes. In terms of strength, they were not in the same league. Lin Hao hadn't settled scores with them because they were not worthy to be his opponents.Lin Hao had returned to Modu mainly because he had gotten sick of his previous life and wanted to spend more time with his family. He craved no blood. Otherwise, the Seven Great Clans should have been exterminated!Lin Hao thought for a moment.
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Chapter 158 Like Father Like Daughter
"Hell no, you're putting Xiyan in harm's way!"He Jing scowled at Lin Hao and sulked, "It took a long time for Xiyan's illness to heal, and you let her play a scary facility like a roller coaster. What if an accident happens?"He Jing looked like an angry wife.Looking at each other, Lin Hao and Xiyan chuckled tacitly."What? What's that look on your faces?"He Jing's keen eyes captured everything, and she asked suspiciously.She could sense the two were keeping something from her. Women's intuition told her that."Ha-ha, Xiyan, let me ask you. What would you do if your mother forbids you to ride the roller coaster?" Lin Hao asked with a grin."In that case, I'll do it secretly." Xiyan said like a little baby."Ha-ha, good. I'm taking you to the roller coaster. Come on!""Hey, how could you...? Wait..."Lin Hao then carried Xiyan to ru
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Chapter 159 A Mysterious Woman
In Lin Hao's mind, everything was very abnormal and weird.Lin Hao would not allow any breach of his family's safety. After mulling it over, he bellowed again, "Huang Qi! He Shouwu!""Master!"The two men had been protecting He Jing and her daughter. At his command, they rushed upstairs aggressively."Guard here and do not leave. I'll be right back!" Lin Hao instructed sternly."Yes! Master!"Huang Qi and He Shouwu immediately nodded their heads. They knew that Lin Hao was going to chase after the intruder. If he couldn't get rid of the other party, He Jing and Xiyan would be in danger.Lin Hao then dashed forward into the night!By dint of his high speed, Lin Hao rushed out of the Tomson Riviera in one breath.However, the woman was not any slower. Lin Hao noticed it and furrowed his brows once again.He had no idea who the woman was. She was bold
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Chapter 160 Bai Zhi and Stars
On his way home, Lin Hao was emotional and a little upset. Lan had been missing for so many years. When she finally reappeared, she refused to reveal her identity. Because of that, there was a bit of heaviness in his excitement.Lin Hao's pace was heavy and slow. It took him a long time to get back home.At Tomson Riviera, the atmosphere was tense.Bai Zhi, Huang Qi, and the others were intently guarding against any danger from all quarters. They had been ordered by Lin Hao to protect He Jing and Xiyan. Even at the cost of their lives, they would complete their mission.As soon as Lin Hao reappeared in the house, Huang Qi and the others heaved deep sighs of relief. The atmosphere also eased up in an instant."Master!""Master!""Master!"They called out one after another and looked at Lin Hao urgently.Apparently, He Jing had been scared out of her wits. Sittin
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