All Chapters of God of Medicine: the National Guardian: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
446 Chapters
Chapter 281 New Rules
After seeing the flowing heart paper, the crowd at this time was also a burst of words have said.On everyone's face, there was a flash of deep shock.To be honest, it was still the first time for all of them to see the flowing paper, and they were also deeply shocked by the splendor and magic of the surface appearance of the flowing paper.However, Lin Hao was the only one who sensed that there was a "qi" slowly flowing on the surface of the flowing heart paper!And this kind of qi, which is inherent, as if it is fused with heaven and earth seems to be one, is very magical.This undoubtedly also made Lin Hao's heart and mind flutter, and he felt even more excited about getting the Flowing Heart Paper; such a supreme treasure, he, Lin Hao, was definitely going to get his hands on it no matter what.However, it was also at this time that Liu Xinwu looked at the crowd in front of him, and at this time also said in a low voice, "As I said earlier, if
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Chapter 282 The Power of One Fist
After saying that, at this time, Liu Xinwu also instantly threw a punch, and with the terrifying power of a small meteorite, he directly threw a punch at the Heavenly Silkworm Elder.And the power of this punch was simply hundreds of times stronger than before, and this, in turn, caused the entirety of the Heavenly Silkworm Elder at this time to change his face violently!Similarly the audience under the stage became astonished, because at this time Liu Xinwu was hundreds of times stronger than before, where was this an ordinary Tian level martial artist? This is also too strong!"Not good!!!"The Heavenly Silkworm Elder immediately let out a cry of alarm and still wanted to escape, because he could also see that if he didn't escape before, the next step would most likely be a dead end.Yes, after a deep breath, this time the old man of the sky silkworm is also immediately pulled his leg to run, this fist he can not resist, only to escape this road, is
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Chapter 283 Who is he?
The people all said at this point in time.After all, Lin Hao was a Legendary War God, and why would a person as terrifying as a Legendary War God come to the New Sect Martial Hall? They all felt it was impossible.That was an existence that had suppressed the War God of the Eight Kingdoms with his own strength, and was the brightest star in this sky, so of course there could be no further possibilities.It was and the crowd were all shaking their heads at this time, all of them feeling that the young man in front of them couldn't possibly be Lin Hao at all.However, there was also someone, at this time, who spoke in a whisper, "Gentlemen, I do recall something, rumor has it that the legendary God of War Lin Hao's hometown is in Mordor, and just now, this young man said that his own hometown, is also in Mordor?"As that person spoke, a wave of shock was also evident on his face while muttering.And these words, no doubt, are stirring up a thousand
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Chapter 284 Old Family Master Liu has arrived
At this moment, after Lin Hao's words rang out, at this time, Lin Hao also instantly threw a punch, directly blasting towards Liu Xinwu in front of him.And this punch, which was truly terrifying, undoubtedly made Liu Xinwu's face, are thus a big change for a while!Because, he was already sensing the supreme destructive power contained within that punch.Therefore, this punch, Liu Xinwu was practically unavoidable, therefore, he could only choose to dodge away!After all, Liu Xinwu is Jiangnan famous for many years of experts, body movement as well as strength, are very strong, in the forced evasion to come after, this time Lin Hao, a punch is also pounced on an empty!"That was close!!!"Liu Xinwu secretly screamed that it was so dangerous, only at this time some of the martial artists under the stage were also impressed by Liu Xinwu's dodging.Because they have all been from, felt Liu Xinwu that strong strength!Liu Xinwu's strength
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Chapter 285 Elder Liu arrives
Because Old Family Master Liu was definitely an incomparably terrifying figure in the entire Jiangnan and Jiangbei regions.That strength, has long been like an abyss like the sea, simply not common people can be compared, even even if even the Jiangnan Jiangbei two places of super families, see Liu old family head, all have to be respectful.And it was also because of Old Family Master Liu, so this led to the toughness, and special status of the New Sect Martial School, otherwise, how could Wang Shaofeng and Cheng Shao Ming be so crazy.Therefore, in the New Gate Martial Arts School, the central figure was never Liu Xinwu, but rather this legendary Old Family Master Liu.And according to the legend, the old family master Liu is now 1 year old, therefore, the strength of the body is also common people can not be measured, can be said to be extremely terrifying.Yes, this time Liu Xinwu in heard, is Liu old master arrived, expression on the first was a s
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Chapter 286 Superstar Singer
He was actually almost able to understand the reason why Yang Xiaoxiao was catching up with him, therefore, he also chose to face it with a smile."I... I... I was actually going to ask if I could leave your number!"Yang Xiaoxiao's face at this moment is all flushed red, hastily said, "Don't worry, I won't always bother you, I, I ......"Yang Xiaoxiao honestly do not know what to say, after all, Lin Hao is just like the stars on the sky, is so unattainable, but their own? Even if the station in the high, but also simply can not be that star to pick to their own hands.So Yang Xiaoxiao was also feeling very depressed.But again, Yang Xiaoxiao had absolutely no control over his heart, so that was why Yang Xiaoxiao caught up with him."Well, that, on the contrary, is no problem!"Listening in, Lin Hao also slowly nodded and smiled slightly, his appearance and demeanor also looking extremely calm.Immediately, at the time when Lin Hao gav
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Chapter 287 Roaring Tiger Technique
Not much longer.As Lin Hao's figure reappeared, this time Lin Hao, at this moment, had also arrived at the entrance of a bar.And right now, the inside of this bar is also looking extremely lively, and at this moment, the entire bar is also overcrowded.However, facing the bustling environment in front of him, Lin Hao at this time did not have any second thoughts and immediately walked into the bar.Before he came here, Lin Hao had already inquired about the famous singer Kim Soojung who would be coming to this bar tonight, so Lin Hao also came here early, and he just wanted to take a look at the famous singer Kim Soojung!After all, Lin Hao could tell from this that Jin Xiu'er had mastered some of the basic techniques of the Mighty Tiger Roaring Technique, which coincided with that subordinate of Lin Hao's in the first place.Only, when Lin Hao had just walked inside the bar and had just sat down, at that moment, a figure, too, walked heavily ov
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Chapter 288 Who is this god?
"No harm done!"Seeing it in his eyes, Lin Hao at this time also couldn't help but wave his hand, then said indifferently.His intention today was just to come and see what kind of god Jin Xiuer was, and whether or not there was any connection with that subordinate of his, so naturally, he didn't intend to start any conflict with Pang Shao.And at this time, Kim Soo Yee, upon hearing this, nodded her head lightly and smiled and said, "Well, thank you, thank you!"Immediately, after thanking Lin Hao, at this time, Jin Xiu'er also rushed at Pang Bo once more and said, "Alright, Young Pang, let's take our seats here.""Haha, okay, Ms. Jin, tonight, we are going to get drunk." Seeing in the eyes, this time Pang Bo is also suddenly a burst of smiling and nodding and said.That smile, simply like a sex maniac, completely write the word "shameless" directly on his face.And this time Jin Xiuer look in the eyes, also can not help is slightly condens
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Chapter 289 Who is this?
I don't know, what kind of person is this person? How could he know everything about himself?Therefore, with a deep sense of shock in her bosom, Jin Xiuer was not saying anything anymore.As time passed by, Lin Hao always sat there drinking, and didn't say anything anymore, just that the expression on his face, too, seemed to be even deeper at this moment.A glass of wine went down his throat, and at this time, Lin Hao also felt as if he had returned to the border battlefield.That, was a time of greatness, when countless subordinates came forward, among them was his own subordinate surnamed Jing.Moreover, Lin Hao had also heard that that subordinate, had left behind an heir, only it wasn't clear whether it was a male or a female!However, it was also when Lin Hao was caught up in a piece of reminiscing about the past that Pang Bo, at this time, was also looking at Lin Hao with a ghostly gaze, coldly glancing at him.The coldness in his ey
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Chapter 290 Rewarding the Meritocracy
All in all, by this time, Jin Xiuer was completely shaken, not knowing at all what kind of god Lin Hao was.But for some reason, Jin Xiuer was able to sense that Lin Hao didn't actually mean any harm to her, so shocked as she was, Jin Xiuer didn't feel any fear.However, at this time, Pang Bo on the side was no longer able to hold back, and immediately let out a loud roar that resounded throughout the bar, "You group of waste, what are you still waiting for, here is someone who committed a murder in public, with the intention of harming Ms. Jin, you people do not hurry up to take down this brat for me!"Pang Bo, at this time, also drank in a low voice.It was obvious that he was truly very angry, and was already completely unable to resist the urge to dismantle Lin Hao."Ah, this, wait ......"Jin Xiuer froze after hearing this, and wanted to hastily stop Pang Bo, not realizing that it was at this time that Lin Hao's words, however, came once agai
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