All Chapters of God of Medicine: the National Guardian: Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
439 Chapters
Chapter 332
"What? Boyfriend, really?"After Shi Jin heard this, fire was about to come out from inside his eyes, but at the same time, he still looked towards Lin Hao, holding fire in his heart, wanting to know the answer.And after Yang Xiaoxiao said this sentence, the whole person is immediately look a little nervous up.After all, Yang Xiao's own heart is clear, although she said she likes Lin Hao, but Lin Hao is not his boyfriend, if if the next Lin Hao to deny it, then they will be in big trouble, after all, the funds are still stuck in the hands of the stone gold, if the stone gold reversed the words, then they will not be good next.Yes, and at this time, Yang Xiaoxiao also didn't say half a word, looking at Lin Hao with a nervous look, also waiting for Lin Hao's next answer.On the contrary, it was Lin Hao at this time, after hearing Yang Xiaoxiao's words, Lin Hao at this time also did not have half of the other reactions, instead, with a smiling look, he
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Chapter 333 Arrogance
To know, boxing this thing, is not a general event, as the saying goes, connoisseurs see the fun, insiders see the doorway, he just wants to Lin Hao body this last piece of cloth to tear down, so that Lin Hao in front of the Yang Xiao ruthless out of a scandal!Only, which knew that it was at this time, that at this moment, Lin Hao glanced at Shi Jin, and then said faintly, "If I were to say so, none of these two people on stage would be able to make it to the stage!""What did you say? Surname Lin, you're a little too arrogant!"Hear here later, this time the Shi Jin whole person is immediately Lin Hao's words to the angry laugh, he laughed at Lin Hao is simply not self-conscious, to know, A Biao can be said to be in this underground boxing world, the strongest boxer, and even if even if it is changed to the other underground boxing world, are also counted as masters of this kind.Therefore, for Lin Hao's words, at this moment, Shi Jin also didn't care at al
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Chapter 334 The Power of One Finger
Ah Biao's face, at this moment, was already filled with a fierce smile, and then, at this time, Ah Biao's eyes were also instantly stern, and immediately afterward, a heavy fist, directly toward Lin Hao blasted over.You know, this punch of Ah Biao's, it can be said that he used all his strength, and it was a fist directly towards Lin Hao's solar plexus to kill, the purpose was to want to kill Lin Hao with a single blow, and thus to curry favor with Shi Jin, after all, Ah Biao was very clear that as long as he had browbeaten Shi Jin, he would definitely eat and drink without any worries in the future!Only, that is, when Ah Biao was killing towards Lin Hao with a face full of sardonic smiles, how did he know that, that is, at this very moment, Lin Hao suddenly, with a finger, pointed towards Ah Biao's fist!That finger, light and fluffy, looked as if it seemed as if it didn't have any force, yet, it was just so fast and accurate in pointing at Ah Biao's fist!
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Chapter 335 Lin Hao, the Giant
With the gazes of everyone present being cast towards Shi Jin, at this time Shi Jin was also completely dumbfounded, completely at a loss as to what to do, because Lin Hao's words were just too terrifying, making it so that one simply didn't know what to do.Sweat, cold sweat, dampened Shi Jin's entire back, and at this time, Shi Jin also instantly inhaled deeply, because he had clearly seen that Lin Hao's body, at this very moment, was having an invisible might that was constantly radiating out.That invisible might was like a giant, ruthlessly pressing down on him, making Shi Jin even want to die.And what Shi Jin knew very well was that with Lin Hao's strength, it was simply not something that an ordinary person could resist, even if he added the entire Shi family, it was simply impossible to go up against Lin Hao!It was and, at this time, Shi Jin's entire being also instantly sucked in a deep breath of cool air, because he knew that there was no way he w
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Chapter 336 The Blue Flame Special Fighter Team's Shock
"It's true, it's really gone, Captain, what should we do now?"At this time, the walkie-talkie is also inside the diamond words, although said from the walkie-talkie voice to listen to, diamond's voice inside can be said to be full of unwillingness, but this is also no way thing, so, diamond this time even if even if the teeth are clenched tightly."Hiss!!!"After hearing this, Blue Flame didn't open his mouth to speak for a moment, but nodded stoically, and in his heart, he was also thinking at the same time, what he should do next,After all, the diamond is an uncompromising sniper, sniper strength can be said to be very high, there has never been anyone can escape from the diamond's hands, but today it is true that happened, and it happened under the eyes of the diamond, which makes the diamond how can not feel shocked? And how can not let the blue flame and feel shocked?Yes, after thinking of this, at this time, Blue Flame also immediately made a d
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Chapter 337 The Gap in Strength
And this time the blue flame after listening to Lin Hao words, the face is also suddenly become determined up, immediately, this time is also rushed to Lin Hao said: "Lin Hao, I was never expected, you will be so determined to show, in that case, then it seems that there is no good between us to talk about, today, I Blue Flame even if even if it is death, but also to take revenge for Liu Wei! I will take revenge for Liu Wei even if I die today!""Not bad, even if it means sacrificing our lives, we must avenge Liu Wei!"At this time, Long Horn and a few others, all at this moment, also roared out and said.And when he heard these words in his ears, the corners of Lin Hao's mouth at this time also instantly exuded a deep smile. Immediately afterward, at this time, Lin Hao's eyes snapped, and an extremely horrifying word also instantly resounded in the ears of everyone present."Even if you sacrifice your lives, there's absolutely no way you'll be my opponents,
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Chapter 338 The Unbeatable Man
But uniformly, the minds were all still able to remain clear, yes and at this moment, everyone was looking at Lin Hao, and all that was left in their eyes was shock, deep shock."Lin Hao, you, you ......"All the members of the team, at this moment are to Lin Hao feel a deep shock, after all, like this battle and loss, is the entire blue flame special forces have never experienced, even more have not experienced, just a face to face, will be the other side to the whole army to this kind of reasoning.This could only mean that Lin Hao was very strong, very strong, so strong that there was no limit to it, so everyone, at this moment, was secretly shedding a cold sweat.Lin Hao was simply as strong as he was!Therefore, it wasn't until everyone had fallen into silence that Blue Flame struggled to get up from the ground, and then, with a very incredulous gaze, he looked at Lin Hao and said in a low voice, "Lin Hao, I have to admit that you're very strong, v
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Chapter 339 The Great Beast
As for Blue Flame at this time, a look of bitter laughter could not help but flash across his face.It was really unknown how in the world Liu Wei had gotten into trouble with such a horrible person as Lin Hao, and, at this moment, Blue Flame's heart was filled with heartfelt fear of Lin Hao.Because, Lin Hao was strong, the kind of strong from the inside out, someone that Blue Flame and the others couldn't even fight against even if they put their best foot forward, someone like that was like being like a god of war, simply unbeatable!......It wasn't until a long time after Lin Hao had left a long way away that a bitter smile finally flashed across Lin Hao's face at this time as well.To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that Blue Flame and the others were soldiers on the borderline, Lin Hao was afraid that he would have killed them all long ago.Moreover, Lin Hao also knew that in fact, Blue Flame and the others didn't have any malicious in
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Chapter 340 The Black Dragon
After that, the thing in the water, this time is also a bang, from the water flying out, only to see for a moment, the whole world is a burst of earth and mountain shaking, at the same time, in mid-air, the whole surroundings are also accompanied by bursts of lightning, looks just like a magical beast descending general seem!And that thing, all black, looked like an unknown water monster!But, however, when a light from the distant city, shone on that thing, at this time, the people on both sides of the Huangpu River, at this time, also took that thing in the sky, and gave it a clear view!"You guys, look, that thing ...... that thing, it's a scaly dragon, it's a scaly dragon!!!"The entire surrounding people, are in a constant frenzy of shouting, looks to be looking extraordinarily shocked, eyeballs also seem to be too shocked, and want to explode open seemingly.Therefore, the entire two sides of the river, all the people are at this time, into a dee
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Chapter 341 Making Waves
Therefore, after thinking of this, the black augur at this time, also could not help but feel extremely superior for its own intelligence.Subsequently, the black auger dragon at this time also immediately looked down towards the entire earth, and that dragon's mouth couldn't help but emerge a cold smile at this time."Heh heh heh, since I have now incarnated as an augur dragon, then naturally I should enjoy this human world, well, I've decided, why don't I simply go and have a good meal now, then all these ridiculous humans will be my dish, hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"After thinking of this, the black augur at this time was also immediately looking up to the sky and laughed long and hard, and then, the black figure was immediately swinging, and immediately after that, it was also immediately heading towards the direction of the center of the Magic City, all the way there.And at this moment, Suya was also wa
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