All Chapters of A Tale of War Spirit Warriors: Chapter 341 - Chapter 350
445 Chapters
Chapter 60 Only Charge (I)
"Everyone gather!" Captain Zetsubou bellowed softly at that moment, and the members of the team scattered in the rest of the area, including the drivers of each of the armed jeeps, leaned in at that moment.  All of the surviving members of the team, including Leo and Shirin, were standing in front of Captain Zetsubou with serious gazes at that moment.  They knew in their hearts that the next battle would definitely be far more tragic than any battle they had experienced before.  Just with these 20 or so Battle Spirit Samurai on the scene, as well as the drivers of the ten or so armed jeeps, totaling less than 40 people in total, it was almost unimaginable how difficult it would be to forcefully tear through the swarm's encirclement.  Captain Zetsume swept from the faces of the team members and warriors one by one, as if to record their likenesses firmly in his mind.  With this trip, I don't know how many more will arrive alive on top of the Blackha
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Chapter 61 Only Charge (II)
Just as Carl and John were in a somewhat hesitant situation, Captain Zexi roared not far away, "Everyone, do your best to break through in the direction of the Blackhawk fleet! At any cost!"  After saying that, Captain Ze Xie's palms stretched out flat and violently pushed forward, immediately having a channel of explosive energy, as if it were a chain of artillery, directly blasting out a bloody path.  With a wave of his hand, Captain Zexi, with a few people beside him, had quickly left the area.  Every time he came to a new area, Captain Zetsubou would push out his palm again and do the same old trick of blowing up a new path.  "Holy shit, this move of the captain's is a bit too strong!" John looked at the empty path, and was completely shocked by this move that Captain Ze Xie had shown.  Carl, however, had absolutely no time to lament, and at the moment, he pulled John along with him, trying to leave right behind him with the help of this passag
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Chapter 62 Arrival (I)
"Greedy Wolf! Did you old boy read it correctly? That guy Carl, has he really reached 9 Spirits?" Vice Captain Aoyama somewhat incredulously inquired again.  Greedy Wolf gave an irritated tsk, "You think I'm you! I can be wrong about something like this? Though I was surprised too, and even paid a couple more eyes ......"  "However, the battle spirit power fluctuation on Carl's body is indeed a 9 spirit level fluctuation, and I don't know how this kid practiced, rising two levels in a row in one night is really a bit too scary!"  Captain Ze Xie coldly grunted, and he, who had been advancing, suddenly stopped in his tracks.  Under the somewhat puzzled gazes of Greedy Wolf and Vice-Captain Aoyama, Captain Ze Xie quickly crouched down and pressed his hands on the ground.  "Earth Spirit Explosion!"  As soon as the words fell, a burst of energy erupted from the ground, followed by one explosion of energy after another, spreading out continuously
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Chapter 63 Arrival (II)
"This ...... is also too terrible!" John stared dazedly at the passageway that appeared steeply in front of him, just now in the middle of this distance, but it was still full of terrifying swarms of insects ah!  "Inside the Sword of the Empire ...... those who can become captain level are really monster level existences ah ......," Carl sighed helplessly, his heart filled with shock.  "Let's go! Don't delay!" With a smile on his face, Lieutenant Greedy Wolf reminded Carl and John, and with a long leap, he jumped onto the makeshift dirt road.  Seeing this, Carl and John each used their skills and jumped onto the dirt path after them.  "Hurry up! This kind of thing with a security risk can't be maintained for too long! Otherwise, if the swarm is allowed to enter the earth slope with the help of it, it will be troublesome at that time!"  Vice-Captain Aoyama droned softly with some urgency, because by this time, there were already many jumping insects
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Chapter 64 Holding On (I)
Looking at the Black Eagle warriors who ran over, Carl smiled faintly and said directly, "You guys go help elsewhere! Leave the task of picking them up to the three of us!"  The Black Eagle warriors looked at the slightly tender faces of Carl and the three of them, and stood in place in some disbelief, handing over such an important job to these three brats, was it really possible?  Blackhawk Captain Todd, who was still waiting for artillery support, realized that no one had come over for such a long time, and immediately turned his head and was ready to shout again.  As a result, when he looked over, he saw these few Black Eagle warriors still frozen in place, and immediately shouted in dissatisfaction, "What are you guys froze there! What is it, do you still want me to play some music for you to welcome you?"  One of the Black Eagle warriors said with some aggravation, "Captain, it's not that we're not active, it's that these three guys have taken our p
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Chapter 65 Holding On (II)
"Aoyama! Go cooperate with Carl and the others and finish picking up the rest of the Battle Spirit crew as soon as possible!" Captain Zetsubou shouted at Vice-Captain Aoyama, who was at the side.  "Huh? Boss, do I still have to help with the pickup mission? Didn't Carl and the three of them do a pretty good job?"  After saying that, Aoyama pointed his finger over there, Gail and the others had already reached the dirt slope without any problem with the help of John.  "Cut the crap, hurry up if you're told to go!" Greedy Wolf impatiently urged, through the observation of Captain Ze Xie's expression, and already the conversation between him and Todd just now, he seemed to have understood the key to the next arrangement.  "Got it got it got it! You, Greedy Wolf, you're obviously a vice-captain like me, yet you put on this commanding stance every time!"  Aoyama bristled in displeasure, noticing Captain Zetsubou's impatient expression, and immediately w
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Chapter 66 Holding On (III)
"Well? Are you two ready?" Captain Zetsume inquired to Leo and Shirin.  Bai Ling smiled without saying anything, and Leo took the initiative to speak up and replied, "Reporting to the captain, both of us have already recovered all of our Battle Spirit power to a full level, and are ready to begin implementing the Light of Recovery program at any time."  Captain Ze Xie gave a small smile of satisfaction after hearing that. Talking to smart people was just so enjoyable sometimes.  He didn't say a word more to Leo, who was able to understand himself with just a little more interaction with the White Spirit.  This kind of performance of not letting people bother him was something that Captain Zexi had only seen one other person do in all his years, and that was Vice-Captain Greedy Wolf.  "Very well, now that the personnel are here, you two may begin the Light of Recovery!"  After a pause, Captain Zeuxi continued, "Remember, this Recovery Light i
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Chapter 67 The Last Hour
Carl and John glanced at Leo and White Spirit, who were not far away, and after confirming that the two were not in any danger for the time being, they met each other and came together in one of the directions.  Greeting the Blackhawk warriors at their sides, Carl and John quickly joined the fight.  In the darkness of the night, there were still countless swarms of insects that were rapidly assaulting the dirt slope position.  This kind of enemy that cannot be seen at a glance is the one that tests the patience and perseverance of the warriors the most.  Not to mention these ordinary warriors, even Carl and John, when they first responded head-on with this perspective, they couldn't help but develop a tired mindset in their hearts.  Luckily, the battle wasn't endless, as long as they held out for another 10 hours, they would be able to see the large force sent out from Diesel Base!  "John, fire away?" Carl inquired with a grin as he tightene
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Chapter 68 Timely Rain
These last ten minutes were like hell and filled people with despair.Seemingly sensing that a huge threat was approaching, the entire swarm's attack intensified.Even with the addition of the three captains, Ze Xi, Greedy Wolf and Aoyama, they still couldn't succeed in effectively suppressing the swarm's attack.Instead, as the swarm's attack intensified, even the three of them were somewhat overwhelmed as they retreated back into the defense line."Hey! Greedy Wolf, I've never seen this kind of number of bug swarms in my life!" Vice-Captain Aoyama shouted with some fatigue after charging a swarm of bugs once again with a Rock Surge.Greedy Wolf bitterly laughed and shook his head, not to mention that you haven't seen it, I haven't seen it either!Within these last ten minutes, these swarms were simply as crazy as crazy, recklessly charging up towards the earth slope defense line.Just before, these swarms would still subconsciously perform
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Chapter 69 Dawn Fire
Yes, at the same time that Carl was using the Flourishing Fire Phoenix, these last ten minutes were finally passing the last second.Only when Karl's fire phoenix energy ran out, the expected reinforcements didn't appear, and Karl landed back on top of the ground."Carl, you're too powerful! I really didn't expect your move to have such a powerful effect!" John rushed over with a loud laugh.As it turned out, Carl was frowning and completely ignoring him."That's not right! John, the agreed time has long since ended, but Diesel Base got reinforcements and still hasn't appeared as agreed ..."Hearing this, John also reacted quickly, indeed, where were the reinforcements from Diesel Base? Didn't they all say that they would arrive on time!"It's no good! The swarm has already rushed up again!" One of the Black Eagle warriors shouted, pointing at the swarm below the dirt slope.The crowd had no choice but to once again raise the guns in their h
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