All Chapters of Be Modest,My Master of Imperial Guards: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
543 Chapters
Chapter 121 Bartered Her for Antidote
A glimmer of light flashed through the eyes of the stunned girl. After a while, Gu Yunxi stammered,"Is it... tear?""Correct!"Yu Xuanji's eyebrows rose in complacence, "The legend has it that Jiaozhu is transformed from the tears of mermaids. Jiaozhu Pear Curd is the original creation of a man of talent; and its main ingredient is the tears of farewells, also reputed as 'Liyu'.The icy curd is made from a beauty’s tears and hence comes its unique taste of bitterness and tartness. It cannot be replaced by any material in the world!"She saw it now...The Jiaozhu Pear Curd was a parting gift created by Pei Rushi before leaving the palace, expressing her sadness and yearning to her beloved boy.The realization struck Gu Yunxi!She, as stupid as she was, copied the dish and gave it to others behind the Master's back. It was no wonder he had been so angry!Yu Xuanji gaze
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Chapter 122 Detained by Ming Lan
A bolt of lightning tore through the night sky as heavy rain poured.Xiao Xiaoshen's roar from the ground suppressed even the thunder."Don't touch her."As soon as he drew his broadsword, An Hong swiftly beckoned the Western Depot guards to swarm up.Two of them protected their Master Ming Lan while the rest armed men surrounded Xiao Xiaoshen.The swords scraped out of the sheaths and swished in the rain with a chilling shine.The fierce fighting unfolded immediately with the bladed flickering in the glaring storm. The clank and rattle, along with the thunder, shook the sky.On the other side, Gu Yunxi hardly rose from a rain puddle, her ears ringing and her eyes seeing stars.Her head was numbed by the heavy raindrops, yet she gritted her teeth and forced herself to look up into Ming Lan's eyes.His eyes were muffled by the curtain of rain, but the slender figure lo
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Chapter 123 Uproar in Ming's Mansion (1)
Scattered with clouds, the sky brightened up, where sunlight beamed down magnificently and majestically.A shaft of light passed the mullions, penetrated the curtain, and fell on the grand bed. A halo gleamed, gilding the outline of a robust man on the bed.The man opened his eyes with a flutter of his eyelashes.Leaning against the edge, Kang Hai was sitting on the footrest before the bed, dozing off with his head dropping now and then. It was natural for one to get sleepy at dawn after a whole night up.Sensing the movement in the bed, Kang Hai shivered to lucidity."Master? You are awake!"Seeing Leng Qingtang have sat up, Kang Hai jumped up from the footrest with excitement.Covering the Master with a cloak, Kang Hai welcomed him with incessant questions of care, "How do you feel? I will send for Doctor Jiang immediately. What do you want to eat? I will tell the kitchen..."Su
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Chapter 124 Uproar in Ming's Mansion (2)
Seeing her slender hands holding up the two night-shining pearls, Ming Lan showed a panic expression and screamed in a shrill voice, "Gu Yunxi, if you dare to make waves again."He kept chattering but didn't stop getting closer.Being not afraid of Ming Lan's approach, Gu Yunxi just smirked with a pair of narrowed eyes and hurled the pearls in her palms at him.With a flicker of panic in his stern eyes, Ming Lan subconsciously dodged sideways.One of the night-shining pearls hit a maid in the small of her back after rebounding from the wall. With a groan, she covered the painful spot with her hand and burst into tears.Another night-shining pearl directly hit a eunuch on his forehead."Ouch!" The eunuch moaned and fell on his back, and a livid "horn" immediately showed on his forehead."You wicked girl."Ming Lan couldn't help but curse at seeing Gu Yunxi's mischief.
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Chapter 125 Punishing the Vicious Nannies
Although the bathroom was luxuriously furnished, the experience of bathing this time was exceedingly terrible for Gu Yunxi.Nanny Yan and Nanny Gui indeed resented Gu Yunxi now, perhaps because they had gotten reprimanded by the servant for Gu Yunxi's intentional frame-up.After Gu Yunxi became quiet, the two began to serve her to wash, and their actions became even ruder.Nanny Yan left for a moment, and when she came back, she held a peony-patterned oval white porcelain box in her hand.She opened it, inside of which was some soap powder scented with hosta flowers.Nanny Yan reached into the box with her big hand, grabbed a handful of soap powder, and smeared directly on the top of Gu Yunxi's head.Then, Nanny Gui strode forward. She inserted her thick fingers into Gu Yunxi's hair, scratching violently.Gu Yunxi couldn't help but wince for their torture.Initially, her eyes got
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Chapter 126 It's Time to Tame You!
West out of the Baishui Gate, thousands of miles away, was the boundary of Udan. Udan was a powerful country more than 20 years ago. It united with many small countries around it and marched eastward with 100,000 troops in five routes, invading the Central Plains' territory.At that time, it was an unprecedented and long-lasting war.To drive the strong enemy, the Country of Dayi had sent several diplomatic envoys and eloquent people to lobby primarily, combat as a supplement, which had retreated three troops.The remaining two armies amount to fifty thousand, precisely the strength of the country of Udan.In the end, the Country of Dayi adopted the strategy of facing the enemy head-on. To boost the morale of the army, the first emperor of Dayi, Huanan Hongyi, regardless of the opposition of his officials, led the army to the front.Outside the Baishui Gate, the two armies of Dayi and Udan fought for many days at the b
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Chapter 127 Would You Like Me to Spoil You?
Ming Lan sat up straight and watched in amazement as Gu Yunxi stood up the stick, poking the round head of the stick in front of his eyes."My little darling, this is... not for hitting.""Puff!" He also found it very funny. Lying on the bed sideways, Ming Lan covered his face with one hand and spread his fingers to cover his helpless expression.Gu Yunxi's back was tingled with laughter, so she withdrew the stick, turned it around in her hand, and looked at it carefully.The stick was about a foot long and about two inches wide, with a hazy, smoky sheen budding from the sun.Holding in hand, it did not feel like cold jade, but it was smooth and oily and felt warm and delicate. It looked like a precious jade material.But it was so ugly!"What the hell is this?"Gu Yunxi muttered with disgust on her face and looked at Ming Lan. From the other side of the bed, he rolled his eyes co
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Chapter 128 Green Onion and Garlic Were Food Shields
The pungent smell of green onions choked Xiao Nianzi's nose and eyes, and he sneezed a few times. Then he turned back with difficulty, looked at Gu Yunxi with red and swollen eyes, and asked, "Oh, my little madam, why do you chop so many green onions?""To make shortening green onion pancakes of course!"Gu Yunxi made a valiant attempt to resist the astringent discomfort in her eyes, and put on a joyful face. She said in a low and muffled voice which sounded extremely cute with the handkerchief covering on her face, "Although the green onion smells so spicy, if it is baked into a pie with duck fat and wheat flour, it will taste crispy, soft and so delicious.""But... "Xiao Nianzi looked worried and spoke haltingly.Ignorance could always be forgiven.He expected that Gu Yunxi was the new comer and was not familiar with the Master's eating habits.The Master had strict requirements on diet and
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Chapter 129 Couldn't She Eat in A Normal Manner?
Hearing that Gu Yunxi was clamoring for dessert after dinner in the room, Ming Lan looked towards Xiao Nianzi with resentful cold light in his eyes."What's the dessert she talked about?"Xiao Nianzi gave a sickly smile, shook his head and replied."Master, it is a kind of fruit.""Fruit?"Ming Lan's eyes widened immediately and his face darkened."Isn't it durian?"Durian was a kind of hot fruit brought by the envoys of Man Lajia, an island country in the east, when they sent out to Da Yi.Its husk was hard and it was densely spiky, while its flesh was soft and sweet. However, it had a strange and lingering odor.One day two years ago, when the emperor Jingxiao, who had tasted the sweetness, took half of a durian to Yongning Palace, the Imperial Noble Concubine was frowned by its smell at first. But after that, she gorged herself and kept praising its delicious taste
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Chapter 130 Heroes to Zeros
Maybe because Shiliu was born ugly, when she shouted in scariness at Gu Yunxi, her expression appeared even uglier. As expected, she stopped Gu Yunxi from resisting.Just as she stopped struggling, a maid beside her stretched out her big hand to buckle Gu Yunxi's jaw, forcing her small mouth to open."Umm..."A depressed groan rose from Gu Yunxi's throat. Her expression was extremely painful.Seeing this, Shiliu was satisfied. Her smile appeared grimmer.Her twisted waist bent forward and arched like a straight hook. Smiling coldly with teeth bared, Shiliu took the porcelain basin closer to Gu Yunxi's face."There is plenty of betel nut alkali water here. We specially warmed it for you to clean your mouth and body. Please enjoy it!"Gu Yunxi opened her eyes wide in astonishment. She gazed primly at the water in the big porcelain basin to fall upon her face.She wanted to shout and
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