All Chapters of Forced Marriage: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
89 Chapters
Chapter 11
11Jovan snorted in annoyance, his fists clenched into perfect fists. They had just arrived at his office moments ago. Earlier when the car that was driven with Edwin almost entered the yard, however, the man failed to get off and told the driver to go back to his office, and of course it annoyed them, although of course they could only keep it in their hearts.Even though the distance from home to the office is quite far. Not to mention having to go through a one-way lane which of course takes longer because of the density of traffic flow."You damn boss, how dare you toy with me." The man repeatedly exhaled harshly because of Edwin's actions. Until Jovan wanted to hit the cold man's head as hard as he could, so that he wouldn't act arbitrarily and just waste time by going back and forth on the streets for no apparent reason. They just arrived at the office when it was almost nine o'clock. They left at seven o'clock. Two wasted hours. Jovan kept grumbling in his heart.Edwin himself
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12"Hello, mom, how is that woman?" Edwin asked matter-of-factly, almost forgetting to even say hello.While Ernawati smiled slightly, she immediately walked away and sat on the sofa in the living room."She has a beautiful name, you know, Melati.""Yes, unfortunately not as beautiful as his behavior," said Edwin lazily. Every time he remembers that woman, annoyance will immediately appear in his head."Her health is a little disturbed. According to the doctor, she has never checked her womb with a midwife or obstetrician. That's why she often experiences cramps and severe pain in the lower abdomen. And it seems that Melati is hiding everything from everyone, so the doctor refers her to go to the hospital immediately. It's just that he's currently resting, after the doctor gave him a small injection."Ernawati gave an explanation that made Edwin couldn't help but want to ask again. The man's brow furrowed."Is it that bad? Then why doesn't he want to get himself checked?""Yes,
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Chapter 13
Chapter 13Calm down, the woman will definitely be fine." Anita tried to calm Ernawati who was shaking.“B-but, Melati…!” The woman panicked seeing Melati's sad state. It's no secret that Ernawati is easily shocked when unexpected events happen to her.All of this happened after she witnessed for herself how her family had an accident while on vacation to her husband's village, causing her husband to lose his life and his two children to have a terrible accident. Since then, the woman seemed traumatized if there was an unexpected incident.Anita continued to stare at the car, leaving slowly away, then disappeared around the corner. It's true what his housekeeper was gossiping about this morning, that his nephew's wife was in fact pregnant. Even when Edwin carried her into the car, it was clear that the woman's stomach was growing, although Anita doubted that Edwin was the father of the unborn baby. Given the pious nature and cold demeanor of the man, it is not easy to be tempted by wo
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Chapter 14
14"Are you ready to hear it?" A man in a formal suit sat in front of Edwin, as the man's gaze became serious. Edwin nodded quickly."Her name is Melati Anastasia, twenty-five years old. The woman graduated from college two years ago and worked for a company in this city, until finally one day she was asked to resign by her father and return to her village for whatever reason.According to reliable sources, Melati's family finances have deteriorated and her father almost went bankrupt due to something that we are currently investigating. Whether for that reason or not, we don't know yet, it's just that according to some residents' information, one night Melati was forcibly taken into a car by her father's men and taken away somewhere. On her return two days later, the woman was taken to the hospital with injuries all over her body."Edwin and Jovan looked at each other with a heavy sigh."You want to hear the rest of the story?" The man with the thin mustache again asked Edwin who imm
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Chapter 15
Chapter 15Melati woke up when the sun shone on her pure white face. The woman's eyes blinked many times before finally gathering her consciousness."Miss Melati is awake?" A girl in pink approached. Melati put on a wrinkled face in front of Vienna."Where am I?" Melati looked around, which was dominated by white color with a characteristic smell of medicine."Hospital?" Vienna nodded slowly."Who brought me to this place?" Melati again asked in surprise. He massaged his heavy head. His eyes also felt puffy."Of course Mr. Edwin. Mrs. Erna and I can't carry Mrs. Melati, Mr. Candra, especially. Meanwhile, the security guard would not dare." Vienna explained in detail and her typical gibberish. Melati raised her hand to stop the cheerful girl from talking because it only made her head dizzy."Enough, I already know." Melati rubbed her face. The cramping stomach is no longer felt. He remembered what had happened until he ended up in a place he didn't like."The man who...""Who?" Vienna
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Chapter 16
Chapter 16"Okay, if mommy is okay, instead, mom should go home with Jovan later." Ernawati nodded again, understanding her son's concern. Indeed, since the accident that killed her husband, the woman was a little traumatized to ride a vehicle let alone travel far, so when Edwin picked her up from the village, Ernawati did not want to sit far from her own child.There are still untouched lunch boxes in the tote bag. The woman grabbed him and led Edwin to sit on the sofa."Eat, please, you must be hungry after work all day." Edwin smiled faintly, even though he wasn't really hungry, considering that dinner was still long, after all, he had enjoyed a lot of food during a meeting at the hotel."Ed, are you tired right now?" Edwin turned his head as his mouth was about to open and stuffed a piece of chicken into his mouth. Even though he's not too hungry, his mother's cooking always makes him feel good."No, Mom, I'm not too busy today. I was just doing work as usual and going to meetings
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Chapter 17
Chapter 17Edwin's chest moved up and down when he heard the words of the woman lying on the bed. He did not think that Melati was so selfish. It even felt like he wanted to squeak and put a hand over his mouth that was presumptuous to speak without thinking first."You know Melati, even my brother has been married for almost twenty years, but he hasn't been blessed with children despite all his efforts. And you just talk casually. You already know that committing adultery is a very big sin, and you want me to let it go. you died with your child. It's really bad thinking. At least after you've committed a sin, you can take a lesson and realize your mistake and repent, instead of being selfish like this all the time!""I don't need a lecture from you! Just keep it all to yourself. Besides, what do you know about my life to be so brave to judge me, huh!?" Melati glared at him. Their gazes sharpened as if they wanted to eat each other.Without them knowing, Vienna, who had just opened th
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Chapter 18
Chapter 18Edwin rubbed his face roughly, then began to describe how the marriage had happened. His friend nodded trying to understand what was really going on."Yes I know, at a time like that you must be helpless. But, how could that happen? I mean, did you know the girl before? Though I don't think so, because I know by heart no woman wants to be around you." Jonathan laughed again. He wanted to be funny, but Edwin didn't care at all."You're right, Jo. I don't know the woman, it's just that I saw her once when I visited mom's house last year. Yes, I only caught a glimpse of her, saw the joy on her face. Maybe that's exactly why her dad pulled me up the aisle. and ordered me to do a marriage contract by marrying me to his son.""Well, didn't you know beforehand that the woman was already pregnant?""How could I know when I see my mother very rarely, after all I saw her the first night.""You tried it on the first night even though you just met him?"Edwin glared sharply. Talking to
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Chapter 19
Chapter 19Time moved towards midnight. Edwin deliberately turned on the light in the room to keep it on. His eyes continued to pay attention to Melati who was sleeping with a regular roar. Still remembering what the doctor said a few moments ago, when Melati felt intense contractions in her lower abdomen, more than the cramps that women usually experience."If she continues to experience this, then we can be sure that she will miscarry considering that the fetus in the womb is already five months old, and it is very dangerous for both the mother and the baby in her womb. So try not to let her think that it makes her stressed or think heavy and excessive. Let the patient feel calm and keep him away from things that can trigger his anger." Edwin nodded with a heavy head, hearing the explanation of the doctor who had finished examining Melati, then entered the room, where the woman had fallen asleep due to the medicine given by the doctor.'What should I do with you, after you got me in
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Chapter 20
Chapter 20"Are you trying to blackmail me on purpose?" The man pounded the table, and glared at a man who seemed to be smiling slyly. The man's leg was deliberately lifted up and rested on his left foot, indicating that he was not at all afraid of the bluff of the man who was still handsome in front of him."There is a price for information, sir. Moreover, what I have to say this time will surely make you completely unexpected. And the information I bring this time, is great news, which you too will be immediately shocked or excited after hearing it. ""What do you really know? Say it fast!""If you think it's going to be free, I'd better go. But I will assure you that you will lose something valuable, compared to the treasure you've been chasing all this time!""Is that important?" The man wearing the hat in front of him nodded firmly."Yes, of course!""Just watch out if you say stupid things, which will make me regre
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