All Chapters of Pack: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
144 Chapters
Chapter 71
God, what an idiot. He was almost as stupid as his missing younger brother. Walked right into the trap and pretty much handed himself to the assholes lying in wait. Worse, Trent knew his two buddies would come sniffing after him when he didn't meet them at the rendezvous point, which meant he'd soon have company-along with the teasing that came along with it. He could hear it now: "Caught like a wet-behind-the-ears pup." Goddamned hillbillies! What else to call the gap-toothed idiot who owned enough brains to shoot him with silver buckshot-enough to incapacitate his wolf-but not enough intelligence to kill him? Stupid, because once I get loose, I'm going to rip his fucking head off. Adding insult to injury, a second inbred asshole had tranquilized him with a dart. It almost made a wolf wonder what the hell they intended. He might even ask before he tore their throats out. Although humans were generally considered off-limits, in some cases, such as this one, where they knew more t
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Chapter 72
Thea didn't know how long she'd existed in this prison. All she knew was Hell couldn't be any worse than this. She often lamented the stupid need for a chocolate bar that had driven her from the safety of her apartment to the corner store down the street. She played the what-if game in her head. What if she'd eaten the crystalized ice cream in her freezer instead? Or made some cookie dough? Or gone to bed? Would she be living this nightmare if she'd just resisted the urge for chocolate? Would David still have snapped? And, if he hadn't, would she be living in her apartment with her possessed boyfriend, oblivious but safe? Judging by the madman who held her captive-a psycho who controlled her former lover-nothing would have saved her. And she didn't doubt his mocking words when the creature with red eyes and the sharp teeth claimed no one would ever find her. The shock of her capture, along with the discovery that monsters existed-vampires and werewolves
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Chapter 73
It took them a day to actually track down the hillbillies. Their home-turf advantage aided them in hiding for longer than Jaxon's usual prey. Idiots with only half a brain between them, they should have left the woods entirely. Lycans with a purpose and a grudge made the worst enemies. His new companion, Trent-so strange to hunt with others after all these months alone-found them and made them talk, after they'd finished screaming. But they didn't learn much other than a guy with freaky eyes had paid them to lure folks to their cabin. Once they had a victim, whom they were told to shoot with silver and tranquilize, they put up a flag on a tree and left. When they returned the next day, the body would be gone and a bottle of something alcoholic left behind. Hoping to trap the hillbillies' patron, Darren ran the flag up the tree, and while they hid and waited, nothing came to take the bait. Or so Jaxon assumed. Not all of Roderick's minions acted liked red-eyed, rabid dogs. J
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Chapter 74
Hugging her superbly large stomach, Bailey waddled to the front porch her mates had built her and surveyed them as they worked on their newest present to her-a gazebo. She still hadn't quite figured out what one did with the octagonal structure, but she didn't tell them that, not when they seemed so darned determined to give her one. Boredom plus power tools made for some interesting projects, she'd discovered. Next on their agenda, they'd informed her, was a play structure for the baby. Never mind the child wouldn't be big enough to play on it for at least a year or more. Apparently their child would need one. And the list went on. Truly, though, she couldn't complain. How many women had three men determined to make her life as wonderful as possible? Sometimes she couldn't believe her luck, but as her new best friend, Dana, had said, "Three is so much better than one. Especially all at once." But in her mind, four was the magic number. Absently, she ran her ton
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Chapter 75
With Jaxon's caution about Roderick and his mental powers ringing in his ears, crazy as it sounded-like I'm going to believe in a mind-controlling vampire-Lycan-Trent waited by the edge of the woods with his friends. The stink of wolves who'd foregone bathing and something acrid, a stench borderline putrid and yet somehow familiar, burned his nose and made his beast fidget in his mind. But he couldn't shift, not yet. He'd need hands to open the doors. However, just in case, he was ready to go furry, stripped naked with his clothes tucked up a tree. Someone with a video camera would have a blast if they saw him tiptoeing through the underbrush, his man parts swinging free. Lycans, though, would think nothing of it because nudity was a regular part of life. After all, the budget for new clothes only went so far. So, naked as the day of his birth, he waited for the signal. Darren and Marc also waited in their own spots, silent and covered in a hunter's perfume-a.k.a. fucking animal
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Chapter 76
A shouting voice woke her, and Thea lay in bed wondering if she'd imagined it. In the daytime, things tended toward the quiet and she used that time to sleep, not always an easy feat with the sunshine they denied her heating the cabin and rendering her room, with its boarded-up window, stifling. She rolled over on the mattress, ignoring its poking springs and brown stains, and closed her eyes. Doors slammed in the hall, accompanied by excited snarls. Hmmm, sounded like something had provoked the freaks keeping her captive. Maybe a giant bunny hopped into the camp. Or someone had come back with dog treats from the store. She tuned out the cacophony and shifted yet again, looking for a nonexistent, comfy spot. So long as they didn't bother her, she really didn't give a damn. Thea didn't stir even when she heard the commotion arrive right outside her door. Why bother? Energized by David's death, she'd looked for a way out. Fought to no avail. All it gained her was Roderick's s
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Chapter 77
Trotting on four feet behind Trent and the female they'd saved, Darren tried to process everything that had happened in the last few minutes. And he didn't mean the battle. When he'd kicked open the door to the only barred room he'd found in the large cabin, he'd not expected the kick to the gut when he saw the small brunette peering fearfully at him. She had reason. Enclosed in a dark room with only a bed to sit on, a bed with currently unused restraints hanging at the four corners. A wild rage imbued him, a rage that grew as he noted her fear. Then he got a whiff of her, and even unbathed and frightened, her underlying scent, the odor that marked every person like a fingerprint, hit him, and his eyes widened further in surprise. His wolf roused enough to growl, Mine. Unfucking believable. He'd found his mate. Darren wanted to gather her in his arms, reassure her that she was safe. Instead, he'd gotten attacked by yet another fucking rogue. The place virtually crawle
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Chapter 78
As she was clasped in the man's arms and held on to his neck as he ran once again, Thea wondered if she'd gone mad. When he'd said, "I will protect you, Thea," a part of her actually believed him. Trusted him when he said he'd find a way. Did it have to do with the spark she felt when he first touched her, a spark she'd felt to a smaller extent with David then, more shockingly, his brother, Trent. Did she want to believe because he spoke with such conviction and honesty in his eyes? Or was it the odd voice in her head, a voice she'd heard only recently that said he would protect them. That he belonged to them. He is ours, the voice whispered. Trust him and the light-furred one. They are . . . Thea didn't understand the next word because it was more of an image, a group of wolves, really, running, together like a big, furry family. Madness. Her captivity and pregnancy hormones had obviously overtaken common sense. One, normal people didn't hear voices. And two, she didn't know t
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Chapter 79
Finding a motel several hours later proved easy. Getting rid of the emotions churning in his mind, not so much. When Trent had embarked on his quest to find his brother, he'd never expected it would end in tragedy. How could David be dead? How could he have turned from the shy and gentle teen Trent knew into a man capable of violence toward a woman and, if she could be believed-and his gut said she could-worse? As if that weren't hard enough to swallow, he'd apparently killed himself. What horror had his little brother endured to take such a cowardly route? Trent needed to know more, which meant talking to the woman his brother had impregnated, mated with, and hurt. Knowing the next step didn't stop him from stalling. Thea scared him. Not scared in an I'm-afraid-she's-going-to-kick-my-ass way, but in a why-do-I-think-she's-hotter-than-hell way, which seemed totally inappropriate for a lot of reasons. For one, in spite of the battle, the danger, and the mission, as well as her ref
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Chapter 80
Thea hid like a coward in the bathroom. She'd jumped on the chance for a shower, locking the door behind her and stripping the stinking gown from her body. Oh, to feel clean again. She cranked the water until steam rose before she stepped in. The hot spray hit the gash on her thigh, and she hissed. In the mad flight down the mountain then the wild race to get away, she'd actually forgotten about it. Peeking down at it, she noted it didn't seem as ragged as before, the edges sealed together, healing already, impossible as it seemed. Turning her attention away from the cut, she tilted her face into the spray to let its cleansing warmth wash the traces of her captivity from her skin. The tiny shampoo bottle that all motels seemed to stock gave enough to soap and rinse twice. As for the bar of soap, she scrubbed herself almost raw with it to erase the taint of her captors and scrub the vile remembered touches from her skin until she shone more red than healthy pink. With nothin
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