All Chapters of Hottest Man Alive: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
172 Chapters
"How? It's delicious, isn't it? Hahaha..." Nina smiled hearing Aiden's spontaneous compliment. Aiden returned to taste the next piece with warm rice which made the taste of the meat even more evocative."You didn't eat either?" Asked Aiden who realized that Nina was just watching him."Hahaha... watching you eat heartily like that makes me full. Yes, but what can I do. I'll eat too!" She said while also tasting the rendang that she had cooked for several hours in Aiden's kitchen.Aiden was in a frenzy, without realizing he had finished three plates of rice. He hadn't had such an appetite like this since the diet program he'd been on a few years ago."Ah... I'm so full, my stomach can't fit anymore!" He muttered while rubbing his stomach."Haha... how? Delicious, right? did I say!""Yeah, not bad when you're hungry, not bad!""You, can't you praise sincerely? Never mind, I'm going to wash the dishes, then go home!" Nina got up while picking up dirty plates and bowls."Nina!""Yes?""
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Aiden felt nervous, his thoughts and feelings clashed because they didn't go hand in hand. His thoughts compelled him to continue, in an attempt to avenge the hurt he felt. But his heart refused, because a ridiculous attempt like this only made him act like a child. "Sorry to keep you waiting, let's go!" Samantha said who had just come out of the locker room. Aiden smiled bitterly, his face showing absolutely no positive reaction from the decision he had chosen. Now, Samantha stood before him and waited for his command. "You look so pretty!" He praised. Only a classic compliment like that was all he could say to change the awkward atmosphere that only himself felt. "Thank you, where are we going?" "How about dinner? However, I haven't made reservations for-" "Don't worry, I have an acquaintance who can help us. He's the manager at a famous French restaurant, so I think we can go there!" "Okay." Without warning, Samantha immediately took Aiden's arm to guide him to the parked c
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A Challenge
"Thanks for tonight, Aiden!" Samantha showed her sweet smile. After feeling she had succeeded in convincing Aiden that she was the best. Aiden smiled faintly, his heart still doubting whether the decision he had made was the right decision? Considering the relationship that Samantha offers seems more like coercion than two hearts that want each other. "Yes, then I'll go home. Bye?" "See you soon, Aiden!" Samantha waved her hand, accompanying Aiden's car as it drove away. Aiden took a breath, he didn't expect love to be this complicated. Once he thought that his story would be easier if his appearance changed, but in reality, trouble was coming from a different direction. After Aiden arrived at the apartment, Aiden immediately reactivated his phone. There were five messages from Nina asking the same thing, namely, when will Aiden come home? "This idiot, if she wants, she can go straight home. Why are you still asking?" Aiden muttered as he opened his apartment door. Aiden was st
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Need You Tonight
"Come, I'll be waiting for you." Sweet words that kept echoing in Aiden's ears. Coupled with that sweet smile, making Aiden increasingly lose his sanity. No body know know what kind of magic Nina actually gave him, so that he could fall this deep. When faced with such close range. It was impossible for him to let her go home, forcing him was fine as long as her stayed tonight. "Stay tonight!" Whispered Aiden with the sound of his breathing that felt heavy. "But I have to go home, I-" "You want to find another reason to refuse my request?" "You can say that." "You are a very cruel woman!" "Maybe!" "But unfortunately I can be crueler than you. I want you to stay here tonight!" "You forced me?" "Yes, I insist." "Fine, but I don't want to sleep in your room! Lend me the guest room or I'll sleep on the couch!" Nina smiled, as if daring Aiden to be braver than usual. "You really suck huh?" Aiden agreed, aggressively Aideb took Nina's hand and hugged her tightly. "Let go! I can'
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Playing Victim
Nina pressed her forehead against the wall in despair, thinking hard about how she should meet the challenge Aiden gave her. She originally just wanted to play with Aiden, ended up being backfire. Meanwhile, Aiden was still laughing at the look of despair Nina had shown. Aiden wins. Yes, that's how he feels right now. After spending seven minutes in contemplation, Nina walked unsteadily with a face that did not show the spirit of life. Aiden's laughter, which had almost died down, exploded again when he saw Nina's face, which looked very sad. "Hahaha... why is that face on your face? So sad!" "None of your business! I just sleep outside!" Nina said while pulling the knob of the locked door. "Where are you going? I've locked the door! You can't go out!" "Open the door, I want to sleep on the couch!" "What are you talking about? Of course you have to sleep here!" Aiden said as he got up and took off the white shirt he was wearing. He gave her that seductive look, showing signs N
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Why Do I Love You
What makes your life feel more special? for me, that is when I wake up next to you, see the sun rise on your face and know that I can say, I love you. "Aiden, wake up!" Nina's voice sounded softer than before. Aiden who initially felt that he was trapped in a long dream, began to realize that everything he was facing was reality. "Hmm? What time is it?" He muttered who was still half conscious. "It's 8.30, I'm going home. I've prepared your breakfast!" "You want to go home?" "Yeah, I have work at 10. So I have to go home now!" "Want me to take you?" "No need, I'll just go home alone!" "Why? Are you trying to avoid me again? Am I upsetting you?" "No, it's not like that. I just don't have time to wait for you anymore!" "Is that so? How cruel! Alright, go away!" Aiden said in a sullen mode while tilting his body. "Well that's that then-" "Hey, you really don't want to be escorted?" "You just got out of bed, not to mention having to take a shower, have breakfast. It will take
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Seeing that Samantha was almost approaching, Nina frantically pressed the elevator button to make it close immediately and took her away. "Hurry! Quickly take me away!" Nina muttered who was exactly like a criminal trying to escape from the police chase. Tin... It seemed, the elevator seemed to have a conscience, taking her up to the ninth floor where at first, she was already on the ground floor. "Tsk, why did I come back here again? Ouch never mind, the important thing is I have to get out of here!" She muttered as she stepped out of the elevator and walked around aimlessly, looking for a different elevator so she could go down to the ground floor without running into Samantha. Lucky Nina, managed to find a different elevator and pressed the button for the door to open immediately. "What's taking so long? Let's hurry up...!" Luck doesn't always seem to be on her side, even though this is the right moment to run away. But the elevator door in front of her never opened and let
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One Love
The sentences that came out of Samantha's mouth were more towards threats, where she clearly showed her dominance. Even so, somehow Aiden didn't feel daunted. Samantha's anger made him feel a little challenged. "Sam, I don't think I'm the right guy for you!" He said with a small smile. "Why are you talking like that, Aiden?" "You are a great woman, just like you said. There are so many men who want your love, but I am not one of them." "You want to back off?" "Actually, yes, I just didn't want to hurt you. I admit, when we first met at that party. I felt attracted to you, you looked radiant and different. But now I realize, what I felt at that time was nothing more than awe, not love." He couldn't believe it, he would say it like that. If his former self would have been speechless and embarrassed to show his true feelings. So much had changed and Aiden was starting to feel it, all since the strangest encounter with the strangest person that had happened in his life. "I really c
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In The Same Place
Aiden walked into the cafe door which for some reason made his life change. Meeting after meeting in this place made him try to understand the meaning of the line of destiny that he had to live. Aiden's hunch returned to directing his eyes to the corner of the cafe, a table next to a glass that allowed him to see the atmosphere outside the cafe. In that place, a woman with blonde hair and beautiful face like a porcelain doll sat quietly while enjoying a cup of coffee. "It turns out she has come, huh?" He muttered. Even though it was a little awkward because he was finally able to chat with his only childhood friend, he still tried to keep his cool because he didn't want Cindy to think that he was the old Aiden. The cowardly clumsy fat. "You've been waiting long?" He asked when his feet arrived in front of Cindy who had always smiled at him. "No, I just came too. Please sit down!" "How is your work?" "Fine, thankfully all went well. How about you?" "Yes, not bad." "The girl who
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One-sided Feelings
Emily looked at the watch on her hand, it was already 5.00 pm. The thing that annoys her is when she has been waiting for someone for quite a while, but the person casually cancels the appointment. She knows that this promise is for her own sake, but she still doesn't accept being treated disrespectfully like this. "Tsk damn, even though I already arrived at this cafe. Why cancel the appointment?" She muttered. Even though she was annoyed, but because she had already entered and ordered a table. She was forced to sit for a while and enjoy a cup of coffee to calm her soul. "Okay Miss, order one cappuccino. I'll deliver it soon!" Said the cafe maid. "Yes!" Emily took a deep breath. Her thoughts and feelings have been very chaotic lately. Busy work schedule, not to mention she has to think about the huge cost of caring for his father. In addition, love problems are still far from what she expected. Aiden that's the name that keeps coming to mind. How to get his heart back? This tim
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