All Chapters of A Deal With Pierce Verlice: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
158 Chapters
Kill Them And Live
No one dared to say a word until she was fully into the room. Queenie stared at each and every of their faces as she walked to the highest chair in the room. When she sat on it, she released an oppressive aura which subdued that of the others. Roxanne, Audrey and Jessica weren't left out. As she rubbed the blood coloured ring on her index finger, Queenie spoke. "It has come to my knowledge that when I was gone, some of you suddenly had guts to be in cohorts with Natasha Knight." Once again, no one said a word. Queenie snorted at the silent room and suddenly got up. "If you know you worked with her when I was gone, come out now and I will assign a punishment other than death to you." She promised and smiled widely. "You have ten seconds to do that." Everyone's impression of Queenie wasn't that of a kind hearted person, so normally, no one dared to step out. The guilty ones all had one though in mind: Queenie would end the meeting and go in search of those who had supported Natash
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Queenie's Restriction
When Guerilla finished with the gruesome murders, the room was filled with dead bodies. Queenie went to each and everyone of them and inspected them like they were jewelries. After she was done, she got up and walked back to Guerilla. "You did well, Guerilla. But this isn't the end. You're the only surviving one of Natasha's spies, so you'll do something for me." Guerilla listened with rapt attention. After all, it had everything to do with his daughter's wellbeing. After Queenie was done, he nodded his head and stood beside her. Queenie then addressed the rest of the conglomerate. "It's amazing how they had forgotten my rule in such a short span of five years. And they did just as they pleased." One of them who was uneasy on his chair quickly caught the attention of Queenie. And she looked towards the woman. "You look like you have something to say." The woman hesitated for a while before she got up. "You were gone for five years. We were told that your memory might not ret
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The Truth From Ten Years Ago
Eleven Years AgoKnight's Villa, Maile In the masters' bedroom Jacobs leaned on a bed where a sick woman was. "So, what were you saying about Queenie and Lucas?" "Those two got into a street. The others who fought against them are all lieing in the hospital. Their strength never ceases to amaze me." Jacobs spoke, his finger rubbing hers gently. The woman who looked pale smiled frigidly. "My little girl never ceases to amaze me." Then she suddenly asked. "What about the little girl you adopted?" The man paused for a few seconds before recalling who she was referring to. "Natasha is doing well. She's currently reading in her room." "She's gonna be a bright kid, Jacobs. Take care of the children, Jacobs." The woman added. The man's hand suddenly tightened around hers. "You're not dying. Once Queenie returns and donates her blood to you, you'll be fine. Don't say another word about dying again, Collette." Collette Knight smiled wryly. "Queenie's blood might keep me alive for a
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Establishing Dominance Again
Natasha's eyes flew open and she glanced around the room. The next thing she did afterward was to clench and unclench her fists. After confirming that she could still move them, she sat up on the bed. Right at that moment, the door gave way and Raphael walked in. He paused at the door, clearly surprised that she was already awake. "How are you feeling?" He finally asked as he walked in and slammed the door shut. "Better." Natasha replied and looked up at him. "I can feel every pulse in my body right now." Raphael smiled. "I was given a hundred percent certainty that the surgery would be a success. I'm happy they weren't bluffing." Natasha chuckled as well, "I'm glad also. So, when do we leave?" "In two days time, your injuries should've healed properly and you would become complacent with your new body." Raphael said. Natasha wasn't in a hurry, so she quietly nodded. "Have you heard what is currently going on in Hiltonia?" She asked and Raphael nodded. "According to them, Qu
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Duty Keeps Calling
Whatever happened next, Queenie had no idea as she walked out pushing her children's cot. Maria on the other hand, couldn't believe her ears as she stared at the retreating back of Queenie. "I got it! I knew she looked familiar!" One of the women shrieked. She successfully drew everyone's attention to herself, including that of Maria. "Say it already, who is she!" One of them nudged her impatiently. Instead of answering her, the other woman pulled out her phone and searched Queenie's name on Google. When the information came out, she swiped to the pictures and showed it to everyone. "She is Queenie Knight!" Another woman mumbled in disbelief. As soon as those words escaped her lips, the lady closest to her hit her, "Queenie Knight is dead. Didn't you see the news and the harassment Velon Aspen gave to her family after learning of his identity on the news?"Others couldn't help but concur. But the fact remained that the two women looked exactly the same. "Forget it. It might j
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In a training center. Still in an unidentified country A woman in white lab coat stands before Natasha who wouldn't stop stretching with a wide smile. "How are you feeling, Miss? Do you feel pain on any part of your body?" "No." Replied Natasha. "Do you sleep well?" The doctor asked again. "My sleep hasn't been this good. I now get to sleep with my eyes tightly closed and a wide grin on my face." Natasha replied, turning to look at the doctor. The doctor continued asking her some questions until she finally left. Natasha flexed her wrists as she suddenly looked towards a certain direction. "How long are you gonna stand there, peeking at me?" Raphael walked out with a wide smile on his face as soon as she was done. "Your sense of hearing seems to have heightened.""Yeah, I can even hear the conversation in the next room. No wonder Queenie was so good at everything." Natasha chuckled. When she heard from the man, she raised her head to look at him. When she saw the man's red ey
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Doesn't He Look Familiar?
HiltoniaQueenie stopped the car in what she thought was supposed to be a cafe. But much to her surprise, she saw a hotel instead. "Why aren't we getting out?" Mishael asked after she had stayed minutes without doing anything. "I know I lost my memories, but I know very well that there was a cafe right here." The woman replied. Mishael looked at the gigantic hotel and then at the surroundings. "When did you visit the cafe last?" Queenie paused before she mumbled slowly, "Three years ago." "Three years ago? And you expect the cafe shop to still be in existence? Really?" Mishael asked all at once. Queenie glanced unhurriedly at him, a glance which made him hold onto his seat in fright. "I'm just trying to say a lot of things could've happened in those three years. The cafe shop might've gone out of business or something related to that." His clarification didn't please her but since there was nothing she could do, she opened the door and got out. She walked to the back seat an
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Signs Of Divorce?
The whole parking lot quietened as everyone looked towards Mishael in disbelief. Who didn't know Mishael Wade, the scientist who was famous for putting an end to a disease which could've killed a lot of people. Another important reason to adore him was the fact he came from a rich family. The single ladies around were the most excited as it had been publicized by his ex-wife when they divorced. So they were looking forward to ending up with such a good man. The man on the other hand, had no idea Pierce could be as shameless as admitting who he was. In his distress, he walked towards Queenie who couldn't help sighing. All she needed was a quiet place to talk with Mishael. "Are you her husband?" A man whose girlfriend's heart had been stolen by Mishael asked in annoyance. Mishael's eyes happened to meet with that of Pierce's which looked like a black hole, aiming to suck him in. "Don't spout nonsense! Queenie is my boss!" The man clarified hurriedly. Unaware that he had called h
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The Truth About Queenie's Mother
Queenie stopped outside the villa and got down. "You mean you have such a splendid house here in Hiltonia and I've been squatting somewhere?" Mishael exclaimed, alighting from the car. Queenie just glanced at him and wheeled in her children. They got in to see the house without any speck of dust. "So not only did you leave your house vacant and refused to tell me, you also appointed cleaners to come clean it every day. How callous!" The man snorted again. "If I knew I had a home like this, I wouldn't have tried to leave Hiltonia in the first place. Stop talking." Queenie said as she glared at the man. Mishael comported himself and sat down on a chair. It had been a stressful day and it was no wonder the triplets were sleeping for the second time that day. She left their cots just beside the chair she sat on and faced Mishael. "What you have to tell me should better be something meaningful or I will be forced to met out a very severe punishment on you." Queenie huffed. "I kno
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Bugged Room
"You do? Take me to it then!" Mishael requested enthusiastically.Queenie glanced up at him lazily. "I said I remember the place, I never said I still remember the way to the place. I can only see a vague picture in my head right now." Mishael sighed in disappointment. "Do you remember the name of the place?" However, she shook her head, "I only went there with my mother twice. She said it was somewhere she often kept things important to her. I was very young so I don't really remember the route but I do know this place was like a locker. A silver locker." Mishael thought hard for a moment before breathing out. "There are so many places like that. It's unfortunate that you can't remember the exact location. I hope with time it will come back." Then he stopped and glanced nervously at his foot. "But then, your mother must've left some papers during the experiments. She might've written the place down somewhere." Queenie had something to say but refrained from doing so as she wante
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