All Chapters of SEEING HEART: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
90 Chapters
chapter 25
ErikIt's clear in my mind, the swish of Harley's dress that I made sure to burn into my memory bank.“I saw you walking on Main Street in that white dress, like this one but it had blue flowers on it. I was jogging behind you,” I look at Harley, “I ran a whole block to get ahead of you just to see your face.”I gently skim my nose on her shoulder, hoping she'll look my way and I'll get to see those amazing eyes looking into mine."Harley, I may have bumped into you…intentionally.”Harley turns her head towards me ever so slightly. “May have?”“I did, on purpose. Harley, you’ve consumed my thoughts every waking second of every day, and night. The worst part is you don’t even know the effect you have on me.” I gently press my bulge into her ass; a little gasp leaves her mouth, and her eyes finally meet mine. There’s no way she can’t feel it through my jeans. Her body drifts backwards into mine, pushing that perfect ass right into me.Fuck.Her eye
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chapter 26
HarleyGoddamn Erik does not disappoint. Even though I was teasing earlier I know I’m about to have the best sex of my life. The tension that’s been building up between us has my whole body humming with anticipation.It’s as if a dormant part of me has finally been awakened and can’t wait to break free.I feel his hands glide along my skin setting it on fire. His kisses trail their way down my stomach with that electric stubble tickling my skin. To look at Erik one might find it impossible to imagine a man this big to be so gentle, it’s such a contradiction and I want more. I want it all.He caresses me ever so gently through my already soaked panties, and I feel like I’m about to become undone before he’s even done anything. He pushes my panties to the side, and I feel his colossal hot tongue enter me.Erik moves his mouth to work my nub, and I feel, one, then two fingers inside me, working to find sensitive places I never knew I had.
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chapter 27
ErikPacked and ready I watch Harley buckle the belt from her sundress over one of my spare dress shirts she’s forced to wear home.It was exciting to rip her clothes off last night but now I’m not sure I like having those amazing, toned legs exposed like that for the whole world to see. Those are my legs now, and my shirt just about covers her ass.Harley catches me watching her in the mirror. Her smirk stirs something in me, and like a call from a Siren, I find myself moving to stand behind her.How am I supposed to think straight knowing she has no underwear on under there? Terrible forethought on my behalf.I run my nose down Harley’s neck and take in her natural scent. She’s intoxicating. No perfume, no creams, it’s just her. She turns around to face me and kisses me hard, pulling me in closer.“Just don’t rip the shirt or I’ll be going home naked.”I can’t help but grin at the idea of spending a day trapped with he
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chapter 28
HarleyI can’t understand this feeling. It’s as if Erik has been slowly taking my walls down brick by brick behind my back, and I’ve been too distracted by him to notice.I’m in trouble.Usually, when the memory is triggered, I start to harden, it all gets stuck somewhere in my chest and I just shut down or leave. But this man, I want to tell him everything. I see him searching my face with such concern in his eyes that it almost breaks my heart.Big. Trouble.“The reason I stopped competitive fighting is because my trainer assaulted me, sexually.”The flicker of fury in Erik’s eyes was intense, strangely it made me feel safe. He leans back for a second, glances out the window, almost as if trying to get himself under control before coming back and giving me his attention."It was after my last National win. I had a crush on him for a very long time so when he started to kiss me, to touch me... Let's just say I didn’t co
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chapter 29
ErikHarley rushes into The Beanie and after a quick chat with Vanessa, she heads up to Vanessa’s room to borrow a change of clothes. I make a note to myself to take her shopping. It’s the least I can do after last night.Last night... The most incredible night of my life.I spend the rest of my shift with a stupid grin on my face, or as much of a grin as my face allows.The Marcos didn’t let me off easy. They both cornered me the first chance they had and demanded to know what happened to Harley’s clothes. It was amusing at first, and I told them it was none of their business, until I realized these pseudo-brothers of hers could ruin my chances with her in the long run. Luckily Harley walked by, scolded them in Italian and they got back to work but not before throwing out some heated words back her way.As things quiet down after lunch Harley comes over. I place my last dish on the rack and notice Harley's looking a little nervous. So ad
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chapter 30
HarleyErik just had to mark his territory in front of all the other testosterone meat bags at the gym. Especially in front of Bobby who was clearly checking out my dirty pillows. It wasn’t even subtle.What a neanderthal.I won’t lie, a part of me likes it when Erik proudly claims me before all others.When I enter Uncle Steve’s office, I’m surprised to see him talking with The Beast. That’s not his real name, and it’s not a very original nickname, but the man is a fucking beast. Not just in size but fighting styles and stamina. He’s been setting up some amazing fighting events once a month, all legal of course and putting himself in as the warmup entertainment. He takes on about five to ten challengers and fighting them in whatever technique they choose from his list of known styles. I went a few months ago, it was epic, made a few bets and came out with a bit of walking around money but that part is all hush hush.“Hey, sorry, I didn’t
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chapter 31
ErikThe feeling I had in my gut when I watched Harley walk out of the gym made me feel uneasy. I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was, but she felt a little off.I refuse Bobby’s offer to drive me home hoping a run might help clear my mind. It doesn’t help at all and by the time I reach the back door to the courtyard all I can think about is seeing Harley in the morning, having her safe in my arms and kissing that sexy, bulgar mouth of hers.When I open the back door to the courtyard, I see both Marcos sitting by the fire pit drinking beer. They’ve been waiting to ambush me this entire time, and by the looks on their faces they mean business.“Hey guys, what’s up?” I try to hide my amusement.“Sit down Erik, have a drink.” Marco hands me a beer while the other motions to a lawn chair they’ve prepared for me to sit at.I take the bottle, sit down and wait for the interrogation to begin.“We are here to listen.”“
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chapter 32
ErikAfter that dream, I couldn’t sleep so I ran. I ran for hours until my body burned and by the time, I got to the café everyone was up getting ready for our communal breakfast.Harley never came into the café that day. I never heard a word from her or saw her before I left for the airport, and it’s probably for the best. I thought about what I’d say to her while I was running when I saw her, none of it nice. Every word designed to hurt her, and it hurt me to think of saying these things to her, which didn’t make any sense after she spent the night with John.I’m assuming Vanessa told her I had found out, and booked a flight. Now she’s keeping her distance, waiting for me to just leave so she doesn't have to deal with the mess she made. I was wrong about her.Sam spent the morning trying to convince me that something wasn’t right about the whole situation, and that Harley would never not show up to work without at least calling. Sam was trying to call her all
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chapter 33
HarleyI hang up the phone after leaving the message on Erik’s voicemail. I look around his old room. He didn’t have a lot of stuff with him, now there’s even less of him in here. He just left. He just fucking left without even talking to me.After the night I had I came as soon as I could to the café to find out Erik had already gotten on a flight to LAX.Vanessa told me he overheard her stupid comment and assumed that I was fucking around with John behind his back. She apologized profusely, but to just leave without at least talking to me? That’s fucked up. I almost didn’t believe them when they all told me he left.That exfiance really pulled a number on him.The message I left would clear things up if he ever listens to it. I could never do that to him. I wouldn’t. I love him, though I’d never be able to say it out loud, I know it’s true.I lay on Erik’s bed, and everything just comes bubbling up to the surface. I can’t hold
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chapter 34
ErikFive Months LaterWe get off the conference call with Magnus. That asshole always rubs me the wrong way, every God damned time. If he wasn’t an old friend of my father’s I’d have no qualms with ditching him and his entire company off our client roster, but it’s not only up to just me.Simon sniggers next to me. “Erik, you really need to relax.”He starts to gather his sketches.He’s not wrong. Ever since I returned to Oslo I’ve been so tightly wound up and snappy that I’ve gone through four assistants, all quitting after just weeks at the company. I suspect the current one whose name I don't even remember is hitting send on her letter of resignation right now after my outburst this morning. I don’t even remember what it was about, but it sure felt important at the time.Simon stops to examine me and sighs. “You need to figure out a way to get closure on this. It’s festering, and it’s seeping not only into your work life, but
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