Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 101 - Chapitre 110
Angelo suddenly had an idea. He took out his phone to dial Isabella's number. He wanted to tell her what was going on so she could stall the wedding for a little while. However, the man behind the young woman said, "no, throw the phone at me." Angelo stared at the man but ignored him and went ahead to dial Isabella's number but the man said, "I'm only going to count to three Mr. Flores and your sister will be gone. One, two."Seeing that Angelo wasn't willing to budge and the man behind her had counted up to two, the young woman closed her eyes and screamed, "no, please no." Just as the man said three, Angelo threw the phone at him and he caught it.Isabella picked up the call just as the phone landed on the man's hand. She said, "hi darling, guess where your bride is right now." The man ended the call without saying anything in reply.Isabella realized that the call had been disconnected and was surprised. She had just arrived at the church and wanted to let Angelo know but before
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A FEW HOURS EARLIERIsabella waited for Angelo but when she didn't see him about thirty minutes later, she became afraid that something had happened to him. She called his number again and this time it went through but there was no answer.She became even more worried and her eyes became misty. She briefly imagined him lying in a pool of blood and instantly got up but her maid of honor held her back and said, "sit down please, you are the bride and it's not proper for you to act this way."Isabella received a text message at that point and sat back down. She heaved a sigh of relief when she realized it was from Angelo. However, as she read the contents, her hands began to shake. The text read, "I'm sorry Isabella, I thought I wanted this but I just realized at the last minute that I'm not ready to commit to one woman just yet.There are so many beautiful and sexy ladies out there and I am a very hot guy. It is selfish of you to want me all to yourself and I'm not ready to tie myself d
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Angelo ran towards Damon who stared at him in surprise. He tapped Damon on the shoulder without a word and ran into the church. However, he was surprised to find it almost empty.There was no sign of Isabella or Mirabella. He slowly walked out of the church and stared at Damon in surprise, "where is my wife and everyone else?""Are you being serious right now," Damon asked. "Dude, your wedding was two hours ago. Here I was, worried that something had happened to you but it turns out you are completely fine. Your wife got married to another man and everyone left after that."Angelo stared at him in surprise and warned, "look, Damon, I know you are upset that I'm late and I understand. However, this joke is not funny. How can my wife marry someone else?""His name is Hamzat, I think," Damon replied. "But what really happened man? I heard your bride was all tears."Angelo closed his eyes as he felt his heart break. He could not bring himself to imagine what Isabella must have gone throug
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Angelo laughed even harder as he felt that Hamzat was acting like a clown. Inside the house, both Mirabella and Isabella heard Angelo's voice which was quite loud.After her grandparents dropped her off yesterday, Mirabella had been crying that she wanted to see her dad until Isabella lost it and yelled at her. Ever since then, she had not said a word about Angelo but after hearing his voice, she could not hold back.She screamed, "daddy," and happily ran out to meet Angelo. Isabella did not try to stop her because she knew that it would only make her cry.When Mirabella got to the door, Hamzat made room for her to pass. She ran into Angelo's arms as he went on one knee to hug her. He lifted her off the ground and turned her around until she began to scream excitedly.He eventually took her towards his car and placed her on top of it while Hamzat stood by the door staring at the both of them."I missed you so much, Daddy," Mirabella said. "You said you were going to marry mummy but y
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Isabella's face turned red in anger and she walked towards Angelo, "how dare you?" She asked and slapped him across the face.Angelo did not try to dodge the slap. He stared at Isabella as her eyes became misty while she struggled not to cry."What do you think of yourself, Angelo? Do you think the world revolves around you or that you are the best thing since God made men?You probably thought that if you stood me up at the altar, I would end my life. Well, you failed Angelo. You may think you are hot but the truth remains that you are dispensable.I stayed without you for years and as you know I was doing just fine by myself. My life will still go on without you. As a matter of fact, I married someone so much better than you. The only thing left is for me to sign the divorce papers so I can be free from you. Angelo Flores, after that, you can go to hell.I am walking out of this place and don't you even dare try to stop me."After speaking, Isabella turned to leave but Angelo hugged
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Hamzat angrily drove to the police station and reported that his wife had been kidnapped. After taking his statement, a few officers escorted him to Angelo's house as he had told them that Angelo was the one who kidnapped his wife and he saw him clearly. He had shown them his wedding pictures with Isabella so they would know what she looked like.When they arrived at Angelo's house, they knocked on the door and Angelo's sister came out. She stared at them in surprise and asked, "is there a problem?"One of the officers said, "we are here for Angelo Flores. Tell him to come out or we'll be forced to search the house.""Angelo is not at home," she replied. "He left the house quite early and hasn't been back since then."Hamzat stared at her in disbelief, "she is probably covering up for him, whoever she is."In the end, the officers searched the house but there was no sign of Isabella or Angelo. When he was asked what business Angelo had with his wife and what possible reason he could
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Isabella laughed, "what are you talking about, Hamzat? Our wedding was just for show. You said yourself on that day that you wanted to save me from shame and I appreciate it but we have no obligation toward each other. People outside may not know the truth but you and I do. Anyways, thanks for having me."After speaking to Hamzat, Isabella went to her daughter who sat down quietly inside the room and said, "come on, darling, it's time to go home." Mirabella got up with a sad expression on her face. "What is the problem?" Isabella asked.Mirabella began to cry, "I miss my daddy. I want him to live with us as before."Isabella smiled and hugged her, "You will get whatever you want, my love. Your daddy will spend the whole of tomorrow with you and soon, we will all live in one house, I promise you."Mirabella's eyes lit up and she smiled, "thank you, mummy. I love you."Isabella happily took the small luggage they had with them and left. Hamzat offered to drop them home but Isabella rem
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Angelo pulled Hamzat from the ground by his collar, dragged him outside, and threw him to the floor as he said angrily, "whatever friendship you had with Isabella, ended the moment you insulted her. You are no longer welcome in this house, Hamzat. If I ever see you around Isabella or my daughter, I will put you in a coma. You can take my word for it."Hamzat got up from the ground and dusted his palms and his clothes. Isabella was still staring at him in surprise as he pointed a finger at her and said, "this is not over."She watched him walk away and tears fell from her eyes. Angelo hugged her, "why are you crying for someone who has no respect for you? He is not worth your tears, Isabella. I don't want to see it, forget about Hamzat.""it's not that easy," Isabella said sadly. "Something must be wrong somewhere, I've known Hamzat for many years. He has helped me a lot and we have always had mutual respect for each other. Yes, he liked me and hoped for a future for both of us but, he
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Isabella sighed and blamed herself for everything that was now happening. If she had just allowed herself to bear the shame of being left stranded on the altar, none of this would have happened."What am I supposed to do?" She asked Angelo. "I don't even have a lawyer and I don't want my parents to know about this so I can't even ask my dad's lawyer to represent me.""You do not need a lawyer for this, Isabella," Angelo replied. "Hamzat might need one but not you. This is just easy since all you need to do is prove that Hamzat is not your husband. Leave that to me, I will be there tomorrow, and trust me, we will both be smiling at the end."Isabella felt relieved and hugged Angelo. She hated unnecessary fights and dramas and now Hamzat was dragging her before a judge. She was happy that Angelo was by her side because she knew that with his support, Hamzat would never be able to take her hospital away from her.Angelo went back home while Isabella decided to go to the hospital. When sh
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"Shut the fuck up," Angelo yelled. "I know for a fact that Isabella's parents did not have a hand in the death of my parents. I already found out the truth so stop spewing nonsense."She kept a sad face, "I am sorry, Angelo. I know you so badly want to believe that but I witnessed it all. Isabella's father drove the truck that killed dad.Her parents are probably plagued with guilt for killing their only son, Antonio. Isabella's brother wasn't at home when dad went to confront him for pushing mum off the stairs even when she was heavily pregnant.Dad angrily got into the car and was driving back home. I was inside the car and we saw Antonio on the road, we didn't know where he was going. Dad stopped the car and forced him into the car.Because dad had threatened Isabella's parents, her father drove the truck to get rid of all of us. However, dad opened the door and pushed me out of the car before it was crushed by the truck. Isabella's father did not notice me, he drove off immediatel
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17 Protection Status