Semua Bab I Know How You Taste, Mr. CEO: Bab 71 - Bab 80
89 Bab
Chapter 70 One Family
After the enchantment by Luther's proposal, their families approach to congratulate them. But seeing Arah's eyes linger on her mom they gave them mom the chance to greet each other first. "Mom, you came" tearful, she throw herself to Diane. For a moment there was silence as the mother and daughter hug each other, crying. And it's been a while before they parted, comforting each other. Luther stays at the side, watching together with the rest. "I've missed a lot of your important celebrations. When you were growing up, I was never allowed to come close to celebrating with you. I can only watch from a distance. So I won't miss this time to be with you at this important milestone in your life" Diane quivers while wiping Arah's tears. "Thank you, mom. I'm so happy right now it's scaring me. This might be a dream and once I wake up it will all be gone" she anxiously mumbles."Oh, my love. This is real. Don't be scared. You deserve this moment after what you've gone through. This is a d
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Chapter 71 Childish Dream
Tension rises when Dr. Rene Rechner arrived. Everyone is gauging. Kevin instantly become protective of his wife seeing her ex-husband. Pulling her close to him while Riley stands on the other side of his mom. Calvin steps forward in front of them. Blocking whoever might come close to Diane and Kevin. Arah while in Luther's arms stares at her mother. And she clearly saw the fear reflecting in her eyes."He cannot touch your, mom. We will never allow him, don't worry. But I invited him in respect as your father" Luther snuggle her ears to whisper."I'm here, pumpkin. It will be fine. Your mom has nothing to fear. Receive your father as a daughter" he softly added. Nodding, she smiles at him before taking a deep breath. Luther has a point. She has nothing to do with whatever happened to her parents in the past. In one way or another, they are both significant parts of her life. Each is important to her to a different degree. Her father has been a great provider. He gave her all the
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Chapter 72 Moving On
Tearfully staring at her father, she heaves a disappointed sigh. She could see the cold ultimatum in his eyes and she felt hopeless."No matter what happens, I'm your daughter and you are important to me" she bitterly smiles. "As I have said, I will never forsake you but I refuse to be subjected to your quest for retribution" she softly added without averting her gaze from him. "I refuse to choose. I don't think I need to. You're both important to me. I can't force you to set aside whatever you deemed right. But I will cherish those who will stay by my side despite the differences we have" she sadly smiles."You brought that whore into your life. You have made a choice, Amara. That is how I understand it" Rene grimly retorted. And his response made Arah heave a devastated sigh."Dad... " she hopelessly whispers."I wish you a happy life, Amara" with his eyes piercing on her, he mutters. He tries to stand up but is too muddled and weak to even keep himself upright. She watches him s
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Chapter 73 Timeless
Arah waited for Luther to answer while the rest remains quiet."He left a few months ago and nobody knows where he went except for Vasili" Luther solemnly responded."Why did he leave? Something happened?" she was thinking of something tragic."We don't know the real reason. He only confided with Vasili and though he got his parent's approval, aunt Lexie has been unhappy about his decision. She cannot hide how she missed him" Luther earnestly explains. "He might have been overwhelmed with everything. Of all the Wright children, Lucas is the softer one among the three brothers. He is more like Lexie in a lot of ways although he is a spitting image of Lucien. And being in a Mafia family is not easy" Samael casually interjected. A gentle smile adorned his face. No one among them knows the real reason. All they have are purely assumptions.Listening, Arah thoughtfully nods while trying to understand. The Petrov family may be dominated by men heirs but she was surprised at how close the t
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Chapter 74 Connection
After Luther arrives to pick her up, they went straight to the Steel mansion to meet with their visitors. "Arah, meet your aunt Lexie" Helen instantly stands up and carefully drags her to meet the woman whose back is on them. Luther was amused by his mother's enthusiasm but lets go of Arah's hand. He too is excited to see his mother's cousin. Arah has been anticipating the moment to meet the famous fashion designer and her heart is thundering with excitement. "Hello, Arah" after standing up, Lexie gracefully turn to her with a charming fond smile. For a while, she was mesmerized. She was unable to respond while she gawks at the perfection in front of her. Yes, she too is beautiful and people are gawking at her most of the time. But seeing the gorgeous model and fashion designer, though older than her, made her feel ordinary. "Hello, Auntie Lexie. At last, we met" she dazedly mumbles while being pulled into a warm hug. "I've been hearing a lot of great things about you, Arah. H
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Chapter 75 Unreasonable
Today, their baby's gender has been revealed after trying to delay it for a little surprise for themselves. They will be having a baby boy. And as they decided, they will name him, Zebastian. The couple was ecstatic seeing their baby on the monitor looking more human than in the previous sessions they had. Zebastian's heartbeat is like music to their ears they so love to hear.But unexpectedly, Arah becomes so emotional. Even after their intimate session with their team, she cries at the little things she hears and sees. And she cannot seem to stop. Realizing something is wrong with her, she asks Luther to bring her to the park. She wanted to distract herself. Her emotion seems uncontrollable and fresh air might help her. During her first trimester, she did not encounter emotional qualms or unreasonable cravings. But earlier, the surge of emotion surprised her like a roller coaster. The emotions she should feel months ago upon knowing she was pregnant just surfaced now. She was f
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Chapter 76 A Hero
After Arah's breakdown yesterday, she was able to convince Luther to let her have her clinic. She doesn't want to stay at home and be bored for the entire day without him. With her emotional state, she doesn't want to be left alone. So, though late, she was happy when they arrive. Being with her patients makes her feel alive. Although she limits her patients for today, she is still glad to serve some.Attending to her patients is her only way to improve her mood, of course aside from being with Luther. But he can't be with her the entire day."Thank you, Levy" she brightly smiles after she went out of the door he was holding for her."You're welcome, Doctor" the man politely replies. And promptly followed her toward the door of the building. "Boom!""Clash!""Hoonk...""Hoonk..."Flinching, her steps abruptly halted. She was startled by the sudden loud crash followed by the honking of horns behind them. Immediately, she was surrounded by her security while Levy hugged her for prote
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Chapter 77 Against Protocol
"Doctor, hang on, the team is coming" Levy tries to comfort her despite of panic he feels. His men are trying to be calm while helping her but cold sweats trickle down their foreheads. He will be doomed once CEO Steel arrives. And it will be soon since he reported the incident before they left the clinic. "Dr. Rechner is bleeding!" one of the young doctors noticed the commotion and saw her state. The men were planning to get her out, unnoticed though it was an impossible plight. The emergency room is packed with medical personnel. Upon hearing the announcement, one of the senior doctors rushed to check on her. "Let her lay down on the bed" the doctor promptly ordered, pointing at the bed in the corner. Levy immediately takes off his jacket to wrap it around her before carrying her to the bed the doctor pointed to. "Prepare doppler" with a quick movement, the doctor wears her gloves to check on Arah who is now carefully laid down. Levy hesitated to leave Arah alone, but she saw
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Chapter 78 Born
"Aunt Lexie's mom" Luther mumbles looking at Rene. He doesn't know the exact story but his aunt had once mentioned her mother who she thought was already dead, being in a coma for almost a decade. "She has been in a coma for several years when I arrived on the island together with my mentor" Rene continues. "Braindead, that's all she was for years. My first case. I was challenged. And though quite impossible, we never cease the research about her case until we had a breakthrough. After eight years of being in deep slumber, we were able to wake her up" he added with a wistful smile. It was a joyful day at the island facility as he remembers. "So you took part in grandma Andrea's case" Luther whisper in disbelief. "Yes, my research was used to manage her case. And with Petrov's funding, I was able to formulate and manufacture the drugs to stimulate the brain of a case such as hers. And it was a success. Though only a few people could use the drug since the patent was already owned b
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Chapter 79 Panicked
Luther was brought to the bed next to Arah. But he remains unconscious amid the medical ministration of the team."Her vitals are normal. He just fainted" one of the doctors announced, assuring her."Just let him rest for a while, please" Arah mumbles before turning to stare at Luther's pale face again. He was overwhelmed that he lost control. Their baby was taken away by the pediatrician to clean and undergo a thorough check. "It seems to run in the blood" Dr. Linda mumbles while she finishes attending to Arah whose eyes are glued to Luther. "Hmm" barely having a grasp of what she said, Arah turn to her with furrowed brows. Her eyes questioned her."These Petrov men. They are all fierce and scary but they have a distinct weakness" Dr. Linda smiles when she glances at her. "Hmm...Weakness?" baffled, she asks the seems to be an amused doctor."Family and childbirth. The only weakness of the Petrov men. CEO Steel is the third to have fainted after their son was born" Linda winks at
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