All Chapters of The Night Known As You: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
179 Chapters
V2 Chapter 128 Pet Training 101 1/2
Manor POV " Where... all Elves come from?" I softly repeated in awe. " Well... That's what it says in our scriptures. The Goddess Luna took the dew of the stars and dropped them from the heavens. That drop fell on the tree. Then from its bark broke out the first 10 Elves before it regenerated and fell into a deep slumber." Amber quoted the tale. " So, elves are actually very fancy pieces of wood... Wow, I did not see that coming. " Towcs shook his head. I facepalm as Amber stared at him in shock. " So if I set you on fire would you burn like wood? Would you? Would you?!!" Towcs yelled in excitement. " What?! No! We wouldn't!" Amber waved her arms and shook her head. " Then do you float?! Like wood? Can people make bridges out of you? What about doors? Tables? Chairs? Can People Make Houses Out Of You?!!! Is it like... the trees you live in like part of your body?! Do you like to grow it out and then chop off your tail just so you can move around?! Is that why you don't h
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V2 Chapter 129 Pet Training 101 2/2
Manor POV " No treat for such a bad pet. It hasn't even been a day since I made you mine and the first thing you do is try to kill yourself to stop a curse which I can easily stop with time."Terry says annoyed as he pulls himself away from me and continues walking." Eh? I was doing a heroic deed! Shouldn't I be rewarded for that?"I ask in shock as I run after him. Getting more desperate for that kiss." If I wanted my pet to sacrifice itself at every chance of a heroic deed, then I'd treat it, like a test subject and not have any emotional attachments to it."Terry points out as he easily walks through the dry shifting slippery leaves and huge roots of the trees while I was struggling to keep up." But your life and thousands more were on the line and at the time there was the only choice of being killed in the Elf council or sacrificing to slow down the curse. Can you really punish me for my decision?"" It appears that I can." Terry snapped at me. Frustrated at the situation, I
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V2 Chapter 130 Teasing Walk
Terrius POV " You sure you don't want to stay back? Your legs are wobbling a lot." I worryingly ask. " I'm not letting you go alone! That's final!" Manor says stubbornly as he tracks through the huge tree roots in his leopard form. His back legs were shivering under his weight, making his sexy ass sway with every step he took. " Aren't you normally faster than me? What are you doing back there?" Manor glanced behind to look at me. " Enjoying the show, I bet that tight greedy hole of yours still isn't satisfied with one round." I answered as I bit my thumb, holding back the urge to do him again. Manor's body shivers in delight as his back legs fail him even more. Damn... I really want to be in him again. ..... I struggle a bit as my dick stirs with excitement. ".. Ngh.... quit causing me trouble... you big sexy... Troublemaker... " Manor trails off as his back legs completely fail him. I could see his ass sucking in his pants desperate for me. My member twitches with ex
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V2 Chapter 131 The Grand Tree
Terrius POV " Oi! Topic change! Stick to the change!" Manor growled. I laughed. " Wait... If I'm greed doesn't that mean V1 is sloth?" Manor quickly added, trying to change the topic again. " In a way... Did Misaki create all of you to have one of the deadly sins?" " I don't know. .. maybe. .. Maybe that's how she checks if a Version is stable or not." " Wouldn't that mean that V1 and V2 aren't stable?" " I guess so... but maybe because of all the drama that's going on or that they are hiding it from her? Maybe that's why V0 doesn't do anything about it?" " Hmmm... So if V1 is sloth, V2 is lust, V4 is wrath, V5 is pride, V6 is gluttony and you are greed." " Which makes either V3 or Kaen envy. " " I can't see Kaen as the envy type. .. If you ask me, the way he acted when V1 piss him off was definitely a low level of wrath and he does come off as prideful once in a while." I pointed it out. " Na! Kaen's failure warning should be crying. He's too perfect to have any s
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V2 Chapter 132 Ralux 1/2
Terrius POV " Looks like we're lucky enough to get a horse. Due to the panic, everyone has been renting the wagon, carriages, and buying off all the horses. Looks like we'll have to share. " I say with a mischievous smile but then I noticed Manor still in his leopard form staring at the horse with panic swirling in his silver eyes. I then realized something. .... I have never seen a Version ride a horse before. " What's wrong, Manor? You afraid of the horse?" I grin knowingly at Manor. " ...Wha.. what?... Me... Afraid of that!... Please, I can easily eat it.... Besides, you have seen me control that... before..." " Oh? Then it shouldn't be a problem even though we don't have a caravan then." I say in a challenging way, as I mount the horse, knowing Manor would bite his tongue and mount even though he's scared out of his mind. "... Yeah... no... problem. all..." He says timidly as he approaches the horse but what shocked me the most was how the horse didn't freak
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V2 Chapter 133 Ralux 2/2
Manor POV " Seriously? *Chewing* So much budding *swallowing* romance in a deadly dying forest?" Someone huffed in between talking with a full mouth. I instantly recognized that voice. " V1?!" I exclaimed. V1 suddenly appeared sitting on the ground next to the satchel digging through it and eating the food. " Oooh! Cookies! You always *chewing* did know my favorites Terrius. " V1 happily chimed as he pulled out the cookies. " What are you doing here? What was that shrieking sound?" I questioned. " Fake sheeps. * chewing* They keep watch and keep me *chewing* informed, but I'm sure you knew that, Terrius, since *gulp* you were purposely kicking *chewing* trees and waking up as many as you can on the way here. *Moans* Tasty. " V1 answered as he crammed cookies into his mouth. He knew? " I knew they were going to call you but I didn't expect them to start shrieking like that. I expected something like Repeater. Just like last time. " Terry nodded. " Repeater takes hours
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V2 Chapter 134 Troublemaker 1/2
Manor POV As soon as we left the dead woods and Terry gave the clear to take off our masks. I breathed a sigh of relief as I enjoyed the cool night air under the moonbeam of a half-moon glowing in the starry night sky. " Beautiful Night isn't it? Just seeing this makes me feel like the death forest and the nearing apocalypse of the world is nothing more than a distant dream." I turned to Terry with a smile just to notice he was looking a little pale. " Yeah, you're right my pet." Terry says as he looks down and gives me a weak smile. His milky violet eyes had lost that violent vibrant color that use to swirl in his eyes. Both my paws grab his cheeks, pulling his face closer as I noticed his rosy complexion a little faded. I then recalled how as soon as I reached there, he gave me the potion... We went to the lab and fought. " What's wrong, my pet?" Terry asks as he places a hand on my paw while looking at me. I left him at the lab and didn't see him at dinner. He left
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V2 Chapter 135 Troublemaker 2/2
Terry POV " So mean!" Manor pouts as he rests his head on my shoulder. " I'm sorry my pet, that wasn't my intention. I just can't get enough of you either, especially when you're looking so cute and delicious like this." I apologize with a grin as I pat his head trying to make him feel better. " 100 more and I might forgive you." " *Laughs* You sure you're okay with just a hundred? My greedy little pet?" " Then 200 and a kiss." " Oh? Just pats and a kiss?" " I don't want you pushing yourself. Tonight, let's just take it easy until you feel better. " Manor whispers to my lips as he kisses me tenderly again. Careful not to get me excited but just enough to keep me satisfied. I grin against his lips. " What a perfect pet you are." I say as I snuggle against his chest and look up at the night sky enjoying the beautiful scenery of the half-moon, shining stars along with the bamboo and small plants surrounding the hot spring, that has a little steam floating around. Th
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V2 Chapter 136 Sing for Absolution 1/2
Two Days Ago. Exactly 2 hours after Manor's departure. Hikaru POV " My apologies V7, duty calls. " V0 informs with an emotionless voice. I immediately luge forward trying to push Kaen out of the way but I was too late. Kaen once again collapses to the ground. I scrabble towards him and cradle him in my arms. I raised my hand above his head where he was struck. " Ricktrol Mutetai Bomount." I panicked while waiting for that blue clock to appear, turning back time, but it didn't come. My hand immediately reaching towards my pouch looking for the Link to the Flungoues wanting to turn back time but it wasn't there and it wasn't around my neck as well. I panicked scrabbling through myself with one hand trying to find it. Tears filled my eyes when I realized I didn't have it, but even though I knew that, my hands never stopped looking. " I wished the cycle would never end, but this is how it must be. Thank you for everything. Hik... ar..u.." Kaen struggles to say as blood tri
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V2 Chapter 137 Sing for Absolution 2/2
Hikaru POV Why?! Why!! Why can't it just be me? Why can't you love me just for being myself?!!! I cursed as I rested my face in my hands as I cried tears of frustration. At that moment, a brilliant blue light started glowing from one of the pouches of my belt and an even more annoying sound started rigging in my head. "Lips are turning blue A kiss that can't renew I only dream of you My beautiful" I groan... Stupid fucki** Soul!!!! I breathe trying to calm myself down since my fury of feelings is what's causing the Soul to sing. As long as I'm able to get rid of my frustration, it should stop signing. " Tiptoe to your room A starlight in the gloom I only dream of you And you never knew." I take deeper breaths trying to get rid of this nagging frustrating feeling, but the more it sings, the more it feeds my frustration. " Sing for absolution I will be singing Falling from your grace." " FUCK!!!" I ripped out the pouch from my belt, throwing it across t
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