All Chapters of BLOODY OBSESSION : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 Chapters
Fatimah inhaled the air with her eyes closed as she tried for the last time to pick up the faint scent of Seth that glided along with the wind. He'd been nearby, she was sure of it, it was just a matter of pinpointing exactly where it was he had been.Fatimah opened her eyes with a frustrated sigh and the first thing she saw was a nice-looking pub. Shrugging her shoulders, she stepped toward it."It is never too early for a drink" she murmured as she stepped into the dimly lighted pub. The place looked cozy and she was sure it was a place Seth would have been in.The bartender flashed her a smile, then a wink as she walked toward him. Fatimah smiled back and took a seat on the low stool that faced him."What can I get for you today gorgeous".Fatimah watched him as she tried to decide whether she liked him or not. His blood also gave a really appetizing scent. "Why don't you surprise me. I'm not too picky, but make sure it hits".He popped the gum he was chewing as he winked. "Oh it'l
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Gracie glared at Mason when she looked up and saw him staring at her again. He was really annoying and even though she tried not to let it get to her, it still felt as if he was judging her for not caring enough for Dawn.Gracie wondered where she had gone to. Did she go back to visit her mother, or had she been abducted by one of her many obsessive admirers?"What am I thinking, that shit doesn't happen in this town," she told herself then sighed. "But times are changing and we can't rule that out can we?"."Hey!" Mason's voice cut into her thought making her jump. Mason backed up looking apologetic. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you".Gracie exhaled. "What did you mean to do then? Something worse than scaring the crap out of me"Mason chose to ignore her words, the action plain as day on his face. "I just wanted to tell you not to worry too much. We all know it's not your fault that Dawn's missing, that is, if she even is" he said shrugging.Gracie crossed her arm and regarded him
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DAWN POV.My chest hurt, my lungs were on fire and my heart felt like it was trying to beat out of my chest. Pausing to catch my breath, I glanced around to take stock of where it was I was. My eyes widened when I noticed a huge cathedral just standing a few feet from where I stood.Were the heavens really on my side? I rushed into the building like it was my salvation. Running towards the pulpit I looked around frantically for a crucifix, rosary, or whatever it was they called holy water.Someone cleared their throat behind me and I jumped in panic whirling to face the person, my heart twisting in my chest.For an insane moment, I thought my captor had caught up with me.Seth. It was so weird that I only found out his name while I was trying to flee from the pretty girl who had looked way too innocent to be associating with vampires. Not that he bothered with introducing himself before sinking his fangs into me and draining my blood until I passed out. I shuddered thinking about it.
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Gabriel stopped the car in front of Dawn's house and switched off the engine. He sat exhaling deeply before running his hands through his hair. Gabriel felt drained about everything that happened during the past hour.It was dark already and Dawn sat beside him, her eyes closed in a deep slumber. He cleared his throat and Dawn's eyes jerked open, her gaze darting around wildly almost as if she was expecting someone or something to grab her.Carefully, he touched her arm and she jerked to face him in panic then calmed when she saw that it was just him.He wondered if something had happened to her while she was in the woods. He couldn't get his mind off the blood that had been on the dress she had been wearing when he first found her. They had gone shopping for a new dress and also to eat.They both sat in silence. Gabriel's hands were tensed on the wheel and Dawn could see how stiff his shoulders and neck were.He had been brooding all through the day."Am sorry to have worried you and
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DAWN POV.I screamed, trashing around on my bed that felt like wet sticky blankets coated in blood. I gasped awake, my eyes opened wildly as I searched around for the monster that had attacked me, then I stared in horror at my chest trying to stop the warm blood from spurting out, looking for a hole that wasn't even there. I was sweating crazy when I finally realized that my heart was still intact. I wiped the sweat from my eyebrows, my cheeks, and down to my neck as I took calming breaths. It was just a bad nightmare. No demonic woman was trying to carve my heart out. I got to my feet, feeling exhausted and I screamed when I saw Gracie just leaning against the wall watching me. She must have just come in because she hadn't been there while I had searched around. My hand clutched against my rapidly beating heart. I inhaled slowly, then let it out. "Gracie? What are you doing walking around? Aren't you hungover?". I walked towards her and felt her forehead to check her temperature.
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Cafe.Dawn got to work after the initial shock of seeing that the vampire who had kidnapped her and drained her to the point of death was standing right back at the cafe she worked. The customers were starting to trope in and she decided to busy herself with work and not acknowledge his existence. He was like a nightmare that refused to go away no matter how much she wished it would.She could feel his eyes on her. Dawn found herself always aware of when he laid eyes on her. He was the only one she knew who watched her in that manner. His eyes were full of hatred and yet she could almost sense a longing in them when he laid eyes on her. His emotions seemed to be guarded or maybe he just couldn't feel any.But If he could feel anger, then he could definitely feel the other types of emotion.Seth was seated at a secluded booth. Mason had gotten more serious and was helping out. Gracie took care of serving and displaying the cakes while simultaneously keeping watch on the door and chewin
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PAST."Catch me if you can Seth!" Masika yelled and dashed behind the huge tree that stood at the center of the garden. Her voice sounded like smooth water running through the desert, it beaconed to him and forced a light smile to tug at the edges of his lips. He carefully moved towards the tree only to find her gone. He had not taken his eyes off the tree even once but they were surrounded by trees and bushes, so she might have crawled away.He looked around cautiously and only his fast reflex saved him from getting hit by her arrow square in the chest. He caught it mere inches from his chest in the air and finally found her crouched on the floor as she put another arrow through her bow.He smiled as she aimed at him once more, mischief dancing in her dark blue eyes that the sun kept lightening up whenever it had the chance. It was as if the sun was trying to compete with him. It couldn't get enough of her just like he couldn't."It's good to know you have your wits about you even w
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The past."Mother is dying! We need to take her away from her father" Seth shouted, the veins on his neck standing out at the pressure he exerted. "How can we Seth? You heard the sorcerers and the physician. No one is allowed to go into her chamber""So we are just going to sit here and watch her die?" He roared, his hand fisting by his side."She's not going to die!" He growled back, matching his son's rage. "How do you know that? Answer me, how do you know that?"He suddenly grabbed at Seth's robe in anger. "We can not take her now. Don't you trust me anymore? Just a little more time and she will be ok" he said letting go of him slowly and looking suddenly weak.Seth puffed out air, his heart twisting in his chest. "Fine! You're the king, father and your word is the law, but if anything happens to my mother. I'll never forgive you" he promised, then ran away from him, jumped on his horse, and rode into the night.It was the witching hour when Alaric approached the Pharoah, looking
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DAWN POV I opened my eyes slowly and stretched out my arms feeling more relaxed and different. The out-of-control way I felt yesterday seemed to be abated and, I felt fluid and stress-free. Silky sheets grazed over my naked skin as I wriggled around on the bed. I froze in realization. Oh my gosh! I looked into the sheet and I was indeed naked.Why was I naked? Who took off my dress? I asked myself stupidly. It was Seth who came to get me last night. Last night when I had gotten shit-faced drunk to quench the burning desire that had suddenly gripped me out of nowhere, I was sure Seth also had something to do with that.I pushed the blanket away and took in the condition of my skin. I gasped as I saw dark Hickey and bite marks littering over my chest, my arm, in between my thighs, and I felt sore all over. The headache also started registering to me because it was suddenly causing my head to bang as I stared at my state. He bloody took advantage of me like he always did... Just like
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Persephone watched as the clouds gathered in the sky. It was a good night to hunt. It was dark, and the occasional lightning that rends the sky cast ghostly shadows over the whole terrain. "What a pretty sight this is." She could already picture it, everyone would be indoors and the unlucky prey who ventured out into the night would become a meal that even the gods would approve of, but she was not in the mood for it. Seth had not returned after their little quarrel that Fatimah had interrupted. The girl had been her nemesis for decades. There was nothing but bad blood shared. "I wish I could get her, just once. Maybe watch her bleed a little before I let her off".Persephone sighed. She missed Seth. He was never around these days. It felt just like when he had been in love with Masika in the past. He had loved Masika so much that no one else had existed where she was concerned and it was the same now.Even if it was a completely different girl and Seth was only after her blood. It w
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