All Chapters of My Stepbrother and His Friend: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
70 Chapters
Chapter 21
PIERRE POV~FLASHBACK~“Okay, what is your worst fear?” The lovely stranger asked from my side. I whisked my head to the side to get a better view of his handsome face for a good before looking up into the night sky. Away from the city lights, the stars were brighter here, marring the entire and casting a faint glow to the earth. The ocean breeze was calm, fawning gently around us and bathing us in the fresh brisk. Everything about this place screamed serenity, and I wished I could just freeze this moment so it can last forever.“My worst fear…” I repeated, regarding his question harder than I probably had to. He was likely referring to phobias or smaller things that caused me great discomfort, and here I was already thinking about the end of the world. “Yes. Something that you are so afraid of or something that you wish it could stay hidden.” His silhouette moved when he shifted to the side, then propped himself onto his elbow before staring at me intently. From this view, I knew t
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Chapter 22
POSEIDON POV“Can I make love to you?” the words slipped through my lips way before I could fully register them. By the time the density of them hit my mind, Pierre was already gawking at me with a very funny look. A mixture of befuddlement, surprise, and a tinge of lust.A small chuckle escaped my lips before I faced him once again, regarding him earnestly.“Right here? Now?” He whispered, his eyes flying to the closed door of his bedroom before he stared back at me. I could almost hear the engines in his mind churning, turning, and rolling the idea of humping right in here when our parents were just one floor below. But the thought of it set me ablaze with a different kind of inferno, that sizzled through my stream delivering a flood of heat to my groin. It was the mind-scorching notion of incest that made me want to do it even more.With that, I took his hand in mine and ran it down my torso, before sandwiching it between my hand, and my member which was raging inside the gray swea
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Chapter 23
PIERRE POVTime elapsed in a fraction of a heartbeat, and slowly yet profoundly, I found myself warming up to the entire Z4 gang. I should say, serving them was not as bad as I thought it would be, and not because they were treating me as a part of them, but because they were humans with flesh and blood like me and everyone else. Outside their posh, extravagant lifestyle everyone wished for, they were still teenagers. Stupid, stubborn, hotheaded, and sometimes downright annoying. They did all the crazy and typical things any normal teen boy would do in the last year of his high school life. They dated (especially Romeo who seemed to be living up to his name by changing girls almost every hour), they drank like lunatics, and well, they were pretty fun. They were the total opposite of what the whole world and all of Empire Academy painted them. And I was really gratified to come to the knowledge that they were not all glittery even in their comfort zones. However, as soon as they lef
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Chapter 24
SEBASTIAN POVIt was exhilarating.I may not have the perfect word that was befitting enough to describe it, but this was how I saw it. Something about life seemed to change whenever Pierre stepped into the room. The chaotic universe surrounding me, my subconscious screaming at me day and night, and the incoherent voices in my head that never went to sleep; all the mayhem magically simmered down to supreme quietness, creating a way for an unimaginable peace and quiet. Always. Whenever he was around, everything seemed to be calm, centered, and I didn’t even mistake the serenity that seemed to reign. It was unmatched.I may have thought, at some point, that everything was in my head; and that there was no way he commanded the air of serenity without even trying. But no. It happened every time, and sudden transition in the entire universe as soon as he stepped into the room. In a very weird, unbidden way, he made me feel centered. I stopped doubting myself when I realized it wasn't just
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Chapter 25
POSEIDON POVI WAS GOING TO MURDER HIM. Fuckin’ cold.“What? I did not nothing.” Sebastian rolled his shoulder backward before wiping his bloodied lip, then stole a glance behind me where stood Pierre, and smiled. He didn’t have the right to fuckin’ look at him.“You motherfuckin’ piece of shit.” Anger rose inside of me like an angry tide, causing a surge of power to vibrate inside of me; pure rage and resentment spreading like a fucking tumor all over me. In a blink of an eye, I was on top of him, again.Screams filled the afternoon space as my fist collided with his cheek before he abruptly caught my wrists, twisting my whole form to the side, almost sending me face-first on the cold solid pool deck. I hooked my left foot underneath him, causing him to trip over and fall on his ass, pulling me over with him. I landed on the concrete floor with my elbow, causing a numbing pain to shoot through my entire system. But the pain was nothing compared to the fury burning inside of me. It
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Chapter 26
POSEIDON POVThe following day in our school’s lounge, we were crowded around the pool table, a stick in my hand and watching Romeo as he sized his balls. A small hiss escaped my lips when Elon bumped into my shoulder, painfully pushing my elbow forward, delivering a stabbing pain that shot through my entire system, rendering me breathless.Gosh, it fuckin’ hurt like hell.“You should get that checked.” He pointed out throwing a glance over his shoulder as he walked to where Pierre was standing on the kitchenette side, fixing our morning coffee. I really should have. I was starting to regret not listening to Pierre yesterday. But heck, I was so blinded by anger that I didn't want anything from nobody. I just wanted to hold my boyfriend and forget about all that happened. I stole a quick glance to the side to find Elon standing too close to Pierre. Their shoulders were literally brushing against each other's, causing sparks of anger to go off inside of me. It was sure nothing like yes
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Chapter 27
PIERRE POV8 DAYS.Full 8 days with no clear indication of furtherance between the guys. The tension between them was still so thick you could drill it with a wood saw before carving it into miniature sculptures resembling their fine selves. Everything was just so awkward, the atmosphere so strange that I found myself fidgety all the time whenever they were all around. The laughter and joy that used to reign among the boys were long gone, and Romeo and Elon were left playing mediator between Poseidon and Sebastian. I could tell that all of them were not so used to all of this, it was a foreigner to them. I tried to talk Poseidon into talking things out with Sebastian, but he was still so hot-headed, refusing to see his wrong and flat-out denying everything. He had every right to be upset about what had happened. I would have lost it too. But heavens, wasn't a week enough to let go of all the resentment? I know damn well that it was all because of me he was being that way, and no amo
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Chapter 28
POSEIDON POVSECRETS.Once the secret is known by more than two people, it is no longer a secret. It becomes a scandal, spiraling out of control and paving way for judgments and accusations. I hated secrets, and despite having one of my own, I still hated them regardless. Secrets always ruined the little goodness in things; causing continuous trouble.That's what they do.A secret. I always thought of it as a blemish on a clean canvas. Even now, with anger gripping my throat so tight that I had to choke it down with gallons of calming breaths, with my gaze fixed blankly at the door, I knew we were here because of one thing and one thing only. A secret.Maybe I shouldn’t have listened to Pierre and kept this whole thing under the rug, maybe I should have been honest and come clean in front of everybody about what it was I actually felt, and how I wanted to progress with it. That way... None of this would have happened.“Poseidon?” Sebastian- whom I more than wanted to strangle before
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Chapter 29
PIERRE POVThe sound of cutlery colliding with the plates and the soft chatter of my mom and Gabe’s voice filled the small cozy dining room. It was mom who woke up and decided that it was a good day to eat in this room instead of the usual one, after all, there were about 3 more dining rooms or rooms resembling a dining room that were left unexplored. With me sitting across from the one person I so didn't have the strength to look at, I kept my gaze on my plate the entire time, chasing the broccoli around the plate with two peas that were remaining after I had gobbled my food down. I hated broccoli. I could feel a heated wave pivoting at me from across the table, but I had no courage to look up because I knew I would find the raging storm staring at me. “Your lip is pretty bad, big guy. Need some help with that?” Mom asked from my side, her voice directed at Poseidon. Still, the heated wave didn’t leave me, not even in that split second when his attention was needed elsewhere.“I
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Chapter 30
PIERRE POVThe moving was done hastily; more because I was running away from the raging storm that was inclined on destroying everything around me and inside.It was very cowardly of me to think that running away from Poseidon would ultimately solve the problem, but it was a temporary best possible solution I’d come up with in just a short time. In no time at all, he would complete his high school years and enroll in college, and the hope of him enrolling in lands far away was almost crippling.My mom -as dramatic as ever- made sure to bawl her eyes red as soon as she dropped me at my new place, causing shocked eyes and glances of disgust my way. And you think she minded? Not her.She held onto me as she cried about how much she’d miss me. I just had to ride the wave and just… let her have her moment. She was my mom, and I loved her. But she was just so overzealous.“Pierre?” I was snapped back from the dusty fractions of memories by the sound of the door opening, and Tony’s head
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