All Chapters of LAWS OF THE WOLF: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Each day was similar to the previous one. Memory, no longer blocked by fear, gradually returned. Fragments of my past rolled up suddenly and in less than a full week after making a deal with Boris, I managed to restore most of my childhood memories.Despite poverty, my brother and I had a happy childhood. We grew up in love and rarely complained about the lack of certain things. At least while the mother was alive.On the Internet, I managed to find several photographs of her, though not of very good quality. It turns out that in her youth she was a promising actress and, probably, she met her father, the then owner of the city.The image of his brother also became clearer, as did the longing for him. Every time I thought about him, a shot sounded in my head and a feeling of guilt overwhelmed me, because I had not kept the promise I made to my mother.As for the murder of my brother and the robbery of the jewelry store, in connection with which I was wanted, things were worse. A lot w
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The first impulse was to respond with some kind of taunt, based on the fact that while Boris was counting on my memories, I was inviolable in his house, but as soon as I turned around and saw the wolf with a scar on his face with what a carnivorous look, the words got stuck in my throat .Knave waddled towards me. From the semblance of a smile, the scar on my face turned into a broken line, and if my heart were connected to the device, then, along with the frantic “beep-beep-beep”, it would give out just such a curve on the monitor.Maybe I was inviolable for everyone except Boris, but he was not here, just as Alyosha was not. I was one on one with a predator waiting for its prey to be especially vulnerable.I made the mistake of rushing to the door, and immediately found myself pressed back against the wall of the house.- Hush, baby! Quiet! - Knave cooed very quietly, squeezing his fingers on my throat. - No need to make noise! - He released his claws and ran them over the dress, ea
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I lived in Boris's house for almost a month, and everything I could tell about his life fell into one short phrase: he went to work.In fact, everything was a little more complicated, as I was convinced by briefly looking at his diary and asking Alyosha.Boris was a machine. He got up around six in the morning and spent at least an hour in the gym, driving off excess wolf energy. Before eight, he had time to take a shower and have a hearty breakfast with something meaty. After that, he finished things in his office that he had not completed the day before and only went to work by ten.Lunch was delivered to him exactly at one o'clock in the afternoon from the same restaurant to the office, which was located in the business center of the city, and it naturally consisted of meat.He drank the purest, bottled water, he didn’t drink coffee at all, he couldn’t stand cigarettes, and from alcohol he preferred the high-grade Double Oak bourbon of the Jim Beam brand, produced in limited quanti
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Boris left without even having dinner. The hope that he would not return, that both of them would not return warmed me, but in the depths of my soul I knew that it was not so easy to kill such scum as the Angels and he would still return home to me . And so it happened.Time dragged on slowly, barely past ten o'clock. I washed off my make-up, washed and changed. I didn’t feel like sleeping and I lazily flipped through the search engine, not knowing which of the links about diamonds to catch on.Why did Boris need them so much that he was not too lazy to come to my house, shoot my brother with his own hands and take me to him? What did he not have that he wanted to buy with them? Another city? The whole country?Hearing the sound of tires and a motorcycle, I looked out the window. There was no living place on the SUV that Boris usually drove, it was so riddled with bullet holes and I was already glad that my prayers were still heard, but, alas, it turned out not to be so.Boris got out
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Two days after the bloody incident, Boris returned home like a pin at half past six. The news channels only trumpeted about gang warfare, noted with annoyance about the unknown number of corpses, and considered the possible reasons for such impudent behavior from the most fantastic angles.Of course, they were all far from the truth, as, unfortunately, I was far from the truth. I did not dare to ask Boris directly, avoiding him altogether, and Alyosha, due to his work as a nanny, was isolated from the environment and the affairs of the owner of the city.With less than a week left before the appointment, I decided to focus on the final preparations for it. Since Boris was not killed in those showdowns, then my plan did not disappear, and there was still a lot of work on it.A couple of times I thought about how far I was going to go, because if everything goes the way I planned, then sooner or later I will have to go to bed with Boris, let him enter me, touch, kiss and enter again, no
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Outside the walls of the accursed house, my prison, everything felt different. Spring, with the brush of its last month, carefully painted the streets with bright and rich colors, affecting even people, and they flickered colorfully, while one of Boris's SUVs deftly cut through the city streets.Alyosha drove the car hard, and every now and then I jumped up and hurt Astakhov, who was sitting next to me in the back seat.When I found out that Boris sent him to me for protection, I found it funny, especially considering that at one time the wolfhound was ordered to kill me. However, without spending even five minutes with him in the car, which turned out to be surprisingly cramped for his bad manners and inclinations, I was ready to bite my elbow or even two just so as not to see him.Alyosha didn’t particularly like him either, and he kept throwing sidelong glances through the rear-view mirror, but he suddenly agreed with him that I couldn’t open the window.The SUV stopped at a jewelr
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- Come on, Kira! Faster! And you're not stupid, thug! - he threatened Alyosha, at whom the gun was pointed. His car, taken from nowhere, blocked the exit from the cemetery.I threw away my cigarette for fear of burning the car and got out of it. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Astakhov strangely disappeared from the cabin, which Egor did not notice along the way, too focused on aiming at Alyosha and at the same time watching me.- What do you allow yourself? I squeaked indignantly. - Are you completely out of your mind? I will complain...- Stop these games, Kira! shouted Yegor, frowning irritably. “I recognized your body…” he added breathlessly, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me towards him.The upper lip, the curve of which I once found seductive, has turned into one straight line. His eyes blazed with rage and pain. He risked a lot, including his life, to meet me.- Ka ... What body? .. - I squeaked, resting my hands on his chest and innocently flapping my eye
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I doubted whether I should have gone to the reception that Boris was giving at the house. A dress was bought for him and I even refreshed my manicure, pedicure and haircut, repeated the epilation, but thinking about the fictional status in which I lived with Boris, I came to the conclusion that I already lit up too much. And in general, all this somehow suddenly seemed ridiculous and naive, and stupid, and meaningless, etc., etc.Boris himself showed no desire or lack thereof in connection with my presence among his high-ranking guests, and I did not know how to proceed.Hell, I again became confused in desires and thoughts, lost the appearance of purpose and doubted myself and everything in general. I wouldn't want my enemy to be in the same trap as I was.- Cursed diamonds! I cursed under my breath as I tossed my shoes around the dressing room.Today I took the liberty of wearing a burgundy midi dress. Silk, of course, with a gorgeous bow tied at the throat. In the store, I could no
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The guests demanded attention and, leaving my scent on him, I left.The way he looked at me, how he accidentally touched me during those few minutes that we stood side by side, pleased me, but at the same time I felt dirty, which was facilitated by the looks of those present, as if I was lucky to be the one for whom they me. accepted.A she-wolf loomed among the guests. In a scarlet dress with her breasts thrown out and very modest in comparison with my jewelry, she looked terribly cheap and dull, and she spread the smell of envy and jealousy from herself, shooting malicious glances at me.- Red Stag - I ordered in the mini bar.I liked this bourbon more than the Double Oak that Boris drank.I went out to the patio and took a sip from my glass. The combination of tones of vanilla, oak, caramel and ripe cherries pleasantly refreshed the throat. Motorcyclists with machine guns roamed the territory, cutting through the translucent fog. The helmets, which they did not take off, were paint
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I watched blankly as his body still twitched, as the mask of death froze on his face, as a huge beast with a bloodied muzzle turned back into a man.His massive, naked figure filled almost the entire space. Knave's blood flowed down his chin onto his heaving muscular chest. There was a grin on his face, and strength, rage and danger shone brightly in his eyes. Deadly danger.I met his gaze, as it seemed to me calmly, but tears flowed down my cheeks with renewed vigor, and I sobbed bitterly, unable to even cover my body.Boris shifted his luminous gaze to Nasty, who was muttering something inarticulate in fear. The wolfhound, imperceptibly slipping into the building, went up to the Gnusavy. There was a barely audible shot from behind the muffler, and the body of the Nasty fell lifelessly to the floor.Anya the wolf began to squeal something, wringing her hands, rolling her eyes in panic, but Boris did not even look at her.Carefully, he took me off the hook and, easily breaking the rop
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