All Chapters of Chaitali: The Saga begins: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
101 Chapters
Painful Papparazi
Ibhaan's HeadThese monsters! I wanna tear away their arms and beat each of them with the wet end. Who the fuck has given them the authority to poke their noses in others' business. Get lost already!I groan internally. Some charming life I have that does not even permit an external groan. ‘Thank you.’ Subhaan puts his microphone on the table, having done answering the questions and inviting the paparazzi to Huine’s birthday bash coverage. He is polite, charming, and at ease. He smiles at the camera, wiping the sweat off his nose with a hand napkin. Even that earns awe-worthy glances from the staff. How? I just wanna know how? H. O. W? He elegantly gestures to his Beta, inviting him at his ear level before he whispers something to Gustu. The latter nods and then Subhaan is beaming again while I marvel at his abilities openly. There are quite a few things that I envy about my people. First: Subhaan's confidence and his headband certainty. The situation is damned, this wolf is a
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Embarrassing Questionaire
‘Good evening, Alpha. The first reporter bows.’ I tilt my head in acknowledgement, not trusting my voice yet. Good evening. Good fucking evening? Damn, dude! Just flicker your magic wand and get done with it. Yo, Nick. We can do it, right? She did not do anything wrong. She was gone. Anyone can be drunk and moronic and maniac and insult the first son. No biggy! It isn’t her fault. My Arin is innocent. The circumstances were terrible. We were at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong vampire. I cling to an overly ethical wolf for validation. I hate how timid I sound even in my head for I already know what Nick might believe. He won’t listen to anything less than the truth. Honestly, Bro. I wish I could agree. I badly want to. I am in an ethical dilemma right now. This just doesn’t feel alright. Nick responds, making a cowering shiver run down my spine. Be Honest! Everything else will take care of itself. I try to absorb his iconic advice with a smile. It makes
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A Universal Threat?
‘She is gonna do what?’ Subhaan’s eyes almost bulge out of the socket. ‘She’d sue the state, defend her.’ I explain. ‘Has she lost her brain? She’s gonna go against the state for a serpent?’ Adrian raises her eyebrows. Instantly, five pairs of eyes narrow at me. I squirm in my uncomfortable seat. ‘I don’t know. Recently, she has become more feisty and stubborn. She hardly listens to me. And now that I’ve let my hand loose on her, I don’t know anymore.’ ‘So you are gonna let her ruin everything. That serpent is the Empress’s personal attendant. I am sure it was Empress…’ Kavish grits his teeth. ‘What? She is claiming otherwise?’ I exclaim bewildered. I honestly need to pay more attention to the administration now. ‘Let’s focus on the wedding first.’ Nick rolls his eyes giddy. ‘Sex freak!’ I groan at him. ‘She is saying she shifted into the shape and that Empress Elizzian is dead. It’s clear that she is lying. Elizzian was right there. My inspection indicates something phenomena
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'She is always calm, no matter what.' I pointed one finger, drawing a circle in the air. I don’t know why but I nod. I know it doesn’t matter when she cannot see me but I nod. 'Yeah, she always has this sullen this.' I imagine her pouting her lips, casting her eyes downwards, and swallowing her cheeks in a somewhat scared gesture just like Huine does. ‘It's her default installation I think.’ Sierra agrees. ‘Still, it does not explain anything. It doesn't certify her as an enchantress. Had she been one, why would she tolerate Subhaan's dominance?' The weirdo stylist points out, earning a great deal of respect from me. I like her boldness for slapping facts at my mate’s face. She is rational and right. Way to Sierra. I am with you! ‘That's my second point. She is under disguise. She pretends to be weak, to stay outside of the radar. She cannot come out uncovered. It will be a direct threat. I am sure she doesn't want that. The she-wolf is absurdly quie
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Wedding Bells
‘You cannot be serious.’ I bang my fist on the table. I cannot help but I feel utterly furious at what my Beta was hinting at that too a two days before my wedding. I have just sorted my differences with Arin and she has barely forgiven him and there Kavish is goofing around like a fucking troll. If he thinks he can get away from it easily. I ain’t letting a shit slip!‘I am not saying that it is, Ibhaan. But there are chances. I am just weighting the probability that it could be. We need a probe into the matter.’ He explains, throwing his hands in the air.My eyes look past his shoulder. No Ibhaan, you cannot lose your temper like that. It would help if you were calm and rational. This won't solve it.‘I am marrying that she-wolf within two days. Two Days Kavish! Two days. You know what it could mean.’ Kavish nods solemnly. ‘You don’t have to remind me about the event I am organising Alpha. I know who the bride and grooms are. But being a Beta I couldn’t push past the doubts. It
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Going About
My pulse is elated. My pupils are diluted. I am gasping for every breath. My heartbeats are frantic and I feel as if I would pass out any moment now. My forehead glistens with visible beads of sweat. Underneath my three-piece, I am sweat-soaked. And I don't have a heart attack. I peep at the wall clock and gulp loudly. I only have twenty minutes left to answer more than thirty-five questions. These ones need a subjective approach and I would have to solve most of them to get the right match among the four alternative answers given. I am a gold medalist at school. I have graduated with flying colours. I am not boosting about it. These preliminary exams have to be a piece of cake for me. Unfortunately, it ain't. Indeed, the gazette did not lie when it claimed the examination standards to be very high. 'Fifteen minutes left!' The invigilator announces. I scorn at him ready to snap his neck in two. I am already pretty nervous. He need not remind me of the time I am left with. I could h
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Moving Forward
Ibhaan’s Head: What have I learnt after thirty years on planet earth? Quite frankly, enough! Yeah. It’s enough and it should have made me feel content but it does. I am far from it. Sometimes enough knowledge is hazardous. ‘What if she really is Universal?’ I contemplate, hoping to get an answer from my inner self. I do not believe in the elders and philosophers. I think I am wise enough to know that wisdom does not come with age but experience that one learn along the way. Maybe it is born in the cradle or acquired with penance. However, it does not come for anything external. It has been and is internal. It has to be earned after persistent hard work with firm determination—but this too is conjecture. I only know that for the most part, I have followed instincts rather than intelligence, and this has resulted in a modicum of happiness. And on my wedding night, I am gonna follow my instinct too. Arin stands across the room, gazing at the full moon. It’s beautiful and so is sh
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Avid reader
I have been an addicted reader for the whole of my life. I love reading and if a book is written with the best of the characters and intriguing plot lines–it is almost impossible for me to part with it. I think it is somewhat similar to millions of other readers out there. Generally, werewolves love reading. It is just magical as well as essential. A werewolf has to be intellectually sharp or else he is not needed at all. He’d be mocked, looked down upon, and officially banished out of the ‘society’. The habit is instilled within us from very birth and it stays that till we die. Whether you like it or not–you must read the current bestseller and know every twist and turn like the back of your hand because you never know when you’d be asked to talk about in a close friend circle. It’s like a parameter to judge, which is why the literary world of Cape Comorin took an interesting twist and a new form of writing was introduced. It was called ‘brief writing’. Brief writing is nothing b
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Accepting Is Better Than Escaping
The morning flickers kiss my chess the next day when I wake up. I groan when my muscles deny in discomfort. It awfully hurt everywhere. ‘What…’ I yawn, squinting at the wall clock. I still couldn’t see a thing. Alright! Maybe, I should wash my eyes with chilled water. I flip the sheets over my torso. Oh-damn! I’m naked. What the hell? Where is Arin? Why am I…wait a freaking second…WHY WAS I SLEEPING WITHOUT ANYTHING ON in the bed WITH ARIN!!!!!!!!!, tangled in the sheets, and alone. ‘Ugh!’ I push my weight on the elbow and rise as I blink my eyes for a clearer vision. There are white spots and everything is a bit hazy.I squirm. ‘Did I run a marathon or something?’ The elusive thoughts make my head spin, still, I try to feel my fingers. ‘Aa…Ahem…Arin?’ I cough in an empty room. My throat is parched as if I have been thirsty for days. I blink again as I sit up. Bright sunlight peeps through the curtain, spreading a canopy of tangerine in the polished empty room. Our clothes are s
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Ahi-Empire!A name to conjure with feelings, dread, and memories. And as a kid, I’d heard it mentioned, by my father, the Alpha, and others. Every one of them had a different version. Every version was unique and fascinating. However, there were never mine. To date, four years past the acquisition and merger—I still have to draw my very own version. ‘Make sure you keep an eye on her. I too want to deny the shreds of evidence, Bhaan. But certainty would especially confirm what facts don’t.’ Subhaan and the wolves had told. ‘So my honeymoon has sort if turned into an expedition. What am I supposed to do? Spy on my mate?’ I’d retaliated. I don’t know why but anything concerning and questioning Arin has started to piss me off. As days go by, a new fear crawls in my heart. I don’t want the possibilities to turn true. ‘Could she be that arrogant Empress I’ve always heard off?’ I couldn’t help but wonder as I revert to everything has been described about Ellizzian and the Empire. As a
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