All Chapters of The Runaway Groom: Chapter 1211 - Chapter 1220
1220 Chapters
Chapter 1211
Stan chuckled. "When did you become so generous? That's not like you."Zachary filled his glass to the brim and asked, "And how was I before?"Stan made a face as he thought. "Can't quite remember, but nothing good.""Quit slandering me." Zachary snorted. "My bride is here too, and if she dumps me because of your slander, you'll have to compensate me with another bride."Stan sighed. "How? When I don't have one myself? But you can have me if you want.""No. Stay away." Zachary refused to play along.Either way, it was a calm dinner and everyone was happy for Zachary and Lulu.It was not easy for them to find each other again and happiness."Here. An early toast to your happiness." Stan raised his glass, and Zachary clinked glasses with him."Hope your dreams come true." James raised his glass as well, and Zachary refilled his own before accepting James' toast.And when that was done, Irene raised her glass of fruit juice as well. "Congratulations for finally getting together.
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Chapter 1212
As Baby started running toward the pinwheel vendor, Lulu had to chase after him. "Slow down, or you'd fall."Nonetheless, Baby took one of the pinwheels as soon as he reached it, and the vendor did not seem to mind. The child was adorable, and he liked children taking his pinwheels since the adult would definitely pay for it anyway.To no surprise, Lulu patted Baby's head while asking the vendor, "How much?""Fifteen," the vendor replied, even flashing his payment QR code.Lulu paid up and turned to find Baby smiling happily as he held the pinwheel, which was whirling against the breeze in the air.That was children for you—a mere trinket could keep them happy for a while.Childhood was indeed perhaps the happiest time in a person's life, as they could play without worrying about a thing.-After they returned from the lake, Irene brought Lulu her gift.Weighting it in her hands, Lulu asked, "Money?""That's for your wedding." Irene rolled her eyes."Alright, then I'll keep
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Chapter 1213
Zachary stood still, leaning against the doorway with his hands in his pockets. He watched as sunlight spilled in, shrouding Lulu and Star in a golden glow that almost seemed unreal.He walked over to hug Lulu, fearful that it was a dream he would wake up from.Lulu stiffened but did her best to fight her fears and smile at him. "What is it? I'm changing Star's diaper—can't do it if you're clinging to me like this. Let me go…""Don't. Just let me have a couple more moments." Zachary was clearly reluctant, even tightening his arms around her.Eventually, he murmured, "Lulu."Lulu looked up. "Yeah?"Zachary smiled. "I don't know if I'm dreaming, even though I'm hearing your voice and breath.""Are you still drunk?"Zachary rested his chin playfully on her shoulder. "Nope, been sober for a while. I just suddenly feel so happy seeing you with Star… everything I went through is insignificant compared to what I have now."Lulu lowered her gaze as the past played out in her mind.It
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Chapter 1214
Irene was keeping Lulu company in the dressing room, with a professional makeup artist doing her work as Lulu was supposed to be the most beautiful woman today.Tommy blinked his round dark eyes. "You look so beautiful today, Mrs. Slate."Lulu smiled at him from the mirror. "You're so sweet, Tommy.""I'm serious," Tommy said.Lulu laughed and turned to Irene, "Where's Baby?""He's with Isaac," Irene replied. "He likes running everywhere, as expected of toddlers."On the other hand, she could stay here peacefully with Tommy, since Tommy knew how to stay put, while she would be gone already if she brought Baby.Children are less difficult when they are older, after all.Lulu grinned at Tommy in turn. "You're a big boy now."Tommy puffed his chest proudly. "Of course. Mommy said I'm the little boss in our circle.""Our circle?" Lulu raised a brow.Tommy explained. "Mommy said that I'm Baby's brother and also brother to Aunt Erin's baby and Star. That makes me the boss."Lulu r
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Chapter 1215
Erin pulled Tommy firmly into her arms, "I'm fine, Irene. Tommy loves me—that's why he loves my hugs. How can I refuse him?""Well, you still shouldn't tolerate him too much or you'd spoil him," Irene pointed out."But you only have two children. What's wrong with spoiling them a little?" Erin smiled and tickled Tommy's chin. "Right, Tommy?"Tommy blinked. He soon got the idea and nodded repeatedly. "Yes!"While Irene gave him a spank on the rear, Lulu chimed in as well. "Tommy is the eldest, but he's still just a kid. He should be loved.""You hear that, Mommy?" Tommy grinned. "Aunt Erin and Aunt Lulu are telling you to love me more.""You brat." Irene sighed, shaking her head. "Don't I love you enough?"Tommy leaned into Erin's arms. "Not as much as Aunt Erin does."Irene laughed despite herself. "Alright, then you can stay with her—don't come home. Baby is my only son now."Tommy promptly caved, leaping at Irene, hugging her and kissing her. "Mommy! I love you the most. You
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Chapter 1216
If anything, Zachary was fine with this.He strode toward the dressing room when Ken Dawson suddenly came up to him. "What's with your table arrangement?""What? What's wrong?" Zachary asked."The seating for a few guests is inappropriate." Ken shrugged.Zachary nodded. "Let's take a look."Ken showed him the list. "I think these guests should be seated nearer to the main table."Zachary nodded and looked up at Ken. "You stay with the people from work, or they might cause trouble.""I know. Don't worry," Ken assured him.With the seating rearranged, it was soon time.With everything prepared, Zachary headed to the wedding hall, where he would wait until the appointed hour.-At Isaac's table, Tommy was staring at Irene. "Mommy, when is Aunt Lulu coming? I can't wait.""Why can't you wait?" Stan asked. "It's not your wedding. Your Uncle Zachary is the one who can't wait here."Tommy did not get his hint and instead replied seriously, "But Aunt Lulu is so beautiful. I'd like
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Chapter 1217
Irene caught his hand and lowered it. "Shush.""I shouldn't talk?" Tommy asked softly.Irene nodded, whispering into his ear, "Let's just watch closely without making noise."Tommy nodded tamely. "Aunt Lulu looks so beautiful."Irene glanced at Lulu and smiled too—she was the most beautiful woman today, especially under the spotlight.-The decoration of the wedding hall was exquisite and dreamlike, creating a romantic atmosphere.Blossoming flowers lined the reception areas, bringing color and life to the scene.As Lulu slowly walked toward Zachary along the carpet covered in flower petals, Zachary seemed to only see and hear her.He held out his hand to her, and she slowly placed her palm on his.The hall erupted in thunderous cheers and applause, with Tommy clapping the hardest, followed by Stan, until Erin leaned in to ask him, "Hey, why are you so excited? It's not you who's getting married."Stan was speechless.Wheeling on James, he snapped, "Mind your wife."James
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Chapter 1218
Zachary and Lulu had to weather many storms for their love, but fortunately, it was over, and the rainbow was now up.Irene smiled, earnestly hoping the best for them.On stage, Lulu was rasping through tears, "Marrying you is the best choice I've made in my life. I wouldn't have waited if I could do it again… even now, this feels like a dream."Zachary lifted her hand to touch his cheek. "Let's forget the past and focus only on the future."Lulu nodded. "Yes.""This is so beautiful!"The emcee started applauding. "You may kiss your beautiful bride."The applause was thunderous as Zachary leaned in to kiss Lulu's lips.Tommy promptly covered his eyes. "Shame! Shame!"Irene smiled and covered his eyes too, and she was left speechless as Isaac passed him a tissue.Erin was emotional too, remembering that she and James were together because he was there to take care of her, and he was open-minded.She leaned against his shoulder while he put an arm around her, thinking how wond
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Chapter 1219
Naturally, there was an order to toasting guests too—they started from the main table where Zachary's immediate family was seated before continuing to other guests.Zachary had therefore deliberately arranged for Isaac's table at the very end, so they could sit down together with them and eat.Naturally, Isaac, James, and Stan had no reason to excuse themselves from the wedding ceremony."You two must be hungry," Irene said when Lulu and Zachary arrived at their table. "Come sit and eat."Zachary brought a chair for Lulu while he sat beside her.Stan, who was staring at Zachary for a while, asked, "Aren't you full already?"Zachary frowned just as he was about to eat a piece of lobster. "Why not? It's my wedding, I should be eating my share if not more. You're being weird.""More like your happiness should already leave you stuffed." Stan chuckled."You can test that theory yourself.""I have no happiness, so I can't. But you do."Zachary ignored him, eating the lobster and t
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Chapter 1220
Erin naturally did not want to stay at the hotel either—she came to Zidonia wanting to get some fresh air, instead of staying cooped up.Glancing at Tommy through the rearview mirror, James asked, "You can read your aunt's mind, can't you? That's exactly what she's planning."Tommy happily hugged Erin's arm. "She's my Aunt Erin. Of course we're close."Erin lovingly patted his head—she could not spurn the boy when he was being that adorable."Alright, where do you want to go? Let's go together," she said."You're really completely taken just because he's being cute, huh?" James asked.Erin raised her chin. "I don't mind."James nodded in exasperation, "Fine, I lose. Now, where shall we go?"Erin thought about it. "How about the amusement park?"Children liked it, and Tommy was exclaiming right away, "Alright!"James nodded. "Tell the car behind that we're not going back to the hotel."Irene and Isaac were in the car behind with Baby, who was throwing a tantrum either because
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