All Chapters of Let's Start Over : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
111 Chapters
Good news
Earlier when Sunny returned from dropping Leelan, he gathered Aileen and her mother to the sitting room. She even brought smoothies for all of them on the way. "Dear, are you going to tell us what's going on already or not?" Aileen's mother couldn't make out of this weird behavior of hers. "Mom is right, stop putting us on the edge like this and just say it already. What happened" joined Aileen, both of them were too curious to find out whatever it is that she planned to tell them. "Ohoo, calm down both of you." She took a mouthful of her drink before talking again "Auntie and bestie, I know this might not be the right time to say this, especially when it's only been a day since we lost uncle. And that's why I find it hard to break it to you. Actually my wedding with Sam has been finalized already, it's in one week." She was feeling bad to bring it over to them at this time."WHAT?" Both the mother and daughter shouted at the same time, making her jump from her seat. "I am sorry, I sh
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No choice
"Bad uncle? What are you doing here?" Asked the little boy in a serious tone the moment he spotted. Alan's face naturally lightened, a smile that he never had to force out spread over his usually stone cold face. "Look who is here? Leelan?" He feigned ignorance and went ahead to carry him in his arms. "What are you doing? Put me down now!" The little boy kicked him with his legs, wanting to be freed. "God! You are so heavy!" He complained, carrying him still even though he was making a fuss. His forehead formed two deep lines when he spotted the man around "Why are you still here? Leave now and don't you dare tell this to anyone!" The man cleared his suit and bowed, "I won't dare sir, please don't worry about that. I'll get going now" he rushed out of the room and made sure to shut the door behind him, he gave out instructions for nobody to enter the room for the time being. "I said to put me down!" Leelan shouted, his little face almost turning red from anger. Alan's playful grin di
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Wedding preparations
A week passed by since her father's death, thanks to Sunny for keeping them busy throughout the week, it was less painful that way even though she can't deal with the fact that her father was no more. They were busy with her wedding preparations instead. Sunny and Aileen had to travel abroad to fetch her dress in Paris, the designer was quite talented, the dress was very elegant on her when she tried it on. Aileen had her dress designed by him as well and she couldn't wait to wear it on the day. With extra care it was packaged and they returned with it the next day. Meanwhile Sunny's mother and Sharon, Aileen's mother went to take a final look at the venue arrangements before the big day, which was tomorrow. The wedding will be held at some island just as per the bride's mother wanted, she was the only child in her family just like Aileen, and thus she was spoiled since her childhood. And her mother won't stop at nothing to make her daughter's big day the most memorable day of her li
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The wedding day
“Moooommy!” The door was flung open, then a sound of quick legs paddling in resonated. “Mommy! Where are you?” he called again after receiving no response. “Slow down Leelan, you might fall and hurt yourself” followed a warning voice of Terrence. “I am here honey, stop shouting” Aileen was sitting on a dressing table as the makeup artist was doing her thing, prepping her as per as her befitting title today, the bridesmaid. Leelan stopped before his mother, Aileen eyed her son from the head to the toes with surprise. He was dressed in a black suit and black shiny boots, the necktie and his hair style…. He looked like a young master who belonged to a well renowned family. “Oh my! Is this my son? This cute little thing?” she couldn't believe her eyes, she eyed the man behind his son with a grateful gaze. She was surprised for a moment to find him wearing the same designer suit and a haircut, the only difference was their age gap. “Mommy, of course I am your son, look at me again!” the li
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The unforgettable
Meanwhile at the venue, there was a division of two sides, each side had three long tables that covered several guests in their spectacular pieces. The decorations were all done in white and silver color, the path in between was covered with red roses, there was a tent above that was decorated with white neon lights that joined at the center of it and a big heart shaped balloon hanging, making the whole place very warm and cozy. Samuel was already standing at the altar, looking like a prince in his black suit as well, on his right hand was Alan, he was also no less with his good looks. Even though he looked so lost as his head turned from time to time as if he was looking for someone in the crowd. The moment he sighted the little boy, he smiled involuntarily. However, his smile fell the second he saw Terence tending to him as if he was the father of that little boy, a thought of it made his organs burn even though he was still yet to find out about their legitimacy. He turned away in
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The wedding
“Do you, Samuel, take Sunny as your wife, to love her, cherish, nurture and support her, in times of joy and difficulty? Do you promise to remain by her side regardless of what troubles befall you and in the presence of temptation to forsake this love, do you promise to remain steadfast and true?.....” Samuel looked deeply into her eyes, melting everyones heart with his fondness for the lady beside him “I do” he responded. Then it was her turn to take the oath, she was sobbing silently this whole time, the veil was the only thing that hid her true emotions. “I do” she too responded. They exchanged rings, this whole time Aileen was wiping her tears while asking Alan to stop staring at her with his cold eyes. What did she do this time?. “And now, as a representative of this holy occasion, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride” Samuel lifted her veil carefully, pulling her closer by her waist and then captured her red lips intimately. The crowd behind them cheered f
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The truth
Aileens POVNo words could explain the amount of happiness I was feeling today, the two had finally tied knots. I could only pray for their wellbeing and a good start with their new journey. After a second dance with Terence I excused myself from the venue before Alan's sister-in-law. Kylie could approach me and bombard me with questions again, questions that I won't be able to respond to. I made my way to the seashore, gave my mother a call and asked about the boy. I was glad to hear that she has him locked up in her bedroom, that made my heart ease down a little bit, at least his identity would be hidden still. I could only hope that nobody from his family saw him today or else it would complicate things. And his father's genes are just so strong that I know I can't hide him forever from him, still the thought of him finding out was frightening me for several different reasons. I took off my shoes and placed them down along with my handphone and clutch before moving closer to the w
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Letting it go
“How.. how could you do such thing?” she couldn’t believe what was meeting her ears after five years. She was living a lie her whole life? He, Alan, wasn't at fault! It wasn't his mistake! He didn't do it, he didn't cheat on her! Her heart felt like ripping itself apart, tears started to fall profusely and uncontrollably. “I am so sorry! I have done it and I take full responsibility for what I have done. I have seen how you two have separated and are now enemies only because of me. I couldn't live with it anymore. Alan has done nothing wrong, he loved you and only you till the very end, I was jealous of you. I was wrong, please forgive me, forgive me Aileen.” she begged with her hands. Aileen didn't know how but she ended up covering the distance between them and raised her hand to slap her hard across her face without any hesitation. Celine's face looking the other way by force “Forgive you? You want me to forgive you for what you did? Do you even know the consequences that both of
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My son!
Alan’s POVNo matter what happens or what I do, Aileen will always remain the biggest headache to ever happen in my life, nothing she does ever left me at peace. From the uncontrollable fights and arguments we usually have to the crazy night together and now here…crying in my arms and then walking away from me as if nothing has happened just a moment ago. I wished to know what made her cry that much, she even let herself loose and let me held her in such vulnerable state! And now I am forced to find out what truly made her cry because if not then this headache will never leave me. I retreated to my room for the night, the thought of DNA results which was supposed to get to me tommorow lingered for the whole night.I was laying on my bed, after the long and hectic day, it's only now that I get to rest, my back was aching. No sooner I heard a knock on my door, with a sigh I gathered myself up to go open it. “Rafael I am fucking tired of your-” I halted when I realized that it wasn't h
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The puzzle
When breakfast break came, Jemima went to pick up Aileen so she could join her. Not having a heart to refuse her after what she did for her, she went with her. Because of her, Mr Sky was jailed and all of the false accusations against their company were lifted. And even though their boss has gotten so much respect from the people for standing up for his employees, she was forever grateful to her. They were sitting and talking casually about her new hook up guy that she met with last weekend at the bar. She was still on a mission to get her ex jealous “He is so cute you won't believe it, Aileen” she flattered her eyes making Aileen shake her head. “I thought you said it was only one of your hook ups. You are speaking of him as if you two are already in a relationship” She took a bite of her croissant, taking one more after savoring the taste and appealing to her. Jemima sat up right, placing down her cup. “I thought so too and we're not even in a relationship yet but we decided to tak
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