All Chapters of An Affair With My Ex : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
82 Chapters
The Test Result
The Test Result.Alex's POV."Hello Jayden… how are you feeling today?" I asked the little kid the moment I set my eyes on him.He was putting on his well ironed and prepared uniform. It suited him so well that I wished I was the one putting it on.Seeing how neat his shoe was and how smart he looked , I knew it was definitely going to be a bit difficult to lure him into what I was about to do to him for the day."Who are you? Why isn't my mom here yet?" He wondered as he looked at Assistant King and I with a Confused stare.He was little and I understood why he was acting that way.I squatted to his height so I could talk to him properly and with a smile on my face, I placed my hand on his shoulders and drew him closer to myself."I am just here to treat you right Jay… and…." I was going to say when he suddenly interrupted Me."Only my mom calls me that, Sir…. You shouldn't do that" he shook his head as he declined such a gesture exhibited by me."Fine then, I'll do things your way J
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I Think I'm Horny
I Think I'm Horny. Alex's POV."I am glad to tell you that… the little kid is your son and not a stranger's child!" Albert uncovered as he handed over the DNA result to me with a smile on his face.At that moment, I just couldn't believe what I was hearing from him. He meant to say that the little Kid, Jayden, was my son?. I thought to myself looking at Jayden before I looked at him in shock.I received the result from his hand and bringing it closer to my face, I couldn't hold in how I felt."What?" I exclaimed softly in astonishment of what the result turned out to be.Doctor Albert was actually right. He wasn't lying about Jayden's relationship with me."He is really my son" I mumbled to myself, taking a quick glance at Albert."Yes Sir Alex… are you not happy?" He questioned.He doesn't get it and he will never understand why I was in such a mood. Now, I knew that Jay was son. I wasn't sure if I would be happy or sad and I wasn't even the only one who knew that Jayden was m
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I Think I'm Horny 2.Abby's POV.With our gaze fixed persistently into each other's eyes and our hearts racing like a running horse in trouble, I could feel the love I once had for Alex, I could feel my feelings for him coming back to life again in my heart.His thick pink lips were so wanting to my eyes and more attractive than they were when I kept on apologising to him because of Jayden's result that I didn't realise when I licked my lips."Are you going to keep staring at me that way and make my veins yell your name from within?" He said in a husky voice with his eyes glancing at my lips . His icy blue eyes staring into mine were just all I wished and asked for, I prayed he never looked at some other lady and I wished this moment was going to last forever. For that minute, I desired to see just him and him alone closer to me. Laying on his masculine body too was something I've missed so much for the past few years.I inhaled softly as I stared into his eyes and assessed his w
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I Am His Wife, Leave!!
I Am His Wife, Leave!!Abby's POV. Staying in my room and glancing at the empty sitting room that was before my eyes was so boring and unimaginable. It was truly frustrating too and I just couldn't understand why. Since Alex left the house, I've been sitting at a place and staring outside the door, forgetting that I was actually still naked.I heaved a heavy sigh as the thought of what to do to Alex Came popping into my head. He had just left without giving me a proper explanation and it made me restless.I stood up from the bed and went over to where my dress was tossed by Alex. Picking it up,I felt the urge to have him to myself again.I recalled how he had made a trail with his fingers, down to my waistline before making his way to my boobs and I just couldn't get it out of my head."I need to go see him, I need to know why he left that way. I am the mother of his child and…" I was still going to say when she came into my head.His mom, Alex's mom has always detested me
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Never Leave My Sight Because Of Kate.
Never Leave My Sight Because Of Kate.Alex's POV .My mom had called Kate to the house and vowed I was going to make her my wife. I was still trying to find a solution to avoid Kate but then , Abby walked into the house. I was trying to protect her from my mom and Kate when Kate barged into my room and sent Abby away. Now I couldn’t get my head into the game.Bothered by what would happen to Abby, confused by what her thoughts were at that moment, trying to get my head into the game, I pinched the tip of my nose slightly in frustration .I strolled from one end of my room to another in absolute confusion and regrets. Regrets of leaving my door open to a stranger known as my betrothed as mom would say.Regrets of letting Abby leave my sight without doing a single thing to stop her or keep her to myself. I looked up at the clock that was hinged against the wall to check the time with worries and anger piling up in me.It was pretty late and yet not a single call from Abby about he
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Move In With Me( I'm Wet And A Taste Of Jack's Medicine).
Move In With Me. (A Taste Of His Own Medicine).Abby's POV. With a smile on my face and my hands slowly and curiously moving on the bed I was laying on, from the pillow down to its end, I opened my eyes slowly in regret.It was weird but I was sure that I had slept with someone the night before. I sat up on my bed with my head aching so badly that I wished it could fall off my body, but what was the use of the body without the head.Sluggishly, I climbed out of the bed without any thoughts running through my head. I made my way into my bathroom and the moment I was done washing my face with water and a little drop of soap, I dashed out of the bathroom .It was the weekend and I wasn't going to work, neither was Jayden going anywhere for the day.I had kept on smiling as I walked out of my room and I wasn't sure why. I just felt so good for the day that I couldn't help but smile.I raised my face to Jayden's room but it wasn't open showing that he was still fast asleep. I
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Alex Shocking Proposal
Alex Shocking Proposal.Abby's POV. Jack looked at me with the flower in his hand like he had seen a ghost. His eyes bulged out and I could sense the anger he felt seeing Alex peck me before him.I watched his grip tightened on the flower hold and it made me smirk knowing that he was getting a taste of his own medicine."This is Alex, Jack. Alex , the father of my son" I divulged , wrapping my hand around Alex's neck with joy.I gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek too before turning to look at Jack who couldn't believe his eyes."Who? And what do you mean by he is the father of your child, Abby? We had sex together, we had an affair and I'm sure I was the one who impregnated you!" He claimed with a shocking look at both Alex and I as we stood closer to the door."Oh My God…. You thought you were the one who impregnated me??" I chuckled as I left Alex's neck to face him properly. "You were so overwhelmed knowing that the child was yours Jack but knowing that he would be a stillbirth
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You Will Never Marry Her!
You Will Never Marry Her!Alex's POV."Smack!!!""Fuck!! Mom, what did you do that for? Why the hell did you smack me so hard on my face?" I bellowed angrily as I felt a sharp pain on my face, the minute my mom's hand landed on my face forcefully. "I will slap you again and again if you insist on disgracing me, Alex." She returned with a shout at me.She had invited me over to the mansion after proposing to Abby in her house and from how she was reacting, I bet Kate had a hand in it.She wouldn't just let me go, she wouldn't want to accept her fate as the evil lady in the story.She wants to have me to herself? I will never give in to her silly tricks. She thinks my mom can change my mind on marrying Abby for the second time? Never. I asserted inwardly as I still held my cheek in my hand as I looked at my mom rant over and over again. "Do you realise that you are a woman too mom and you were from the most wretched family back then when father married you" I blurted out with anger a
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Find Her, Rescue Her!
Find Her, Rescue Her!Alex's POV."Come back home now!! Make sure not a feather harms Jayden, I'm going to find my Wife" I compelled as I increased the speed of my car."But Sir, the foreign investors are here and they need me to sign their approval document " assistant King stated with a worried tone but I didn't care.My wife was all that mattered and I was going to keep her to myself no matter what. I was going to save her no matter what."Get the fuck back home King. Dont you fucking understand???? The moment I end this call, I want to know that you are at home and with Jayden. Is that clear?" I declared and ended the call before he could say a word to me.He had no excuse for not coming to take care of my son and that is all I knew.I immediately turned on my app which had Abby's location in it. Her ring contained a device that could be used to track down her location and that was something the person who had kidnapped her wouldn't know.I searched for her location immediatel
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Abby Is Dead....With A Child.
She Is Pregnant But Dead.Alex's POV.The past two days have been so dull and boring to me, knowing that Abby wasn't close to me.She seemed like she was enjoying her new earth, her new life without me.I sat down on the long bench that was kept in the hospital hallway to wait for a call, a call to inform me that Abby was now awake.I was on my phone, well focused as I still kept my ears into the game. If Albert was going to call me, then I needed to hear him speak to me.I was informed that she would regain consciousness soon but waiting for her soon became so unbearable for me.I was still on my phone when suddenly, my phone rang out so loud, bringing me back to the present world.I immediately picked up the call seeing it was Assistant King who had called. Maybe Jayden needed to see his dad.I placed it on my ear trying to get the best news from him, only to hear something else."Kate is off the loose, Kate has escaped from prison" king informed , panicking."What? How dare those f
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