All Chapters of CONTRACTED TO MY MAFIA BABY DADDY : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
56 Chapters
Chapter 32
I watched people cheer the prince and my son quickly goes to embrace Adewale, I feel so angry at my son , not because he embrace his brother but because he isn’t as smart as I expected him to be. He is always supporting his brother while it annoys me , what I want is he finding a solution to getting rid of his brother but he is always going against me when I try to convince him. When he came to greet me , I embrace him too , everyone embrace him too and look ahead . Aramide run towards him , they embrace , I was so jealous because how can he have it all, it’s true my son handle’s the company but he still need to take permission from his brother meaning my son still depends on him. He has the future crown, one of the most beautiful and influential girl in the state and he also has the signature to his father’s throne. I look further and I saw the stupid maid who took the risk to bring th prince back to life just because of five million naira, I am not surprised about all this wre
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Chapter 34
Three weeks later.I sit in front of my mirror and look at my bed and it reminds me of how Adeoye had dropped me in he bed when I fell down at the party five years ago.I smile with tears dripping down my face, I flash back to our moment at his island house.I stood up and thought of everything.I think it's high time I leave this place, I see how mom and dad looks at my kids and even Katie, I think they can sense it already that they are Adeoye kids and even Adebayo mentioned it yesterday, the maids are beginning to talk about it, I see anger in Katie's eyes whenever mom and Dad shows love to my kids, she doesn't like it, I can read it from her expression, I need to speak to mom and Dad that I do not want to leave the princess life anymore that I want to denounce my title , I want to walk away from all this mess I caused my kids.I walk to the door and open the door and my PA was at the door." Her highness sent for you ma'am" she says." Alright, I will be there" I reply.My PA take
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chapter thirty three
Akin walks up to Diane who was fuming inside the Room.“Hey “ Akin says, he goes to sits beside her.“It’s not like I really don’t like you to learn this, but you are my wife , I am the one that should provide everything for you, I just want you to live the life I want my wife to live that’s all.“And you think learning your work is really unnecessary right? Diane asks.“I didn’t mean it’s unnecessary but te work is not a woman thing” he says.“I am tired of being idle all day, I want to work? Diane says.“Listen, I can’t let you work, my world is dangerous, If you go out there to work, my enemies might just be lurking around to hurt you” Akin says.“I know how to shoot, I can defend myself if anyone tries to attack me , I can fight to defend myself , I even know how to use knife” Diane says.“You are still learning , even if you are perfect I still can’t let you to go out there and work, I still maintain that” she says.“Are you saying I would always sit inside the house sleep and wa
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chapter thirty four
Diane stood peeping from the window and they had some substances in their hand , she watch them as they discussing, she knew they are into illicit business.She could see all of them putting their gun’s back into their pockets and Akin collects the good and he whispers something to some of his men and the man enters and returns with a briefcase of money.They open the money and Diane opened her mouth and she began to think of what she could do.“I need to find a way of stealing from that money and escape from here” she says to herself and she goes to sit on the bed and she thought of it.“Come to think of it , no one has bought us for the price ever, Why did this man buy me? She asks herself and stood up and goes back to the window and as she look down from the window, Akin looks up and their eyes met and she quickly move away from the window.Akin smiles at her.“Wow he’s hot though but that doesn’t mean I will forget that I have my target” she says to herself.Akin couldn’t concentr
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Chapter 35
Chantel blamed herself for saying her mind. Although she said her mind because of everything she has been through in the hands of men and she believes that women should be respected, she believes that marriage is an institution between two people and she just finds it hard to accept him as her husband,Chantel agrees that he is a nice man because he never forced her like all the men that she has been sold to in the past but she doesn’t like the fact that he is one of those men that buy women .Chantel sits thinking of what to do and she thought to herself and she thinks of what she could do to make him happy and she thought of cooking dinner for him.Diane and Akin got to the restaurant , they eat and he took her shopping and they return to his office while he attends to some work at his office.He kept stealing at Diane as he works in the office while Diane feels like a queen after few hours of working he and Diane left the office and they decided to have their dinner at the restau
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chapter 40
Chantel quickly stood up from the bed and was about rushing to the bathroom while Marc who was busy fixing the button on his sleeves stopped and pulls Chantel to himself and he rests her back on his body.“Repeat what you say again” He whispers to her ear.“I didn’t says anything” she says blushing and looking down.“Really? He say softly and kisses her on the cheek and she quickly rushes to the bathroom and when she got to the doorstep of the bathroom and she looks back and she sees him looking towards her and she blushes and run into the bathroom and marc smiles.He continue doing his button until she came out of the bathroom .“Please get me a tie in the closet” he says and Chantel goes to bring a tie for him and she stretches it to him and he held her hand and puts it round his neck looking into her eyes while she stares at him with no blink.“Help your husband with the tie ? he says.Chantel helps him with the tie while he kept staring at her and she kept stealing a look at him
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chapter 41
Chantel waited for Marc to come to sleep but he didn’t come quickly, she undress and goes to shower, she change into a lingerie but she drift into sleep.Marc receives call of someone ordering for drug, he was busy monitoring the packaging of it into a packaged products from is farm, he monitored the sealing so that it would be perfect, it took him about three hours even he only manage to wait till the drug was packaged into one of his packaged farm product , immediately it was sealed he quickly rushes into the room because he was hard but Chantel had slept.He slowly moves his hand on her body and he stops , he tucks her under the duvet , he kissed her forehead and he goes to calm himself down under the shower.He goes to lie beside her and he cuddles her , he stares at her , he kept staring at how she was sleeping until he drifted into sleep.Marc about to turn around when she feels Marcs hand around her , she opens her eyes and sees Marc’s hand around her, she smiles and she slow
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chapter forty two
Diane didn’t know when her tears turn into laughter and Akin himself burst into laughter.“Why are you laughing? I look like a clown right? He asks.“ofcourse No? she burst into another laughter“It’s felt so funny to me because I have never seen a master beg his slave before , in all the years I have been sold all over west Africa no man has never pleaded with me not even a woman has pleaded with me before, they all treated me bad, they beat me and my sister lock us up for days, starve us and even those men that we are given to would sometimes beat us up before having sex with us” she says with tears dripping down her face, I have even been sold to couple who needed babies who didn’t care about my body and will still hit me several time, do you know my mom thinks we are in some America but I wish I didn’t have to lie to them you know” she says.‘Sorry I am saying all this stupid things but I have always wanted to say all this to someone who isn’t my sister” she says.“You are saying
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Chapter three
He opens the laptop and held Chantel’s hand and she stiffs. He looked at her.“Must you always stiff your body?Marc asked coldly, “sit” he orders and she stares at him, she looks at his laps and looks at his face.“I won’t hurt you , sitting on my laps won’t hurt you “ he says, he slowly held her hand and slowly pull her down on his laps, she looks into his face, their gaze met and she looks away shyly.“I won’t hurt you like those men that has hurt you in the past” he says. “ To how to use your keyboard and the mouse of your laptop. He started explaining and showing her, he showed her how to place the finger on the laptop, Chantel began to relax her body and enjoy his body, she loved the scent of his body, soon what Marc was teaching her became boring and she began to slumber.Marc stares at her as she slumber and she would slowly open her eyes and pretend to be looking at the computer and finally she slept and rest her head on Marc’s shoulder, Marc smiles and loved the feeling of he
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chapter forty four
“Hey , I am fine , you should check yourself if you are not injured? I am fine ”Diane says and stood up from the Jacuzzi naked ,” she touches his body, she checks him round.“What are you doing? Akin asks.“ Checking if you were not injured, I didn’t remember all through the drive home because I was still scared” she says as she keeps checking him while Akin Became hard looking at her naked body.‘Thank Goodness you are good, the shooting was just too much” she says and she walks back to the jacuzi as she wants to sit in the Jacuzzi she realizes that Akin isn’t talking, Akin stood looking her from head to toe, he admire her beauty and she stares at him and Akin licks his lower lips, His eyes met with Diane’s face, Akin quickly turns to leave.“You can always turn the water to hot water” he says and he took a step to leave.“Akin! She called and he looks back to her.“Bath quickly we can always discuss when you are done bathing” he says.“Just wait” she says and comes out of the Jacu
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