All Chapters of That Problematic Ring: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
81 Chapters
19| Freya
I hurriedly enter into the meeting room after Luke Salvatore and take each step carefully this time.I didn't expect my first day would be this disastrous. My clangers have thrown my self-confidence into a garbage can now. If Mom had seen me this way she would have asked me to join self-development classes. And this time I wouldn't have gotten angry on her snarky remarks because I'm truly worthy of them. I take my chair. Luke takes the chair placed at head of the table and Rafe sits just opposite of me. I catch Luke looking at me with pensive expression. I look away because I'm embarrassed to make direct eye contact with him. He had probably imagined me as classy, poised daughter of Howard, but I devastate his imagination and my self-esteem. I don't understand what came under my feet all of a sudden that made me stumble."I don't know if I should ask this or not. I'm feeling just a little concerned." Luke speaks with hesitation. I and Rafe both don't say anything just look at him, w
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20| Rafe
I put on a darker brown blazer over my lighter brown turtleneck, fitted shirt then spray some cedarwood perfume all over me. While setting my hair with my fingers, I think of calling Mona. We haven't talked since I've come to Seattle. Once I feel like I'm good to go to the formal dinner arranged by Luke Salvatore, I walk out of the room and at the same time search for Mona's name in my phone's contact list. I click on her number and just about to put my phone on my ear I catch Freya coming out of her room in captivating attire. I stop in my tracks.This is the second time in a day that I couldn't recognize her at first glance. I cancel the call and put down my phone. I gawk at her, eyes out on stalks. She's wearing a pretty swing dress, hugging her body as a second skin before belling out from the bottom.Her earlier fine hair are now assembled into soft locks, cascading down her lower back. When did she grow her hair? She wasn't a long-haired type woman. She preferred shoulder-leng
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21| Freya
I blink back the unshed tears in my eyes as I step out of the car. The whole ride Rafe's words kept replaying in my head. I go through my outfit for the millionth time. What if Rafe was telling the truth? What if Benjamin really found me unattractive? Maybe that is why he left me so easily and never looked back. Maybe I'm really not good enough. I'm just a dimwit woman as Rafe said who can't do anything right. I lock my car and continue walking towards the restaurant where Luke has invited us. Rafe and I decided to go in our separate cars and meet outside the restaurant and enter together in order to put an impression on Luke that we came together. Just when I reach the right spot, I wait for Rafe. He's not here yet. Meanwhile, I pull out the mirror from my sling purse and see my reflection from different angles. The blue swing dress I'm wearing is of my own choice. All of my office wardrobe is of my choice and not Mom's. I wanted to have my work and formal outfits according to my
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22| Freya
I won't deny that I feel a tingle of delight as I step on the dance floor with Luke. I'm liking his courteous and polite behavior. He definitely knows how to behave around women.I and him join other couples on the floor and take our positions. The songs that are playing are slow and comforting, maintaining the slow rhythm among couples. I start swaying my body as I get a hint from Luke. I give him my genuine smile when my eyes see him staring at me. "I hope your husband is not offended with our dance." He spins me around once. I let out a laugh when I face himagain, "He's not that conservative. Don't worry.""Hmm. I have heard you both were friends before. Best friends got married. That's cliche.""Yes. It's right." I say, wanting him to drop Rafe's topic. I don't want to think about him. If I've got a chance to forget about him for awhile, I want to avail that chance. The environment is too calming right now. I look around, checking out the place while continuing wavering my body
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23| Freya
The next whole day at the office, I avoid any kind of interaction with Rafe. And thankfully he also does the same, stayed at his side of office space. I have started to loathe him with my every nerve. I took off from the office early today and came home because I need some spare time to prepare for the presentation tomorrow for Luke's directors. Maybe I would need the entire night for the preparation. I've been studying about the project for two nights precisely and today is the last night so I want to practice, revise and avoid clumsiness at all costs. I take a quick shower and change into something comfortable; loose trousers and a plain tee shirt. I call home afterwards and talk to Mia and Mom. Then I switch on my laptop, place it on my bed, and sit in front of it with some essential documents. "Hello, Abraham. Hopefully, you're ready with the summary I asked you to write." I call Abraham to get to know his viewpoint about the project. "Yes. Yes. It's done, but it's not with me
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24| Rafe
Freya walks out of my room without showing even a little bit of guilt of what she has done with my speakers. My chest expands with further indignation at her nonchalance.I go through the broken pieces of the speakers to see whether they can be fixed or not. They were so expensive. I spent a fortune on them. How dare she mess with my stuff!Undiluted rage sweeps through me like a fire. I'm going to kill this woman. At this moment I feel like breaking everything around me or maybe pull my hair and go crazy. She shouldn't have done that. She shouldn't have broken my speakers. I'll make sure to teach her a lesson this tim--A sudden ringing of my phone escalates my irk. Dammit. Seems like the entire world has decided to get under my skin right now. I leave the speakers on the floor, stand up on my feet and reach for my phone, placed on the bed. I tap on the green button and put the device on my ear, "What?""Hey, Rafe. Are you free right now?" A young, female voice speaks on the other
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25| Freya
Next morning with a pounding headache I reach Luke Salvatore's office. The bags under my eyes are clearly visible, making me look dull and worn out. I am worn out indeed. A strong sense of weariness has sucked my energy. Rafe's words kept replaying in my head the whole night, didn't let me sleep. The astonishing part is that I'm unable to be furious at him, instead I'm distraught and shocked that he has developed this high resentment for me. I'm unable to accept his hatred. My heart values him and that's why his words hurt me. I can't swallow the hatred he carries with himself all the time for me. As I reach the conference room, I see him coming in my way in his fresh piece of dark suit. Hair settled on his side. There is a light stubble around his mouth which he now keeps regularly. I make an eye contact with him and he stops walking. He looks back at me with plain expression. I feel fresh swell of fury in me that worsen my headache. I don't show him my vulnerabilities and keep my
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26| Freya
For the next few days, I worked really hard and acted as professional as I could be. I also did some studying too so that next time I won't portray myself inadequate anywhere. Rafe thinks he's the only bonzer and proficient businessman and I can't be. He thinks he's the only one who cares about work and business, I don't. I need to prove him wrong. That is why I'm building my maximum concentration and interest in the business and the company. He should take me as his strongest competitor. Just after lunch hour, I go back to my office while talking to Mia on call. "Freya, Mom is planning your 25th birthday party. I thought I should tell you this. She and Dad seem pretty excited. I don't know why, but you should know they will come to Seattle for your birthday celebration." She says on the phone. I'm surprised, "What they are up to now! My birthday comes every year. What's so special about this year?" Usually I celebrate my birthdays with family dinners or go out with friends. It has
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27| Freya
Sliding up my sunglasses over the top of my head, I come out of my car and look around. I've come to visit the site today where we're building our hotel. My other two partners are already here with their teams. I lock my car and saunter forward. The construction hasn't yet started. Only a small office has been set to provide details about the project and scrutinize what's happening here.It's a deserted, spacious area similar to some wide playgrounds. I can see small houses, but they are quite far. We have sealed our zone with tin metal sign that says 'construction in progress'.Luke waves his hand at me when he sees me. I pass him a smile, cross the yellow boundary and enter into the construction area. It's late afternoon therefore, the sun's heat is not scorching. Light wind is blowing too that's keeping the weather moderate. "Is it all good here?" I inquire as I go near him and look around. "As far as I know, yes." He answers, "We are starting the construction though from tomorr
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28| Freya
"You're bleeding, Luke. It's better if we take you to the hospital." I assess Luke's face. It's full of bruises. His hairs and clothes are dishevelled and blood is flowing down from the corner of his mouth. "I'm okay." He says between breaths, "Don't worry." He touches his jaw, then wipes the blood from the sleeve. I feel bad and worried for him, "Okay try to stand up. I'll take you to the office. May be they'll have the first aid."He gives me a nod. I hold his arm and help him stand up from the ground. Guards also come for my help. "Take him there." I order guards and hint towards our office. They take him and I follow them. Rafe comes with us too. "You know it would be better if you let us take you to the hospital." I again say on the way, "What you say, Rafe?"I look towards Rafe who is walking at some distance from Luke. He doesn't respond, just stare at me with clenched jaws. I get annoyed at his cold behavior. "No. It's okay. I'm fine." Luke refuses."Fine. Then at least le
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