All Chapters of Nathaniel: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
85 Chapters
Chapter 70
“Grab the bedposts, Dominique.”  “What?” her lazy reply came.  “I’m not done with you yet. Grab the bedposts.”  When she did what I’d asked, I thrust back into her. Her head lulled against my shoulder as I began pulling out and shoving back into her sensitive walls. My hands went up and cupped her breasts, squeezing them as I kissed her shoulder. Her moan in my ear set me off, and I began to pump faster. I squeezed her breasts as I pinched her nipples, trying to slow my pace back down. This time would last longer if I had my way about it.  
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Chapter 71
I had to get some of this aggression out before I did something stupid. So I walked briskly through the house and went out the back door, not caring that I was still naked. I ran through the forest a few times until I spotted a bear. I felt the urge to kill it, but I would toy with it first. At least it would give me a decent fight.   Ten minutes later, I ran back to the house. I was covered in the bear’s blood and probably looked like a lunatic. But at least I had enough time to take a shower before dawn hit. Hopefully, Dominique would allow me to stay the day here before telling me she didn’t want me living here anymore. I knew I could never force her to be by my side. It would just make her resent me, and neither of us would be happy.  
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Chapter 72
I woke up and wondered where I was for a few minutes when I felt a weight beside me. The night before quickly came back to me. I opened my eyes and found Nathaniel on top of the covers. He’d kept his promise and not trapped me even though I had fallen asleep in his arms. It was strange to see him like this. It almost looked like he was just sleeping.                                                                                              &nb
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Chapter 73
I awoke and immediately felt the empty bed beside me. I sighed and opened my eyes. I’m not even sure why I was expecting Dominique to still be in bed with me. Humans didn’t sleep that long. Even though we had gone to bed later than she usually did, Dominique still wouldn’t sleep that long. I wish I could know what it felt like to go to bed with her and wake up with her in my arms. Of course, I knew it would never happen, but it was something I could dream about, nonetheless.  I got out of bed and opened my link to Dominique. Great sadness and confusion were coming from her. The hallway had no windows so that I could walk around freely during the day here. I pulled a pair of sweatpants on and walked to her room. Her door was open, so I just walked right up to it. I frowned at what I saw.
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Chapter 74
“It makes sense to me, Dominique. I have had a hole in my heart ever since I lost Rose. I never thought it could be filled back up, even by you. I was wrong. You make me feel alive again and make my heart want to beat for someone again. You fill that hole every day that I am with you.” “Did you still want to get away for a little while?” Dominique asked. “Yes, I would love to get away for a few days. I want us to enjoy each other’s company without complications,” Nathaniel replied. “Okay, Nathaniel. Let’s find a bed and breakfast somewhere and disappear for a few days, just you and me.”  “Do you mean it?” I
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Chapter 75
“Why are we still sitting here instead of looking for the man that attacked my wife?” “Patience. My men are looking into everything. It takes time to figure out what these things are and where they hide. If we just go in guns blazing, we will all die because we don’t know what to expect.” “You found the man’s house two months ago!” “And when we showed you the pictures of the only people we had seen coming and going out of there, they weren’t it. Frankly, I believe the owners haven’t been home for some time, as only maids have been coming and going. So, we have been looking for the thing that attacked you. And all while keeping an eye on the people that go into the house.
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Chapter 76
“That’s when I came across a group of hunters just like you did. I thought I had found the wolf’s place that took my wife and, in turn, my Emily. I was scoping it out when I ran into this group of hunters. I didn’t realize at first that they were scoping the place out. I thought they were just normal hunters until I ran into them several more times around the same area. They finally asked me if I was looking for something. I told them that they wouldn’t believe me anyway. They actually attacked me and knocked me out. When I came to, they made me tell them my story.”   Carson watched as Ewan drifted away into his mind. He was curious if Ewan had ever found his daughter. He assumed he hadn’t because she was nowhere to be found. He wouldn’t ask because it may dredge up old feelings that Ewan didn’t want to be dredged up. He would tell him if he wanted to.   
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Chapter 77
Barnaby sighed. Sometimes he wondered who was the true master in their relationship. He couldn’t see himself ever doing what Nathaniel did and letting Veronica leave him for someone else, but he had done many things to make her happy. Could he truly forgive Nathaniel and let it go for her? He looked into Veronica’s eyes and knew how badly she wanted him to. He sighed again and finally caved.   “Alright, Veronica. For you, I will let it go. But know this. If something does happen due to his behavior, there will be no forgiveness. I will kill him.”                           “I believe you, love. I will get the phone so that you can call him
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Chapter 78
“Are you ready to go, Dominique?” I asked.    “Yes. Everything is packed and ready. I’m excited about this trip. I think it’s going to be good to get out of the house,” she replied.    “I think this trip will be good for both of us.”   Dominique surprised me by hugging me. She had been doing little things like that for the past week. I could still feel her grief, but at least she hadn’t pushed me away. She had been trying to have a relationship with me. We were moving slowly and building up our relationship. We hadn’t had sex again, and it was hard for me not to push for that. I wanted her so badly. I was just happy that we were getting to know one another again.  &n
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Chapter 79
She looked at me and crooked her finger. I started moving toward her as another man began dancing behind her. I felt my anger blaze inside of me. Instead of moving away from the man, Dominique smirked at me. She continued to dance as the man put his hands on her hips. She was getting spanked when we got back to the room. She knew it would piss me off to have another man’s hands on her.  She continued to watch me as I advanced on her. I know she could feel my emotions through our bond. I also felt hers, and she felt alive. Excitement and lust were pulsing through her. Was she excited by my jealousy? I pulled her away from the man, who started to protest until I looked at him. I felt my fangs elongate, and his eyes widened. Throwing his hands up, he walked away. Dominique laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck. She push
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