All Chapters of BILLIONAIRE’S ACCIDENTAL SURROGATE : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
116 Chapters
Chapter 71
Luciano wasn’t in the best of moods right now. It was already past eleven pm but he couldn’t get any sleep so he made his way to his liquor corner to get some alcohol in his system hoping that it would help him sleep. He was highly troubled by what happened earlier with Danielle and how he handled her questions. “I should have just explained to her,”Luciano let out as he took a sip of his whiskey. He handled things wrongly with Danielle and now she was mad at him. He could have prevented that from happening by just telling her the truth about what had happened with Amy. She had every right to ask him those questions because he told her he wasn’t seeing anyone and then less than a week later, he was pictured kissing a woman. He regretted going to see Amy last night. He should have known she would still want to get on with him. He had been drunk. That wasn’t an excuse but if he had been sober, he would not have let her kiss him. He pushed her away almost immediately but the paparazzi
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Chapter 72
Dani woke up the next morning in a bad mood. She tried to get her act together before stepping out of her room but she couldn’t help how she was feeling and couldn’t pretend to be okay when she wasn’t. She strolled to the kitchen to grab a bottle of sparkling water. She was hungry too but was too lazy right now to make anything for herself so she decided that she would wait for the chef to make something. She turned and started walking out of the kitchen. “Danielle?”She heard her name and turned around to see Luciano seated on one of the chairs in the kitchen. she didn’t even notice he was there until he called her name. “Good morning,”She greeted him. She started walking away again. She didn’t want to be in his presence as she felt ashamed of how she had reacted the previous day to his factual answer to her question. “Good morning, do you want breakfast? I made some toast and was about to bring it to your room,”He said. she paused and turned to him again, she was too hungry to
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Chapter 73
Dani knew she had no right to have acted all jealous and now that she knew what really happened, it just made it even worse what she did. His having to clear things up to the public was obviously because she lashed out and questioned him. He wasn’t the type to just clear things up. He has had bigger scandals even one where he was accused of dating a married woman but even then. He didn’t even say anything and the next two weeks he was pictured with another woman and just like that the rumors blew over. She was sure this would have blown over too. “I need to go and apologize to him,”She concluded and dropped her phone. She walked out of her room to go find him. She checked the kitchen but he wasn’t there, she walked back upstairs and knocked on his door but there was no response. She knocked a few more times and grabbed the door nudge to see if it was locked. It wasn’t so she opened it and peeped inside but she couldn’t find him. She entered the room, his room was huge and was everyt
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Chapter 74
“What do you mean by that?”Dani asked. He sounded so sincere that it was hard not to believe him and even more that he was standing with her in her room in a muddy boot after running to her when he saw her missed call. She didn’t want to read meanings into his words but the way he spoke, talking about her being his life, made her heart flutter. “Danielle, we are going to have a family together, I can’t remember the last time I had my own family, it was decades ago. I don’t want to do anything that would ruin this family that we will build, not even a woman especially not Amy, I don’t see her like that. I have everything except a family and I got one by chance, why would I want anything to get in the way? if anything, the only woman I want right now is you but I have to respect your wish and I will be here if you change your mind about us,”Dani opened her mouth to say something but couldn’t come up with any words so she closed her mouth again and just stared at him. His words made h
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Chapter 75
“Danielle? Are you ready?”Dani heard Luciano call out her name, she turned from the mirror to see him walk into her room looking handsome as always. They have been living together for a week now and he kept his promise. He brought all his work home and stayed with her all day, even though he had a chef, he still made sure to cook her favorite meal for her. He listened to her talk and for the past week, they have been living in peace. Luciano was more gentlemanly than Dani ever thought. He was the best man for the role of a dad and she knew their kids would never lack attention from him because he was attentive and eager to learn. He couldn’t go with her last week to the new parents’ class because a client called him at the last minute and she told him to go but today, he made time and said nothing would stop him. “I am almost ready. You are so eager,”Dani commented. They were more like friends now and she could talk freely with him. He sat on her bed and picked up the book that she
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Chapter 76
When they arrived back home, he got a call from a client and had to go attend to it so Dani spent the rest of the day on her own. She didn’t mind. He gave up a lot to be with her every day. He was someone who liked to do his work himself but for her sake, he delegated a lot of his work to his directors. She worked with him before so she knew just how much it meant for him to do that. Feeling bored, she decided to call Keira on a video call. “You have been scarce lately, you don’t even call me anymore,”Keira complained. Dani rolled her eyes at what her dramatic friend said. She called her two days ago and was the one to call her just now too. “I can say the same for you. You haven’t called me in a while, I have been the one calling you,”Dani told her. “Well, you can’t blame me. You told me your Luci was with you every day now and I didn’t want to call at the wrong time. “Wrong time? What do you mean by wrong time?”She saw the look on her face and knew what she was on about. if o
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Chapter 77
Luci?”She called out rushing to his bedside, he was fighting something invisible and he was sweating even though the air-conditioning was on. Not only that, he was also talking to himself. More like fighting himself in his sleep. He was having a nightmare. “Luciano, Luci,”She called out trying to wake him up but he pushed her hand away and kept crying out words that she couldn’t make out. She stood there not knowing what to do or how to wake him up. it was clear that the dream was a terrible one for him to be acting this way. she couldn’t leave him like that. She sat on the bed again and pushed against his chest to get him to wake up. “Luci, wake up, please, Luci,”She called out his name but he didn’t wake up. she got even more scared. It was obvious that it wasn’t a normal nightmare if it was, he would have woken up as soon as she walked into his room. “No, No, please, Stop, Danielle, don’t move,”He cried. He was dreaming about her and it wasn’t a good dream. Okay, that’s it.
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Chapter 78
His kiss was hot and passionate and without moving his mouth from hers, he lifted her in his arms and placed her in the center of the bed. He came down on top of her, his movements swift and possessive as he slid over her hips that have gotten bigger because of the pregnancy. She felt his weight and the pressure of his body on hers and her excitement increased because she was suddenly so aware of his physical strength. He lifted his head and rolled away from her, placing his hand on her quivering lower abdomen and over the bump where their little ones resided in a gesture that was unquestionably possessive. As if to ensure that there was no mistake; “Mine,” He whispered, softly as he moved his hands downwards in a purposeful movement. “All mine,”Dani didn’t know if he was referring to their little one or her and she wasn’t really at a point where she could care. All she wanted was to feel his hands all over her body, to feel his lips on hers. She dragged his face to hers and kisse
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Chapter 79
Luciano woke up to a warm presence in his bed, it was a foreign feeling for him even though he had had a good number of lovers, he almost never fell asleep after sex and he made sure to never spend the night with a lover not even with Vera whom he had considered marrying because she told him she was pregnant. He didn’t see the need to wake up in the arms of any other woman and he had never had anyone in this bed before until Danielle and she fitted perfectly in his bed and in his arms. She snuggled closer and he inhaled the sweet smell of her. Last night had gone from being bad and lonely for him to hot and exciting. He had been having a nightmare and the worst kind yet and then in his dream Danielle had been in danger once again and he had been calling her. This time however, she walked towards him and he had stretched his arms out to her, instead of running into his arms, she froze and before he knew it, she had been blown backwards by an invisible breeze and he couldn’t reach her.
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Chapter 80
“Are you sure you are going to be okay on your own? I will be gone for a week, I told you that I can st--”‘No, you don’t,”Dani said, cutting off anything else he wanted to say. He was being overly protective of her. He had a business trip and she knew because they had been in his room while he was in the shower when the call came and he had asked her to take the call. She was the one that scheduled the trip but he was trying to find a way not to attend because he didn’t want her to be on her own. Not like she was going to be on her own. Keira was coming over to come and keep her company. Something that Luciano had specifically requested of Keira who had been much too excited to help him. It has been three weeks since the night she had walked into his room and told him her cravings and in those three weeks, their relationship has grown so much that she moved into his room completely at his request. He told her he loved going to bed and waking up with her in his arms. He wasn’t alone
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