All Chapters of Trapped Forever- A Dark & Twisted Happily Ever After: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
132 Chapters
119. Invite me to your wedding
ERICA“Are you okay? Should I have them bring the car? It’s cold out here.”I grabbed his hand and replied with a hard no. “Antonio, I am wearing two jackets, because you thought my own jacket wasn’t enough. I am sure people looking at me are wondering what kind of alien I am with no visible hands and legs.”“Then they shouldn't look.” He grumbled, his arm coming around me and tucking me into his side. “No one should look at you. And just to let you know, you look beautiful.”I flushed at the way he gave me compliments like it was a given. In all the years I spent with myself I never felt beautiful except with him. I pressed my face into his chest, although I was half sweating from the way I was wrapped in the bulging jackets without which he had refused to take me out because according to him it was too cold ‘for me’ to roam around on foot. And not to mention his, ‘What about our baby, it could get cold?’.After the doctor had left and we had went downstairs to have an intimate dinne
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120. My heart, My body and My soul
ANTONIOFuck Nikolai and all his fucking ancestors for having a hand for his existence.I slowly turned around to face the woman standing behind me from whom I could already feel the anger coming off in waves. I knew it wasn’t right to hide what had happened with Nicole but I had thought that not telling her was the best option considering nothing had transpired and never will it come to it as for me Erica was the only woman who had all the control over my desires. So I had kept it to myself as I knew if she got to know, it will hurt her and also she’ll get blood thirsty. My little devil.“Little devil—”She shot me a heated glared and then turned around, marching away from me. Saze gave me a judgemental stare before he turned to follow her, her other two guards already on either side of her. Thankfully, she was walking back towards the hotel and as I caught up to her, I said, “Bambina, se mi dai la possibilità di spiegarti—”“No. I don't fucking need an explanation!” She yelled at me
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121. A bachelorette party
ERICAA Week Later....“Oh my god.... It's so beautiful!” Amelie gushed as she stood beside me, gazing up at the big castle with four separate towers and appreciated the beauty of the castle as it stood proud in the afternoon sun. I paused to look around too at the beauty that surrounded me. We were in Scotland and unlike the dark gloomy looking castle on top of a lonely cliff in Italy, this one radiated warmth and was surrounded with lush trees and mountains at the back drop and around it like they were hugging this precious home. This castle was old too, the same age as the one in Italy but it had gone through many renovations to keep up with the modern times and still carried the charm of the history. The two back towers are built into the mountain, the slim path rounding around the towers making it accessible from outside too.It was beautiful and large, bigger than the one in Italy and those back towers seemed to be disappearing into the clouds. I could totally imagine a couple
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122. Where is my wife?
ANTONIOI don’t know what woke me up but when my eyes opened, I instantly became aware of the fact that my little devil wasn’t by my side and that I wasn’t alone in the room. There was a heavy presence in the room that couldn’t be ignored. I slipped my hand beneath my pillow and pulled out my gun as surreptitiously as I could.I wasn’t afraid for myself but my mind was on Erica, she was sleeping in my arms and now she was nowhere in the room, I didn’t even have to check the bathroom to know she wasn’t there. Her absence was like an open chasm in my chest every time she was away from me. After dinner where we were joined by her sister and Gabriel, we had come to sleep in the bedroom but not before I had exhausted her by fûcking her in the mirror room where she had screamed her pleasure that I was sure everyone in the castle heard. Erica was really a voyeur, she came so many times by just looking at our reflection as I fucked her hard, warning her to not go anywhere her friends and sis
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123. It wasn't soon enough
ERICA“OH MY GOD! I think I am drunk!!” Ami squealed as the half naked man with a cat mask twirled her around and then took Gianna in his arms who was also half drunk.We were in one of the back towers that I was admiring earlier in the day and Kat had managed to invite the party we were supposed to have here in the castle right under the watchful gazes of our husbands and their men. She was a tricky one. I didn’t know how she managed it but it was awesome and I wasn’t complaining.There were four women out of which two were filling our drinks— unfortunately, non-alcoholic for me, and giving us snacks to munch on while the two men were entertaining us with half their bodies bare and muscles painted what seemed like glitter that shined in the lights. The music was loud but we had checked and the noise couldn’t be heard to the main part of the castle. It was really the bachelorette I didn't think I’ll be having after Antonio fucked me so har
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124. First and last chance
ERICA“My handsome Duke!!” Ami stood up, waving on her two feet that were encased in heels and stumbled her way to Raphael, who looked only a little bit amused but his blue eyes darkened as they raked down his wife. She was wearing a red sequin dress that ended just below her arse and by the look on Raphael’s face, I’d say Ami will finally get what she was wishing for. “See, what I did? Are you going to punish me for it!” She asked, blinking her eyes at him as she stumbled and he caught her in his arms.Kat snickered behind me and I couldn't help as my own lips pulled up in a smile. Raphael picked her up in his arms and announced for our benefit or maybe to the men standing on either side of him. “I’ll leave you to deal with your wives, mine needs a strong hand.” We could hear Ami squeal in excitement as they disappeared from the view.“Gianna, go to your room. And for fuck’s sake get rid of that dress.” I shivered at his deep voice, my eyes barely fluttering to Gianna to take in the
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125. Dessert
(Skip this chapter if you have problem with exhibition and voyeurism and other related elements).ERICA“Here.” As soon as the word left me, Antonio stepped back from me, leaving me feeling cold and adrift. I turned to him, panicked that I made a mistake but found him lowering himself in a loveseat. He crooked his finger and demanded, “Come here.”A calm washed over me when I saw the dark look of arousal in his eyes. When I took a step closer to him, he leaned back in his seat and pointed to his lap as he ordered, “Bend over my lap, baby, present me that arse.”My lower belly clenched at his words and a heated desire coursed through my veins. My eyes went to Z who was still staring at Kat but when I looked at her I found her gaze fixed on me. She arched her brows, silently telling me to go on. I smiled at her, feeling my blood heat at her attention as my heart started to beat in excitement. That smile turned to a hungry look when I faced my dark villain who grew impatient and grabb
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126. A perfect wedding to my perfect villain
ANTONIO“What’s taking them so fucking long?” I muttered, tugging on my cuffs to straighten them for the sixth time. For the second time when I had woken up in the early hours of the morning, my little devil wasn’t in the bed where she had fallen in a exhausted sleep after I had carried her from the tower. But unlike before this time it was Mario and Summer who decided that it was a great fucking idea to keep Erica away from me until I see her walk down the aisle. It had been only a few hours but I already felt impatient and on the edge. I wanted her glued to my side for every breath I take. It was fûcking impossible to put into words how much I was obsessed with her, how much I loved her. But I swore to myself that I’ll try to convey that to her for the rest of my life. “Are you nervous, Antonio?” Ephraim asked from my side. I refrained from looking at him, unless I’d end up punching him in the face for what happened last night even though he didn’t do anything that I didn’t ask o
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127. Wedding gift
ERICASome people say the happiest moments come after you’ve lived the saddest ones. And for sure I have had my fair share of sad moments in my life so I guess my husband here was a god’s gift for all those tears and heartache I suffered. And if someone asked me now if I was given a choice to suffer through the same things, same monsters, if it meant getting him at the end of that dark tunnel then I wasn’t sure if my answer would be a no. As we pulled apart from a long hard kiss that wasn’t appropriate for a wedding, I heard our family and friends cheer around us and then a moment later I felt something soft touching my cheek. I looked up and a delighted laugh left me when I saw twp choppers circling over our heads and rose petals being thrown over us. A literal shower of roses. “Antonio!!” I exclaimed, my happiness unbound, and then I ended up squealing as Antonio lifted me up in his arms and took me to the little raised stage set up for dancing. As I danced in my husband’s arms, e
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Epilogue I
Epilogue ITwenty eight weeks later...ANTONIO“So, I thought you wouldn't come again?” Mrs Khan asked.We were sitting in her office. My wife was sitting opposite her own therapist a few doors down, as I sat here after two weeks ago when I had declared I won’t come again. But the problem with anxiety was it never fucking disappears and as the time for Erica’s delivery drew closer, my anxiety only grew bigger. For some reason I feel like I won't be enough for them. That there were hundred different things that could go wrong and my family would've to suffer, it keeps me up at night and makes it hard to get through a day.I rubbed a palm down on my face and I leaned forward to pick up the glass of water. Any other time I might’ve not drunk it but therapy had helped enough to not make me paranoid all the time. After taking a sip, I put the glass down and met her eyes as I said, “I thought that too. But,” Fuck. It was still fucking hard to express myself, to put my fears into words. “But
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