All Chapters of USING BABY DADDY FOR REVENGE: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
83 Chapters
The morning sun's rays warmed Melissa's face, waking her up. As she opened her eyes, she hoped to find the familiar face watching her. Lying on the bed next to her. Anxious, she scanned the room but realized he had not come. Mark always woke her up whenever they slept in Tommy's room. Teasing her every time but not today. She got up feeling disappointed. Changed into a two piece bikini from the closet and went to the beach. When the sun got too hot, she went back to the house. Noticing that Mark was not up yet, she went to the kitchen and made some egg sandwiches for breakfast. Curious as to why he was not up, she reluctantly went to the room to check on him. She persistently knocked at the door but got no response. With a heavy sigh, she leaned her forehead on the door wondering where he had disappeared to. "Morning sunshine." He whispered in her ear, making her jump. "Aah!" Melissa screamed, placing her hand on her chest. "You startled me. I thought you were in the room s
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"Mum, daddy!" As they stepped out of the car, Tommy ran over from the house to receive them. "Tommy, Tommy I told you not to run to the car like that." Out of breath, Jane came after him shouting. "Sorry Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Johnson." "It's okay Jane." Melissa smiled at her then at the little boy before them. "Tommy you have to be more careful and listen to Jane always." Melissa scolded him. "Sorry, mum. I missed you and daddy." Gazing up at them, his eyes turned red as his mouth quivered. "It's okay son, we missed you so much too." Mark raffled his hair. "I got you lots of toys to play with. Do you want to see them?" Coaxing him, he carried him into the house. "Where's everyone?" Walking into the empty quiet house, Melissa inquired. "For the first time, Mary is not at the door to receive me." "That's because they are preparing a surprise for you and mum." Tommy squeaked getting down from his father's arms and ran to the backyard. "They are in the garden." Jane smiled directi
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Lovely couple
Melissa slipped the ring into her necklace hiding it under her shirt as she walked into the office. Mark had left the room sometime in the night. Hoping to see him in the morning, she got up early but he was not in the house and he had not called. Saying hello to her officemate, she sat on her desk chair checking the pending work she had. Opening her drawer she got a red rose flower and a heart shaped card. 'Morning sunshine, only you can make me smile through this boring meeting.' Sniffing the card, she smelled the familiar cologne bringing a smile to her face. Though the card had no name on it, Melissa knew who had placed it there. She missed him as much. Biting her lower lip, she glanced at the two ladies but no one paid much attention to her. 'Must have sent someone to deliver the card.' She thought but neither of them seemed to have any idea. "Got the card." When she messaged to thank him for the card he declined to share how he got the card to her office. "Girls, I
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The signed note
"What are you doing?" Getting in the car, she questioned Mark when he held her to sit on his lap. "I missed you." He said trailing kisses along her neck. "Mark stop, I have to get back to work. My friends will get suspicious." She giggled trying to get up pushing him away. "There are people outside Mark, please stop." She pleaded, glancing out of the window. James and the driver were a few feet from the car. "Okay, one kiss. Then I'll let you go back to work." He persuaded her, running his hand in her hair massaging her scalp as he placed the other hand under her skirt. Folding her inner thighs, he moved up making her quiver as she patted her legs for him. "Mm!" moaning, she kissed his cheek playfully. "That's enough." She bit her lower lip while running her hand over his chest. "Not quite." He groaned, pulling her close to feel the effect she had on him. Gazing deep into his eyes she parted her lips invitingly as she put her arms around his neck, straddling him. Fumbling with
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The dress
Her hair in a smooth beautiful bun, looking like a fairytale princess, Melissa gracefully stepped into the ballroom. Dressed in an off shoulder white bodycon long sleeved dress that kissed the floor. Nodding at the employees finishing up, she clutched the small black bag in her hands. The crunchy bag matched her strappy heels which often picked through her long slit. And with every step she took, her smooth legs showed, leaving many drooling. Whenever she turned her head, the dangling diamond shaped earrings glittered catching everyone's eyes. As the ring on her finger that she had forgotten to take off left many wondering. "Make sure the catering team is all set. We need all our guests to be well accommodated." Conversing with the organizer in charge, Melissa didn't notice the person walking towards her until she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Lisa!" Turning to see who was behind her, she exclaimed then covered her mouth as all eyes turned to her. "Goodness, what are you do
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The pictures
After spending her day off watching her son play in the villa's field with his father, Melissa went to work. On arrival, as she walked into the building, everyone looked at their phones. Then whispered to each other glancing her way. Some who had never spoken to her walked over to greet her. She smiled and nodded at them thinking they were talking about the ceremony. Which had gone on for the whole weekend causing a buzz in the media. When she walked into her office, Nancy and Jenifer too were head deep in the newspaper. But tried to hide it when they saw her. "What going on?" She asked, stopping in front of Jenifer's desk when she saw their unusual behavior. "Melissa, hey we didn't hear you come in. Is your foot better?" Jenifer asked, covering the newspaper with her laptop. "What's going on?" She inquired again. "Have you seen today's newspaper?" Nancy inquired, getting the newspaper from Jenifer. "Nancy don't." Jenifer tried to stop her but she paid no attention to her.
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Yes I do
Not hearing any of the accusations and curses uttered by Mr. Clark's niece, Melissa stood in the driveway watching the brown range rover disappear, leaving behind a cloud of dust. "I'm sorry." Melissa apologized, getting back to the house to carry on with her work. "Why don't you ask your uncle what happened before accusing her?" Her husband questioned her irritated by her insistence on terminating the renovation contract just to teach Melissa a lesson. After calling her uncle, she apologized profusely to Melissa for all the insults and for misjudging her. She even promised to talk her uncle into helping her with the information she needed. As they concluded the house tour and discussed all the materials needed to complete the work, a white Porsche driving into the compound caught their attention. "Honey, are you expecting any guests?" He asked his wife, looking out of the window. "No, few people know about this place. I'll go see who it is." She spoke, walking out through the b
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The mansion
The house manager directed Sasha to the house where old Mr. Johnson was resting in the lounge when she got to the mansion."Grandfather!" Cheerfully, she bowed in greeting as soon as she was in his presence. "My child, welcome. Have you been crying?" The old man inquired watching her keenly. "No grandfather, I had an eye infection, but it's better now." She responded touching her face. "How is your health?" She asked sitting on a chair beside him. "I'm doing better now, thanks to the medicine and my good doctor's care." He answered, glancing at the middle aged man standing beside him. "I'm glad you're better. I brought herbal tea, I know how much grandfather loves tea and it's also very helpful in lowering blood sugar." She said taking out a one kilo jar of chamomile tea from her bag. "My aunt told me about its rich health benefit and I thought of you so I had it imported right away." She said smiling shyly. "Thank you, my child, where else can I get such a thoughtful granddaug
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I will always be here to protect you
Melissa took her bag going into the house, saying hello to Mary in the kitchen she went upstairs to check on her son. Tommy was busy with the cartoon he didn't notice his mother standing at the doorway. With a smile on her face, she watched him for a while imitating what was going on, on the big screen. "Mommy!" He said getting up to hug his mother when she joined him on the sofa. "Hello baby, what are you drawing?" She inquired taking his drawing book. "That lightning mc queen the fastest race car ever, look mommy." He said pointing to the winning red car on the big screen that he had drawn and colored. "It's the fastest car in that race, I want a car like that when I grow up. Mommy, do you think dad will buy it if I ask?" He asked looking at his mother. "I'll buy anything my son wants." Mark said walking into the room. "Daddy." Tommy ran to his father with open arms. Mark carried him in his arm's joining Melissa on the sofa. "Daddy look at my drawing." Tommy proudly gave his fa
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Flying bullets
With Melissa's picture displayed on every social platform, Mark increased her security. He got people to follow her everywhere she went. He was afraid if identified, people may harass her, endangering her life. After dropping Tommy off at school, she went to the house renovation she was supervising. Checked the materials purchased, giving instructions where needed. Making sure her team was handling the work as planned, she asked Adams to stop at the mall to buy some items on her way to the apartment. At the apartment building, she requested her bodyguards to help her carry the boxes to the apartment door. Getting to the apartment, she pulled Lisa aside. Then she told her the plan to distract her bodyguards so she would leave the building without alerting them. Fifteen minutes later, she walked out through the building's back door wearing sports shoes, blue jeans with a white t-shirt. Hailing a taxi, she pulled her cap down, covering her face. "Sorry, I can't take you to this ad
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