All Chapters of Mated To My Childhood Bully: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
122 Chapters
Realization And Death
Every single person in the fight stopped as soon as they heard that howl of pain but Hazel was not done as her fang buried right into his neck where her claws had just ruthlessly torn. Axel let out another loud howl and then shifted back into his wolf form with pains written clearly on his face. Hazel suddenly fell backwards as soon as his blood touched her tongue. It was more like she was falling into a trance as she shifted into her human form. Her hands on their own will grabbed the hands of Axel but her eyes remained white and then, suddenly she had a clearer vision to things. The one who had tried killing her was not Axel, it was Rex. The one who had framed her for the death of his father was not Axel, it was Rex. She could suddenly see all of it playing in front of her eyes and almost immediately, tears began to gather in her eyes as she realized that everything, every single thing that had torn them apart to this point was not the doing of Axel, everything had been the plan
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Damien's Mate
"Axel!" Hazel shook his hand that had gone limp."Axel!" Her voice grew louder."Axel!!!!!!!" It was a scream next as she felt her heart ripping with pains. "Axel, please wake up!" she pulled her limp body towards him and hugged him tightly, tears rolling down her eyes as emotional pains wrecked through her body.But no matter how she cried for him to wake up, his limp body remained limp against her own body. With a cry of pain, Hazel let go of his body and screamed wity her eyes turning white once more. She looked towards the direction of Rex and bus mother who were now obviously making plans to run away from the battle field that had turned sour for them. Rex was already taking steps backwards and his mother had walked back too. With an angry growl, Hazel shifted back into her wolf form and charged at the cause of all their misfortunes. He was the reason why she had hurt Axel. Without him and his manipulative plans, she would still be with Axel, living in the most happy way. Sh
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His Handwritten Letter
The wolf doctor walked a few steps more away and suddenly halted in his steps. He closed his eyes tightly and sighed heavily. He knew there was one way to save Axel but that way was still no way to bring together Axel and Hazel. He thought about telling Hazel of that way but he knew that if Axel was alive, he would never want such a step to be taken. With that in mind, he resumed walking and walked off.Clarissa's eyes and Damien's eyes were locked on each other for long moments as the both of them came to the realization that they were mates. Damien could hardly believe it. Yeah, he knew it was the strangest thing that he had not found his mate all his life but he never expected it to be this woman that he didn't even think he knew.He had only heard about her a few times from Hazel and that was all.Damien had been thinking that once the mate bond between Axel and Hazel was broken, he would turn out to be her mate and that would explain the connection that he had always felt tow
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Give Your Life Up For Him
Damien walked into the room to find Hazel still crying over Axel. "Hazel" He called her name but there was no response from her as she seemed to be in her world of tears and nothing else."Hazel" He called again before giving up on just calling her name."Hazel, you know you are pregnant. Crying this much won't be a good thing for your health and the health of your baby" he reminded her about her baby and Hazel's hands subconsciously moved to her stomach and she rubbed on it."The father is dead" she cried. "But you are alive and... And I am alive too. We can still give your pup a good life. You have to think about your health. I understand that you feel hurt, badly hurt that everything was because of Rex and you killed Axel yourself. I know how you feel" he assured but Hazel shook her head in a negative fashion. "You can never understand it, Alpha Damien. You can't understand it. When I... When I give birth, who do I day killed the father? I am going to tell my pup that I killed i
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"Hello" Clarissa walked up to Damien who still had a very concerned look on his face. "Hey" He managed to give a response to her. "I... I am going to see Hazel, do you want to go with me?" Clarissa asked."She is busy right now. You cannot go to see her" Damien replied and Clarissa nodded her head but did not walk away. Damien stopped pacing around and his eyes scanned her from her head to her toe."You know you should he walking away, right now?" He questioned." I the only who knows that we are....." "Whatever we are...." He cut her off harshly."Whatever we are, I do not care about it. So do not care much about it took" Damien replied."But... But we are not just anything, we are mates" She replied and Damien threw his head backwards, revealing his Adam's apple."I think I have made myself clear enough. I. Am. Not. Willing. To. Be. Your. Mate. " He spelt out his words. Not when Axel was dead and he was the only guy left in the life of Hazel. Hazel was the one he loved a
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Not Best Friends
"Mommy, is daddy really dead?" Sana asked."No, not at all" Hazel shook her head. "Daddy is not dead. Daddy would be back next week. He is just... Just very very injured that he would not be able to do a thing for the next one week but after that week, you would see daddy smiling at you one more time" Hazel assured the little girl and Sana hugged her, feeling relieved."I... I was so scared. I was hearing everyone saying that Daddy was dead" "Do not listen to them. You trust Mommy, right?""Yes, I trust Mommy""Great."They hugged and remained in the position for a pretty long time before the door opened and Davis walked in with a look of displeasure on his face."Hazel" he called, his brows shooting up but calming down as he noticed the presence of Sana in the room. "Sana" he called and Sana pulled away Hazel reluctantly."Why don't you give I and your Mommy some space?" He asked and slowly, Sana pulled away and walked out of the room. As soon as the little girl was out of the ro
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Take My Place, Clarissa
"Hazel, whatever you are thinking of, you have to completely do away with it." Damien said to her but calmly, Hazel shook her head.."I am sorry but I cannot. I have already made up my mind and nothing at all can change it" Hazel replied firmly. "You said Axel loves you, would he want you to do this? sacrificing your life for his own life?""I guess... I guess I have to do what he does not like one more time, this one last final time" She replied. "Hazel, you cannot be serious with this. Think about the life you have in front of you, think about the pup inside of you, think about the white wolves. You still have so many things to do, Hazel. You cannot give everything up just for....""I can! I can give everything up and that is what I am doing already. I am giving it all up for him. You saw it, Alpha Damien. He had the chance to get rid of me when he was on top of me but he did not. I... But I did.""You were clearly consumed by your powers!" Damien scolded."I know! But it does not
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Wipe His Memories
Clarissa walked down the stairs to the living room where Damien and Davis were seated, waiting for news from her. "So what?" Damien was the first to ask."Did she agree to give up on the thoughts?" Davis asked and slowly, Clarissa shook her head. "Hazel has made up her mind already""How can that even be?!" Damien ranted and got up from the sofa he was seated on."Gosh! Axel is going to come back to life and he is going to kill me for letting her kill herself" Davis sighed heavily. "I will go see her and talk to her again. She has to change her mind" Damien groaned and began to walk up the stairs, not glancing at Clarissa twice.Clarissa pressed her lips into a thin line as she watched the man who was supposed to love and protect her love and protect another woman.*"This is all your fault" Damien stood in front of the wolf doctor. "Good day, Alpha Damien, do you have any issues with me?" The wolf doctor asked. The both of them were in the living room while Hazel was still in he
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A day before the night of the full moon. Damien was simply frustrated, he had been trying to find a chance to steal the moonstone away but then the moonstone was the most precious jewel in the pack. There was simply no way that he would be able to steal it away without causing a ruckus. The guards guarding the moonstone were so much that it would be found out that there was a breach. There was also the technology protecting the moonstone. The only one time he had managed to get close to the moon stone was that morning but he only got past the guards without creating an alarm but he was not able to get the moonstone. To get the moonstone, different codes and passwords were needed and he knew none of it. He sighed heavily, pacing around in his room. There was only one night to the full moon, there was only one night to the death of the woman he loved and yet he could not find a way to stop it yet. He was starting to get really anxious but his anxiety was solving nothing. Damien kne
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Hazel got up from her seat with alarm. "What did I just hear you say?" She rasped, her eyes now blaring the scary white. The man who had announced the news quickly took steps backwards not wanting to suffer the wrath of repeating his information."I asked you a question! What did you just say?!" Hazel asked again. "I.... We... We can't find the body of Alpha Axel. We...we have it delivered to us an hour ago but suddenly it's gone." His voice was shaky as he spoke. "How could you have been careless with the body of the Alpha?!" Davis yelled. "We are sorry" the three men fell on their knees and bowed their heads not wanting death to be their portion. "Please pardon us.... We... We really have no idea how it happened" one of them cried. "I want his body found. Spread people all over the entire pack and into the surrounding packs. I want his body found before the sun rises!" Hazel ordered and almost immediately, the three men scampered into the car. "I... I can't stay here myself.
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