Semua Bab My Cursed Sadistic Alpha : Sebastian’s Curse : Bab 101 - Bab 110
157 Bab
Beta's Proposal
AthenaWhen I reached home, partially panting due to how fast I ran from where Cora had stopped me for a conversation, just to get here as fast as I could, the last thing I had expected when I turned on the light was to see a tall figure sitting at the edge of my bed as if he belonged there. A loud shriek left my mouth, and I involuntarily pressed myself against the wall behind me.However, as I noticed the person's face and the worry began fading away."Aaron," I said, my breathing rushed and the pace of my heartbeats not falling behind with the rush of adrenaline, "What are you doing here?"He looked around the room, especially the items remaining broken on the floor in a mess in a manner that could turn out to be a danger for any individual stepping inside barefoot. I knew he must have been looking and inspecting it for quite a while."What's going on, Athena?" It did not take him any more hint to get straight to the point that— I. Was. Fucked. Up. Without even having to let out a
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The Time That Had Gone
AthenaShocked, stunned and mostly speechless, I found myself wanting to take more than a few steps back to create some sort of distance between us, to allow myself to take it all in— Get through the momentary disbelief with no damage. But there was no place left, not even a fraction of an inch."What...what are you saying?" I stammered, "How come you not have a....""It's just fate, Athena. For the longest time, I kept believing that I have a mate and I was just yet to find her even though my own parents had let me know the truth way earlier to make it easier for me to digest," He spoke, strange melancholy flickering in his orbs— Crossing his face like a silhouette, "But, soon I became aware of the reality when, on one, unfortunate full moon, it was revealed to me that I did not have that line of fate neither on my hand nor my forehead.""It could also be that the one predicting was wrong. How can you be so sure about that?""We are werewolves, sweetheart. None predicts the future fo
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Another Goodbye
AthenaAs I was working in the bakery, Remi sauntered up to me with a sly grin on her face. "Well, well, well. There's a hot hunk waiting for you outside beside his expensive ride," she said with a playful wiggle of her eyebrows.I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, what are you talking about?""Do not pretend as if you know nothing about it, there must be something going on. You are getting all these perfect males coming here looking for you, something sounds fishy," She said, "What are you up to?"I rolled my eyes. "I have no idea what you're talking about, and why would anybody come here to--" I trailed off as a thought crossed my mind, sending a rush of anxiety through me."So something is going on," Remi said, smirking and crossing her arms over her chest."Wait, who is it?" Overhearing the conversation, excited Georgia rushed towards our direction, "Is it the same guy from that day? The sexy one?""Well...this one is even sexier and sweet Jesus, his looks....and enchanting blue eyes," R
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Divided Loyalties
AthenaAs we settled outside, facing each other, he gave me the cup of coffee he had picked for me on his way over."Thank you, you really didn't have to--" I fidgeted uneasily in my seat, acutely aware of the weighty conversation that was about to take place. His piercing stare, the palpable tension that hung in the air, and most of all, the very first words he had uttered upon walking into the bakery.'We need to talk.' Those four words spoke volumes."It's fine. It's not a big deal anyway," he slouched in his chair, his leg tapping up and down with restlessness that mirrored my own. Inside, I was freaking out because the last thing I wanted was to lose a friend.The air still hung heavy with an awkward silence that seemed to stretch on for eternity. It was a strange and uncomfortable situation, to say the least. I didn't want things to be like this, but everything was so scattered and our lives were just too complicated."We need to talk, Athena," he finally spoke up, breaking the
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Sebastian"Cancel the flight."I would have left.Yes, I'd have left if I hadn't noticed Aaron heading to the Cafe Athena worked in. If my eyes had failed to notice them two sitting across each other and mostly, if my hearing ability was like a human, making his reason to be spotted in this town nothing but a perfect coincidence.Fucking hell. He was trying to take what was mine which was now, cetled me to the conclusion that he'd lost the love for his life, or simply couldn't find any other way to die so he pulled this stunt.As I stormed back to the hotel room, my heart pounded in my chest, and my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. I slammed the door shut, the sound reverberating through the empty room. I paced back and forth, my fists clenched, feeling the weight of betrayal bearing down on me.My mind raced with questions as the night advanced.I tried to make sense of the situation, replaying the events over and over in my mind, trying to find clues or signs that I had missed. Bu
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A Challenge
SebastianTo say I was enraged would express the least of what I experienced. I fucking want to kill him at that moment when he let out those words but once again, I kept my calm."Cutting straight to the chase I see," I hummed, puffing out the smoke into the air, seeing visual in the white of them of how many ways I could snatch the life out of this man, "How come you are in love with her all of a sudden, I ask?""It's not sudden, Alpha," The fact that he was trying to act respectful was ironic, "I have liked her since the first day.""Ah, the first day, huh? You know, I don't hold grudges for feelings, but actions speak volumes. So, Aaron, what's the price tag for your attempt to persuade my partner to run away with you, despite her clear explanation of our situation? I care about actions, just as much as ever," I flashed him a smile, "Do you choose to be stripped of the position of my beta and returned to the very pack you once belonged to, now turned rogues with a vendetta against
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False Miscarriage?
AthenaTwo hours ago, I threw up for the second time this day. My head felt like it was spinning, and a strange tingling sensation ran through my limbs. Was it just stress? Or was there something else at play here?I tried to think back to what I had eaten or drunk, but couldn't come up with anything unusual. Maybe it was just a bug going around. But the lack of energy and other symptoms had been building for days, and I couldn't ignore them any longer.My head was dizzy in a weird way, It was hard to comprehend what was actually going on. Whether it was the extreme pressure of stress or something else, perhaps, concerning. The sudden lack of energy did not do any explanation either, it was true I was feeling a bit less energetic from the past few days but I had blamed that on Sebastian's arrival and my fucked up life.But today, I did not have any more reasons to stay in my home and avoid getting a checkup.So here I was. Laying across the examination bed, as the doctor examined me
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Come Back Home
SebastianAs I stood outside her door, I took a deep breath and knocked, trying to compose myself. My mind was racing, thinking of all the things I wanted to say to her and my heart was beating loud. My chest was heaved with tension and the urgency to talk to her, to see her face and grasp the one possible opportunity to pull her in my arms again as if time itself was running out and this was my only chance.The wait felt like an eternity until finally, she opened the door."Sebastian..." Other than the surprise on her face, I couldn't read anything else but her red eyes surely said that she had been crying.The sight of her left me speechless for a moment, but I gathered my courage and managed to stammer out a greeting, "Hey."I comfortably tucked my hands in the pockets of my overcoat, barely managing to stay still."You were supposed to leave today," She sniffled, wiping her cheek with the back of her hand to erase any possible traces of tears.God! I wanted to hug her, kiss her te
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Mend Losses
Athena Morning arrived much quicker than I had anticipated and Sebastian was still with me. He had spent the entire night by my side, keeping a respectful distance between us. While I slept soundly on the bed, he had made himself comfortable on the couch, never once crossing the invisible boundary between us. As I stretched and yawned, I couldn't help but wonder what the night could have been like if we had just let ourselves give in to the passion that was simmering beneath the surface, telling us to jump into the fire. But we both knew that we needed to take things slow, that we couldn't rush into anything without considering the consequences.Last night, We didn't touch, we didn't kiss, we didn't snuggle— It was a tough choice but it was a wise one too.Despite the distance between us, I could feel his eyes on me as I got out of bed, his gaze following my every move. It was as if we were both holding back, fighting the urge to give in to our desires. But for now, we both knew tha
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Time To Live Together
Athena"Aaron." His name slipped from my lips as I watched him, standing a few feet away, leaning against the bonnet of his car with his hands tucked in his pockets, his impatient eyes scanning the surroundings until they landed on me, and then at the man standing beside me, my mate.His presence had ignited a spark of tension between us that threatened to escalate into a full-blown confrontation. The way he leaned against his car with an air of confident impatience made it clear that he wasn't about to back down.But amidst the chaos, I couldn't help but wonder if Aaron's return was a sign of unfinished business."This piece of—" As Sebastian's anger flared, I felt a surge of fear and desperation to defuse the situation. "Sebastian, don't," I intervened, grasping his hand before he could react."Athena...""Please, Aaron's a friend and has helped me a lot. It does not have to end on a bad note," I said, "Let me just talk to him, okay?"I could see Sebastian's reluctance, but I knew
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