My Cursed Sadistic Alpha : Sebastian’s Curse 의 모든 챕터: 챕터 71 - 챕터 80
157 챕터
Call To The Ocean
Sebastian"Sir, you have received an invitation from 'Children And Youth association," My assistant Emma, handed me an envelope, "They sincerely expect your presence at the event they are hosting on the fifth of this month.""Where is the event going to be held again?""The small town–Rye, near the coast of East Sussex."I opened the envelope, reading thoroughly. "Oh, so this is the NGO we donated to last month," Recognition drew upon me, as I read the letter, "They are new, right?" "Yes, sir. They started new, and on the fifth of this month, it'd be one year. So they invited you to the celebration— Primarily, There are going to be the children from the orphanages they have helped grow and burn victims from the—Burn Survivor Association.""That's great, I shall attend the event," I said, pushing the envelope aside, "Tell Aaron that he'd be joining me.""Sir, Mr Aaron is out of town for a meeting with our client. He might not be able to return before this event since there are only
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Force Of The Stars
AthenaThe best thing about this small town Rye was its sky— Well, at least for me it was through the beautiful lakesides that did keep good competition with the mesmerising beauty of the endless sky. "What's there in the sky that fascinates you so much?" Shelly asked."I don't know. Maybe because it's free— Out of anyone's reach, beyond any boundaries." I let out a sigh, my eyes never tore away from the view of the sky that engulfed a strange attire today— In the depth of its blue there were dark clouds that fought to break from beneath and show up on the surface. Nonetheless, the beauty of it hadn't been hampered, nor did the dark clouds reach the nearest possibility of overshadowing its magnificence."And you aren't?""None of us is, we are stuck in some way." "How so?" Confusion drew upon her face and she leaned her back against the counter I was standing opposite, there was curiosity jarring in her eyes that asked me to speak.I had the answer to Shelly's question but I didn't
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Fate's Decision
SebastianThe quiet roads and strange attire of nature mesmerised me but at the same time, they pronounced my grief louder— I could find both my pain and peace in silence. The bitter taste of the cigar was my momentary comfort, the burn in my lungs somehow helped me forget— Not her but the mistakes I made. If there was anything that was always awake in my mind, it was her— Alive and vivid, she breathed there. Her scent still lingered in my imagination and I loved every touch of it.Indeed I did not want her to fade away from my memories. I did not care if it gave me trauma and left me breaking each time with the wounds deepened like the day I had first gotten them, at least I was getting a chance to be close to her even if it was just mere memories that will succeed in giving me the warmth her touch once gave.I was the one who pushed her away. Now I was searching for her face in every unknown crowd, I wondered if she'd be there waiting, and when I'd offer my hand she'd take it and I
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Hurt By History
SebastianTo be very specific, the best part of this event was the children; Their innocent smiles could melt anyone's heart and it pained to know that there are actually people out there who do not want these wonderful souls to be a part of their family; That's how most of these angels ended up here in the orphanages. I wished all of these kids could have their own families where they'd be appreciated and loved.Because no one deserved hate. None. Just None.Amidst all these orphans, there were some kids who had fallen victim to domestic violence. And who could relate more to that other than me? If I could, I would have killed all those fathers who ruined their child's life with the venom they had within their own. I would have torn them into pieces with bare hands and fed their flesh to the wild— That's what they deserve.It didn't matter if I had the curse or not-- I could still kill without dealing with the shaking of my hands and there'd be not even a drop of lessening in my vigo
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Facing Him Again
AthenaI couldn't find any reasons why I felt like the missing part of my soul was around, knocking on the doors of my heart, and demanding an entrance by making me acknowledge something, a feeling I'd thought was stupid until now.Since I stepped into this venue, my wolf's deadly silence should have been enough to confirm the unnerving fact that...he was around. But I didn't think her silence actually meant this....never in my wildest dreams, nor in those terrific nightmares I had, I could have ever thought or even gotten near the kind of an assumption where it could lead me to the conclusion of him being here.I was living my own fucking life, miles away from his cage, making this small town my comfort zone only so that I could feel alive once again, find a new meaning that he tarnished in all the ways he could when he had the chance and here he was, standing right in front of me like the same storm that destroyed my life.It hadn't even been a year....and I was standing here, faci
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Travel Back To The Nightmare
Six Months Back: The day when Athena LeftAthena's P.O.V:It didn't look like an evening— It looked like a never-ending night whereas each turn of these spacious roads existing in silence would only take me to the worst— Where the darkness would never end but there'd also be flames of the same fire that I had a walk through without a flinch, a tear or a quivering whimper.I did not know where they were taking me but I could feel Sebastian's beta's eyes fixed on me through the view of the rearview mirror. God knew what went on in his mind.Perhaps he could simply be pondering over the fact— What has made his Alpha throw his new toy so soon? Or he could be thinking nothing at all, praising the decision of Sebastian Valdez to remove his mate from his life forever after getting proper use of his so-called two million dollars that took him to buy my fate, my life, my nightmares and my shattered dreams as a recompense to him for wasting that amount— A wolf-less female, who had no identity
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Six Months Ago Continual Of The Flashback: SebastianBeing free— Yes, being free was all that I wanted and today I have sent away the only person who had the power to cage me. That was not the only thing I did— I made sure to break her in every possible way I could, in a way she would never be whole all by herself again. What did I even leave? I put her through every worst nightmare this world could have; And for what? Only because she wanted to heal me. She wanted to get me back to a life I thought did not have any meaning left in it.Hell, I could just keep going and put all the injustices I did to her on the table and unfortunately, the list wouldn't end.And as I looked at myself in the mirror I could see none but a monster— Just like Athena said. Her tear-stained face, and eyes that held the pain altogether to not give away what had gone in her mind full of chaos and thoughts, were haunting me and each time they'd stab deep into my heart that ached for her.I felt terrible.
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Another Murder?
SebastianThe two positive lines on the test left my entire world shaking.For a whole long minute, I just stared at the test. I didn't know how to react. There was a strange silence spreading peril throughout my veins. In my mind, there was a rigid darkness that led me to nowhere.The answer that this test could lead me unnerved me.All the speculations done inside my head only pointed in the same direction I saw in front of my eyes the moment I'd taken a look at this test. This room was mine, beside me the only person who was allowed to stay here was her— So this could only mean that this pregnancy test was hers."Athena's pregnant?" The question left my mouth on its own, knowing that there was none to help me find the answer except for myself.No.How could she be pregnant? She didn't have a wolf so it was not possible for her to carry my child."If she's not pregnant then what does this test fucking means?!" I began hyperventilating, all I could see was black and this time it was
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Battle The Demons
AthenaI could not believe my eyes at first. The sight of the bloodthirsty wolves who screamed nothing but rogues made a chill of terror run down my spine."What in the damn hell...." Aaron's low voice was the only thing that cut through the silence of the car, except for the teeth-clattering tremble of the driver who looked dead before even being touched.However, it surprised me that Aaron's eyes were not looking at the sight of the disgusting wolves, they were looking at the view behind the car-- Julia and that unknown guy with her.I did not get the time to register anything, what was happening was strange and totally out of the blue. Yes, I had been anticipating Julia's arrival but not in this way that terrified everyone, including me.Hurting someone in order to escape was the last thing I ever had in my mind.And before I could have the time to utter a simple reaction, I saw the man behind the mask, raising his hand and counting from one. One....I saw him slowly raising his i
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Last Stroke
SebastianHer face turned blue, her veins began to collapse underneath my hold, from her struggles to breathe to not being able to breathe at all— It gave me an intense amount of satisfaction to see this deceptive woman slowly falling into the arms of death. I was not sure if I actually wanted her dead, but my mind wasn't really in the state to decide between what was wrong or right.I have killed enough in my life, one more death wouldn't add anything to the sins I have already gathered.But leaving her alive would make a difference.Was I willing to spare her life? Was making a difference anyway near my intentions?What was my intention anyway? What would her death get me?My hold around her neck began to lose on its own, giving her scopes to breathe and something flicked in her orbs. Perhaps, it could be her hopes to live rising to the surface again as her collapsing began to get a taste of air once again.However, as my intentions began falling weak as well as my urge for vengeanc
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