All Chapters of The New Teacher Next Door: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
88 Chapters
Fifty One
ELLEN A freaking headache was my punishment, for a drunk night out. I felt my head bang furiously like it was going to snap, and tear into shreds. I sat up on the bed holding my head, between my palms. The pain was really terrifying, and my brain was finding it so hard to process, all the emotions that I felt at that point. It had been so long since I had tasted alcohol, I had been keeping myself away from it, after I had seen what it had done to my Dad. But, the very moment I had decided to take a little, I had poisoned my system with it. The door opened, and Big Joe walked in fully dressed, and ready to step out. "Good morning sleepy head." He said, moving to the windows, and throwing them open. "What's going on? What time is it?" "It's almost noon." He paused, and opened the window beside me, as sun rays beamed into my eyes. "Oh, dear!" I murmured, shielding my eyes away. "A hangover isn't it?" He buzzed, with a smirk. "A terrible one at th
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Fifty Two
DEVAN Eyes followed us, every step of the way. People were watching, and murmuring as we passed by. And the worst of it all, was the fact that I knew who these people were. A little sad, wasn't it? We were in the same grade, but yet, none of them seemed to show any concern or care, instead they had chosen to gossip and stare. "Devan, are you alright?" Lance quizzed, stopping beside me. "Yeah, just a little bit nervous. Everyone's staring." I admitted, as he patted my thighs. "Come on, we'd be quick. Let's hope Principal Walter is in." Lance said, driving ahead, as I followed slowly behind him. "Devan?" A voice called behind me. I turned neck sharply, to see Ms. Dottie grinning in excitement at me. She definitely did look excited to see me, and I wasn't happy about that. "Come here, you little pumpkin." She said forcing me into an embrace. "Ms. Dottie, how are you doing?" I greeted, trying to breathe as the aroma of whatever she had cooked that
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Fifty Three
ELLEN Silence was the new normal. I was treating each of them to their own medicine. I was yet to believe that they had chosen to believe Cole, even after they had found him naked. I sat on the porch with a book in my hand. It had been so long since I had attended to my writings. I had probably given up on that as well, just as Zach had said. I heard the door open, and someone walk out of the door. Even without looking behind, I knew who it was from the click of the heels. It was Suzy. "So, you chose to sit out here on your own than enjoy our company?" "Well, it depends on what you call company. Listening to you chew noisily isn't so enjoyable after all." She sighed, and rubbed my arm. "What's going on, Ellen? I thought we were getting along already? What ruined our friendship?" "It still depends on what you choose to call friendship, Suzy. I barely even know you." "But, you know what your husband did to my son." "That isn't enough. That could e
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Fifty Four
FIFTY FOUR DEVAN Time did tell. But, the tales it did bear on its wings, weren't the ones that should be heard, or told of. They were stories that always found a way to leave its listeners unnerved by its tales. Sad and happy all at once. No thoughts of what you wanted, no feelings, just a bleak future staring blankly at you, waiting for you to realise that you had reached the end of the road. I wanted to feel happy again, but they were just wants and wishes, and they didn't matter in the real world. It was suddenly beginning to seem like everything was happening too quickly. It was all too fast to even understand. Lance had seemed to vanish. He hadn't stopped by in a few days, and I had suddenly began to realise how stupid I had been to push him away. I needed answers, and he had been the only one ready to help me with them. But now, I was stuck with Zach. Crazy old Zach! "You're beginning to beat me at my own game." Zach grumbled, resting his eyes on the
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Fifty Five
FIFTY FIVE ELLEN A trip to an asylum didn't seem like a pleasant one. How about falling apart when the world needed you to be strong? I did want to pretend to be strong for Suzy at least, but I could barely keep up the pretense. The wind was chilly, and I was grateful that I had a cardigan on. I could see Suzy shiver in her light fabrics, and I felt empathy towards her. "Are you cold?" I buzzed, clearly seeing that she was. "Is that some sort of mockery I sense in your voice?" She glared, turning towards me. "I'm not mocking you, Suzy. Although, I do want to, but that's not what this is." I informed. "Then what is it then?" She quizzed, rubbing at her arms. "We haven't said a word to each other since we left the house. Are we still on? I mean, are you sure you're good with all of this?" I questioned. "Of course I am." She mumbled, as a smile crept into her face. It was a fake one though. I could clearly see the terror eating her out from the ins
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Fifty Six
JOE The day had barely birthed when she had stolen out of bed. I had been shocked to my bones when I had awakened that morning to find her gone. A number of thoughts had raced through my mind, and I had tried to understand why she would choose to return to Zach in the first place. I wanted to understand, but the one person who could help me understand had vanished. And so, I had sat down on the bed, ruminating on everything that had happened, and then there was a knock on the door. Suzy had been my first thought. Maybe, Ellen had sent a message to me through her, but a greater disappointment had struck when I found Cole at the door. "Where's Suzy?" He had asked, and at that moment, I understood that they were certainly up to something. I had waited for a few hours, delaying my trip to the hospital in order to get B.J but none of them had shown up. And just when my exhaustion had reached its peak, and I was about to step out, a car drove parked beside my la
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Fifty Seven
FIFTY SEVEN DEVAN The wind had an eerie chill to it. It seemed like there was something in it, but I couldn't just place my hands on it. Something really sinister, really trying hard to pull out every fibre of my being apart. I buried my face in the newspaper that had been brought in, but yet there wasn't no news about Robb, or Ellen, or even Sam. I had imagined this whole game as a quick one, but life did know how to make a big fool of me. There was a sharp knock on the door, but I didn't pay any attention to it. I was in no mood to speak, or share thought with anyone yet. However, the knock persisted, and it began to seem really awkward to not answer it at all. Perhaps it was the doctors coming to do their routine checkup on me. "Come in, the door is unlocked." I ordered, as the door knob turned, and was pushed open. "Mr. Barker?" The nurse buzzed, as I took the newspaper off my face. "Yes ma'am, how may I be of help to you?" I quizzed, uninteres
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Fifty Eight
ELLEN There was no need to hide anymore, Cullen had found me. I couldn't explain why it was so important to keep on running away, but the more I tried, the more unending the story turned out to be. I was alone at the table. Tommy had stepped outside for a smoke, and Big Joe had gone along with Cole to comfort him about his wife's disappearance. Although, it didn't seem necessary to me, Suzy wasn't dead yet, so why the pity? I sighed deeply, and felt a cold wind hit me. Winter had really set in, and I was barely prepared for it. A thicker jacket would have helped greatly, but it was the least of my priorities at the moment. "There you are." Tommy intoned vocally, walking into the room. "What do you want, Tommy?" I fired, barely glancing up. I heard him scoff, but I paid no attention to him. "You consider that to be a really good question to ask at this time? What do I want? That's crazy, don't you think." "It's a simple question, Tommy. You either answer
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Fifty Nine
DEVAN TWO YEARS BEFORE... It was Robb's birthday, and as expected, the house was supposed to be bustling with activities. However, no one really cared about irrelevant issues as birthdays anymore. We had more on her hands than the usual. The house was really quiet now, and everyone was busy with one thing or the other. Mum was barely around anymore. She had become scarce, after securing that contract at the firm where she worked at. Dad tried not to be so hard on Mum regarding her consistent absence, but slowly he began to lose himself in the process, and now we barely knew him anymore. He was out drinking tonight with his buddies, just like the previous nights. And slowly, our once perfectly knitted family, began to loosen at its seams. "Devan," Matt called, walking into the room with a jersey on. I glanced over him quickly, and shook my head quickly. "No, Matt. Not tonight, I am not covering up for you tonight." I informed, as he started towards me.
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ELLEN Tommy turned Joe's truck around as we headed down the street again for the third time in a row, in search of Cole. We had driven through every single street that was close to Joe's house, but still we hadn't found him. I was terribly frightened. Perhaps something had happened to him, and he had had gotten caught bin Cullen's games as expected. That was barely possible though. There was no way Cole would have been taken, right under our noses. "We should go back to the house." I began, as Tommy shook his head, and continued driving. "Tommy, what if something has happened to him already, I mean what if Cullen took him already." I argued. "Ellen, you can't just blame everything on Cullen. A little thing happens, and you start insinuating or making up silly stories." "They're not silly, Tommy. He did take Suzy if you remember? That shouldn't be too difficult to remember, it happened just yesterday." Tommy exhaled, and patted the steering wheel li
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