บททั้งหมดของ TAMING THE BAD BOY ALPHA: บทที่ 11 - บทที่ 20
Hope’s POVWe are not given much time to say goodbye. Almost immediately, a group of men clad in black shirts and pants, none of whom are staff from the school come for us and lead us to the principal’s room.The room is huge, bigger than I imagined. Angela who has been sent to the principal’s room once before for detention once told me that the room is old, tardy and smells of rotten furniture.Either the room had a makeover or Angela was drunk out of her mind when she told me this but this room looks like it was pulled from a Vogue Living magazine.The place is huge with high white ceilings and dark fluffy grey carpet. The pristine white walls are lined with endless plaques and certificates. There is even a portrait of Crescent Mane’s first Alpha hanging behind the principal’s huge mahogany desk.The group of men clad in black fence out across the room to stop any of us from escaping. To escape would mean not only death for us, but also for three generations of our family. So when
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Hope’s POV“Why are you doing this?” I ask Blake. We are all lining up outside what looks like a heavily armored SWAT truck that will bring us to the games arena. But where it is remains an enigma to us. No one is telling us anything. “No talking,” one of the men in black snaps, pointing a syringe at me. “Blake Parker, you’re first.”He motions for Blake to step forward. Blake rolls his eyes and does as he is told but I swear the man who called him jumps back a little in fear. Still, he steadies himself and holds out a syringe.The whole school watches us from afar. They are not allowed to come near the parking lot where the truck is parked.Will stands in front of the crowd with a hand on his chest and more than half the female population of school is sobbing their eyes out, all calling for Blake’s name.“You will all be sedated before the journey begins,” the man in black tells Blake as another man steps forward to roll up Blake’s sleeves. I poke my head out from behind Blake a
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Hope’s POVI have blamed my father for a lot of bad things in my life, but right now, I cannot be more grateful for what he taught me when he was still alive.The whistle.I never thought I would need it, but here I am. I can only hope that I will get through this unhurt.It is an innocent whistle, a whistle so inaudible and low on frequency that it can catch wolves unawares. But it is also a whistle so potent that it can damage an opponent’s eardrum and cause their ears to bleed. In some cases, wolves can even end up deaf. It is a whistle I have yet to truly master. I am not even sure if I will even cause any damage to the jerk’s ears. The truck door slams shut and the engine roars to life. I feel the truck start to move. For a moment, I think that maybe the jerk will stop his assault. Surely his colleague at the wheel is aware of this whole thing? Surely someone will stop him? Slap him to his senses maybe?From the corner of my eyes, I see the monster slip a thick gloved hand un
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Hope’s POVI have seen many people die in my seventeen years of life. But I have never once seen a man die because of me before.My mouth drops, the whistle stops and the inside of the truck goes eerily silent with only the rumbling of the engine up front filling my ears. I am unable to tear my eyes away from the dead man. His glassy eyes stare back at me and a seed of fear begins to form deep in my mind. The feeling of heaviness inside and out weighs down on me and my fear now borders on terror.I just killed a man.Not just any man. I killed a guard of the Omega Games.Goddess, what have I done?This is a death sentence for me. No one kills a guard and gets away with it. Ever.My eyes continue to stay glued to the dead man even as my hands begin to shake uncontrollably. The trail of blood from his ears has formed a bloodied puddle underneath his head. The hair at the back of his head is soaked with blood. I do not need to have my wolf to be able to smell it. It is a wonder the driv
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Hope’s POVWhen I was younger, mother would read me the tale of Sleeping Beauty. I loved how the beautiful princess who was cursed to fall into deep slumber would be saved and awakened by her true love’s kiss.It was only much later that I found out about the original version of the story.Yes, Sleeping Beauty fell into a deep sleep. But she was not awakened by a handsome young prince. Instead, in her sleep, she was raped and impregnated by an old, evil king. There was no happy ending for Sleeping Beauty.I do not want to end up like her.My first instinct upon regaining consciousness is to sit up but for some reason, my limbs feel strangely heavy, as if a massive hand is pressing down on my body. I am lying motionless on my side on what feels like a thin, flimsy mattress.This is when I realize that I am paralysed. I cannot move, open my eyes or call out for help. And all I can hear is the sound of silence.I had been hit at the back of my head. Hard. I smell the blood on my face.Fo
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Hope’s POV“Did you kill the guard, Hope?”Blake’s question hits me like a poisoned knife in the heart. I tear my eyes away from his gaze to look at the peeling paint on the dilapidated wall, pretending not to hear him.Silence fills the air, save for the ringing in my ear and Blake lets his question hang, patiently waiting for me to answer him. The only problem is, I do not know how to. How do you confess to a crime? How do you confess to taking someone else’s life?Yes sir. I did it sir. I killed that man, sir. Why? Oh, because I didn’t like the way he was touching my friend, sir.A minute passes, then two and then some more. The silence goes on and the already cold air grows colder. I do not know how long we both sit crossed-legged on the mattress with me watching the paint on the wall peel and him boring his eyes into me.“Hope, I woke up to a body lying on the floor of the truck. The other guards wouldn’t say it aloud but I heard them whisper. They said you did it, they said you
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Blake’s POVMy name is Blake Parker. To many, I am heir to the Crescent Manes pack and the pack’s future Alpha.What a joke.I was never meant to be the Alpha, not by a long shot. You see, my mother was never an elite in the pack. She was born an omega before she became my father’s mistress. She died before her eighteenth birthday. She died in the Omega Games. This is not something many people know. It’s like a taboo to even mention my mother’s name in the household.I remember the night they took her from me. I was barely three but I remember everything. Every single fucking detail. I remember the fear in her eyes even as she tucked me into bed and kissed me goodnight in my bedroom. Her hands were cold and her hands were trembling. I remember the droplets of tears that fell on my head before she was dragged away, never to be seen again. And I remember, Mrs Parker with her taut face and thin red lips coming into my room the very next morning, telling me to call her mother from now on.
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Hope’s POV The sky weeps and it floods the earth, causing the once-burning flames to smoulder, dispersing the suffocating smoke. I stand under the rain and with eyes closed, I lift my head up, part my lips and catch the raindrops that fall into my open mouth. The raindrop is salty. That is when I realise that I am tasting a mixture of rain with my own tears. Tears. Yes, I guess it’s safe to say that I am crying. I open my eyes and lower my head, scanning the now damp and ashen beach. I see blackened waves rushing to shore, withered leaves and charred branches dropping to the ground. And corpses, I see corpses scattered everywhere. “Murderers…” I swear under my breath as my eyes sweep over the lifeless bodies that once lived and breathed Just this morning, they had probably been laughing and smiling, going about with their lives. And now, they are dead. All because of the Omega Games. The fucking Omega Games. “Stay out of the rain, Hope. Come to the fire.” A voice orders me from
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Blake’s POvAn eerie sound fills the air and my eyes snap wide open. I see Hope inching towards the entrance of the cave and immediately, I spring to my feet. The wind, it howls like a pack of wolves on a hunt, this is no ordinary wind.A protective instinct kicks in and I spring towards Hope, stopping right next to her. The night is still young and the charred trees shake violently in the shadows of the torrent of rain and wind. But neither the darkness nor the storm keeps me from see the group of young men and women lurking near the entrance. I estimate at least five of them. Omegas. Omegas out for blood. Omegas desperate to win the game.“What’s the matter -“ Hope begins as the group charge forward. “Stay back!” I order and put myself between her and them. The Omegas snarl and leap, trying to claw at us with their bare hands and I take them all at once. Hands and nails slash at me and one even tries to sink his bare teeth into my calf. Hope screams, “Watch out, Blake!”I ra
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Hope’s POVMy bra snaps and the hook falls to the ground, hitting a pebble and goes ‘clink’. My bra, my nude colored bra dangles in Blake’s hand and what does the guy do? He blinks and looks at my bra in his palm. It’s my hands shoot up tp cover my blouse and Blake counties to stare at my bra as if surprised by his own actions. For a split second, it is as if time stands still. “Hope, I—“I head butt him in the head.SMACK! Blake takes a few steps back and comes to a halt. The bra falls from his hand and his mouth drops to an ‘O’ even as a hand goes to nurse his forehead.“What the heck are you doing, Hope?” He frowns, shaking his head. “Are you out of your mind, Blake!?” I scream at the top of my lungs in reply.“What were you thinking?” I blast on. “A group of Omegas just tried to attack us and you want to make out?” My hand goes to the air, I shake my fists, exasperated.He stares at me, his gaze making me hot all over. It is hard to go on with the sudden spike of lust rushi
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