All Chapters of Surrender To Me: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
225 Chapters
>>Lucy I felt my ears heat up when I went to the company with Vincent in my arms.All the eyes were maliciously looking at me as we made our way to Vincent's office and each and every person had a dumb founded expression on their face. It was understandable though. If I was among the crowd, I would be staring with my mouth open too. “Hi~” Vincent waved his free hand to everyone in the company as he enjoyed the free ride, “I hope you all are working hard.” He smiled to everyone like he didn't care about looking like a delicate princess in the arms of a gorilla. “What happened?” People around us asked. 
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New rules
>>Vincent “Did you track the call?’ I asked my secretary. The call Lucy had in the hospital. It was the first call she got when she got her phone back and the only one she chose to answer away from everyone else. “Yes sir,” He replied, “I’ve texted you the information.” “Alright.” I ended the call and looked at the messages, then I unconsciously ended up smirking  This was something I might have expected a little. I took a deep breath.I guess it’s time to finally visit my ‘home sweet home’ 
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>>Lucy I could never have guessed that this was the reason Vincent smiles a lot. Never in my wildest dreams would I have come to this answer. It pained me to think that he was purposely hiding all his other emotions because he didn’t trust anyone.I clenched my hand over my chest. That was just too sad. He had only one person in his life and he was deprived of her too early and too brutally. “Vincent wanted the comfort from his brother at least,” Ramessa had finished a long part of the story, “They were in similar situations after all but Valek wanted to stay away.” Ramesaa already told me about Valek’s side of the story as well, “While Vincent always introduces them as brothers, Va
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>>Lucy   The world is spinning. It feels like it’s a little hot today even though winter is here and soon enough it’ll snow. The steam rising from the bathtub isn’t the least bit interesting as my eyes keep getting drawn to Vincent’s perfectly toned body.   My hands feel so weird and I feel like I’m sinning but it’s weirdly nice too when I’m scrubbing his skin.   Oh Lord!   I sat on the edge of the bathtub, behind the boss with my feet soaking in the bath water,I scrubbed his body with a cleaning rag while he hummed carefreely with his eyes closed and his bandaged arm resting on the top side of the tub.
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My first
>>Lucy   I ran like crazy. My mind was blank. I was paying no attention to anything or anyone.   My only goal was to get to the place I was running at. It was a hotel, a room in a hotel. Mostly used for meetings but in my crazed state of mind I didn’t think about anything else but my own problem.   I opened the door like some madman and ran to the lady who looked at me in shock.   “Ramessa!!” I was panicking, “Help me!!” I ran up to her without paying any attention to the person who was sitting in front of her, “It’s Vincent!”   “What is wrong with you?” She
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Meeting with a family member
>>Lucy My actions were shocking to everyone but they were the most shocking to me because I’ve never cried like this no matter how hard the situation was. It made me come to yet another realization. I liked Vincent more than I realized. I had grown fond of him, enough that his tiny action made me lose all my cool. All he did was smile at my sorry state and I lost all my rational thinking. This was far too embarrassing for me. I can’t believe I’m crying!!I stood up and turned in the opposite direction from where Vincent was standing. “Lucy?” I heard him call me but at the mome
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Lover’s quarrel
>>Lucy Woah.It had just been a day since I ran away from Vincent and today I hear he fired three of the top models of the agency.There was Aurora, Elijah and Neha. Aurora was the one who directly harassed me and apparently Elijah was behind her while Neha supported her actions. Vincent didn’t spare a single one of them and the thing is. He not only fired them, he shut them up completely by threatening them. They’re actions of bullying staff members were brought to light, it was all over the media but there was no sign of me in it. He protected my dignity and showed that he did care about what happened to me. 
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>>Lucy PanicPure panic grasped my brain instantly, I felt like my heart would burst out of my chest when I saw Vincent leave. It was a different kind of fear. Almost similar to the feeling I got when my father was on his deathbed, ready to leave me and Luca at any moment. It was mortifying. “No!” I grabbed Vincent’s wrist before he could walk away, “Don’t go!” My body moved before I could process or plan anything in my brain. It was like a flight or fight response and I guess my heart knew I didn’t want him to leave.Definitely not like that. He stopped when I grabbed his wrist
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>>Vincent ( 9-10 years old) “Freak!” A herd of kids always used to surround me “Freak! Freak!” I was a centerpiece. Perhaps something like a show. For entertainment? “Freak!! Freak!! Freak!!” The world felt very dark with words like those. Kids can be monsters. In fact, they are the real monsters. Adults are aware of their actions and the consequences that will bring along with what they’re doing. Kids? They do things out of purely what they’re feeling. With no regard to consequences.&n
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Blame Game
>>Vincent (11 years old) I didn’t expect Ramessa to be such a persistent person. After our first encounter, she started a regular visit down to the orphanage and started dragging me around. But, it was good for me. I was less bothered by the kids and the adults. Temporarily, I even forgot about practicing my smile and let my emotions show. Smiling all the time was hard after all.  I was just relieved I didn’t have to go through punishments every other day. I wasn’t off the hook completely but it was a lot better. My legs no longer trembled when I walked and I could run better now. The wounds on my calves began to heal and I was even introduced to Ramessa’s parents. I wasn’t g
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