All Chapters of The Mafias Girl : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
49 Chapters
Chapter 30
I stared at him and quickly tried getting out of my seat. But Nick and Mack blocked my only exits. I would climb underneath the table, but I knew I'd immediately get caught. That and who knows what's been on this floor."Oh hell no," I exclaimed."Payton, you're late. And next time knock on my door please." Nick politely suggested.I pushed Nick as hard as I could to make him get out. But damn he's a bolder. He didn't even move an inch. I'm pretty sure if he were standing up and I did that, I'd probably fall over. I only know that it wasn't Tom for one simple reason. Payton had a scar on his face on his cheek.Tom never had a scar on his face."Move Nick!" I shouted anxiously.Nick ignored me and just kept eating his food. Payton came and sat next to James, sitting directly across from me. He reached over and grabbed both of my hands. I immediately tensed up. He smiled at my actions. I then tried getting my hands away from him, but he tightened them making me stop. I forgot how stro
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Chapter 31
"But angel, you don't have a choice in the matter.""I'm not your angel, Payton! Never have been and never will be." I spat, struggling to get free from him."I will make you love me! And you will be my angel!" Payton shouted, making my eardrums ring. I pushed him with all my strength, and he finally fell over. I took the opportunity and ran towards the door. As I passed him, a few unpleasant curse words escaped his mouth.Darting toward the front door, I successfully got out, but made a mistake. I didn't move when I saw what was in front of me. I saw a familiar car and knew exactly who was here.Liam.He's here? He came here...for me? I was overjoyed that he was here to rescue me from Payton.Payton. I turned to see a very outraged Payton right behind me.I tried to run again, but he grabbed me so tight that I started to cry.Yes, Tom was violent but, Payton was more violent...especially toward Tom and sometimes toward me. Sometimes I wondered how Tom wasn't dead. That Payton didn
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Chapter 32
Banes POVMelody was like the sister me and Ferrell never had. We grew up with four other brothers. Not one single girl lived at our home. It was just us and our father.My mom left after my father found out she was having an affair with his best friend. And that whole divorce was messy. She wanted everything we owned. Not including the six of us. But luckily, my father got everything, and he had full custody of us.After she lost everything she wanted, we never heard from her or my dad's best friend ever again. Which is fine by me. They were both nasty people anyway. I'd probably run off to go hide at my father's place without his knowledge. But a few years later, we lost our youngest brother to Leukemia. He was only fifteen. It was one of the saddest days I've ever faced. Our family grew apart over the years after his death. However, Ferrell and I grew closer together.And this brother who was now driving like a manic was my best friend. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than whe
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Chapter 33
My father was alive and was working with Nick. Does that mean he's responsible for the mafia still? Or is Nick in charge? Or is it someone else?This is why I need answers. I don't know where Melody is, I don't know how my father is alive. And is my mother alive or is she dead? "Liam." Someone said, poking my shoulder. I turned to see that it was just Anthony. "What do you want now?" I angrily asked.He scratched the back of his head, "There's one more thing you need to see." I raised my eyebrow at him, "I'm sick and tired of all of you guys just not telling me what you're hiding! Maybe I should start killing people who hide stuff from me!" I yelled. Anthony gulped, and his eyes were wide. Good. He should be terrified of me, I'm a mafia leader, after all. Nothing in this world will terrify me. All except Melody."I'm sorry, sir. I just think that you wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Well, then show me."We walked up one of the flights of stairs. We stopped at one of the many d
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Chapter 34
The guys Kai had kicked out, came back in. But the one who told me to calm down looked familiar. Images of me and him playing as kids in the park. And memories of us growing up over the years until he left for college. "Nick?" I asked.He stared at me with a very blank expression."You remember me?" Nick asked, pointing at himself."Of course, I do silly. You're my best friend." I smiled, but it faded away. "Well, until you went off to college. We never talked after that. Even though we promised one another to stay in touch." Nick glanced at the other guys in the room, then back towards me. "Melody, do you remember anything else about us?" Nick asked.I looked at them each, trying to remember the slightest thing about them, "I'm sorry, I don't remember." All of them sighed in relief, which made me confused. Are they hiding something from me? And if they are, what is it?"Um... I only know Nick, and I can't remember any of you. So, can you tell me who you are?" I quietly asked. I'm
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Chapter 35
Two months later.Payton took me to London. Said he had some mafia stuff he had to take care of.Yes, I know about the mafia. He said he wanted to avoid hiding anything from me. He told me all about how Jame's son, Liam, was after me because of a mission gone wrong. Thankfully, he's helped fill in the blanks I had from my memory. Lots of them didn't feel right to me. But what do I know! He knows more about me than I currently do about myself. But the strange thing was whenever Payton grabbed my hand and did something, it made me feel...uneasy. And he said I was his girl. Although, I can't help but feel that someone special from my life is missing. And that feeling I had was leaving a hole in my heart. It's just a friend, though. A friend who was off the grid at the moment. Or so I've been told. Whatever it is, I don't care. I'm starting my life over. A new name, a new hair color. Not like a crazy color, just a natural color. All it is is a darker brown color with some blonde highlig
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Chapter 36
We walked into the bar without any trouble. Payton owned the bar, so we didn't have to wait in line. Which was quite nice. Walking in a face and a memory came back. I had bits and broken pieces of this memory, but not all of it I had...until now. A name I knew gave me comfort. best Nick. "I'm getting me a Bloody Mary, are you coming!" Thea shouted. "I'm going to get me a drink, you want to come?" I asked.She rolled her eyes at me, "that sounds like a great plan!" She yelled.Once we finished our drinks, we decided to head to the dance floor. Immediately, someone went up to Thea and was dancing with her. She turned and smiled at me."He's hot." Thea mouthed.I laughed at myself and turned around and bumped into someone. I split their drink all over them.My eyes went wide. I couldn't look at whomever I bumped into. I'm already getting embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, sir," I said."It's all right. It was an accident." He chuckled. That voice...I've heard it befo
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Chapter 37
Whoever was behind Payton suddenly hit him with the bud of the gun."PAYTON!" I shrieked. I started to walk over to him, but he put his hand out telling me to stop. Which I did."Dawn, stay back, I'm fine." Payton pleaded."Charlie, you know what to do." Liam said. Charlie started walking toward me and Nick. Everyone got their guns out and aimed it at Charlie. He froze and waited for Liam to do something. "I suggest you put your weapons down before I kill your leader." He threatened. I turned my attention to Payton and I shook my head. I mean, Payton may scare me for some unknown reason, but it's just me being paranoid. I don't know anything about myself. So, whatever the feelings of fear I have aren't for Payton, they're for Liam. I snapped out of that and saw everyone put their guns down except for Nick. "Nick, I suggest you put your gun down before you get hurt." Liam warned."No, you're here to take her away from her life...again! She may not remember you, but she never wanted
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Chapter 38
"Okay, stop, you win! You swear that no harm will happen to the four of them."Liam paused for a moment, trying to figure out what to say next."I can't promise that they won't get hurt, but I will do what I can to make sure they won't die."I sighed in relief at that. I can't tell whether Liam is lying or not. But it's better than Liam saying no. I'll take what I can get."HE'S LYING TO YOU DAWN!" Payton shouted. I turned to see that at least four men were holding him down."Payton, you're going to be just fine...okay." I quickly said, trying to calm him down. Thankfully it did a little bit. As I saw them drag out Payton and Nick, a sharp pain shot through my neck. My hand quickly went to where the pain came from, turning around to see Liam holding an empty syringe."What did...did you do?" I asked, getting more drowsy by the second."Just close your eyes and sleep," Liam mumbled into my ear.I fought with every ounce of strength I have. Nonetheless, it was useless... I did as I was
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Chapter 39
I don't know the last time I exercised. I actually don't. But whenever it was, I desperately needed to get back into that habit. Surprisingly, I got past the hundreds of guards that were around the fence. I guess I'm like Nancy Drew without the whole detective part. Which, I don't think I'd be that good at the entire detective thing. I can barely cook!However long I'd run, I finally got to a gas station and walked inside as calmly as I could. Payton told me the way to never draw attention to yourself is to act normal."Hello, how can I help you?" The older store manager lady asked."Um...just a bathroom."She pointed to the back of the store, and I quickly rushed in and locked the door behind me.Great, now what am I going to do? I got away from them, but they had everyone I cared for. Well, semi cared for. I had mixed emotions about Clark and James. James scared me down to the core, while Clark always gave me a death stare. Why, I honestly don't have any clue. Maybe I ticked him
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