All Chapters of The Rejected Full Moon: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
147 Chapters
Accepting The Pups
Still Rain's POVWe stare at each other for several seconds.My heart forgets to beat, like hypnotized my eyes stay on him. Then he takes a few steps toward me, slowly so as not to scare me off. About a meter in front of me, he stands still. "Do you recognize me, Rain?" he asks softly, his eyes holding mine. "Yes, you're the man from the restaurant."I can't help but answer in a whisper, heavy emotions squeezing my throat shut. "You feel the mate bond too. At the restaurant, you came after me because you perceived my scent in a way only you can do. Do you also know what that means?" he asks anxiously. I blink my eyes a few times. "Yes, you are my fated mate," I say in a low tone. A broad smile crosses his face. "Yes, I am. I have been since you turned eighteen. We were so happy, Rain. Come back home, my love". The gleam in his eyes changes, silver rings appear around his pupils. "I miss you so much. I'm going crazy without you in my arms," he adds, yearningly. "It's bee
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Getting Serious
Alpha Jasper's POV Seeing Rain again after all those lonely weeks, was incredible. We are mates, the mate bond came right in when we looked into each other's eyes. She immediately felt she belonged with me and crawled delightfully into my arms. Just like old times. Jax went crazy with happiness, he too, craved her warmth and arms around us. Rain has always been very physical, which was the biggest loss during our separation. And then the hesitation when she asked me if I could accept her now that she was pregnant with another. As far as I know, mated she-wolves can only get pregnant by their mate. And I am her mate, a union empowered by the Moon Goddess during our mating ceremony more than three years ago. I could never have imagined that this situation would arise in our relationship. I always thought we were solid and strong. But here we are, the King himself has set his eyes on my mate, knowing she is already mated. For sure, he knew because the mati
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Rain's Parents
Never before have I seen Elder Antony so angry.When he granted us access to his office, he was still in an excellent mood. He was still teasing us about the unscheduled visit. But when I indicated to him that I needed his help in a sweeping matter, his face changed gradually. Silently he listened to my story, his face becoming increasingly stormy as I narrated. "This is definitely outrageous. The King is abusing his authority and this cannot go unpunished," he roared. "I will call in the Council, Sages of the Kingdom and the former King. I doubt they know anything about this. King Ralph must be stopped before he really gets himself into huge trouble". He jumps to his feet immediately and walks to his desk. "Alpha Jasper, wait for me in the packhouse. Get some rest. You will need your energy over the next few days. I beckon Jace and we leave the building. "Jace, I don't think I can close one eye until Rain is safely back in the pack," I sigh. "Ooohh goodness, I can't be
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Drastic Measures
King Ralph's POV Saray has changed. Since she came back from Human Town, she's withdrawn into herself. And she no longer wants me to touch her or go near her. She no longer hides her face in my chest as she often did and doesn't wait for me on the terrace after work anymore. Nor does she come to the dining room to spend time with the family; she has her food delivered to her apartment. Since her return, I have seen her only once and that was when she got off the Royal Jet. She had greeted me coldly with no physical contact, leaving me confused even then. But I had dismissed it as pregnancy quirks. But we are now a week on and her behavior is staying the same. And I'm done with that, today I want answers from her. Our mating is in a few weeks and I don't want any tension between us. It should be a day of love and happiness that we later look back on with joy. I now walk with her lunch to her apartment. When I arrive, I ring the doorbell. Of course, she thinks it's one
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Fast Forward
Rain's POV I am currently standing at the airport, waiting for the Royal Heli to land finally. Next to me is a wide-smiling Ivor, impatiently treading on his legs. His mate is arriving today to spend her vacation at the Palace. It was a promise I had earlier made and intended to keep, much to Ivor's delight. "What takes this damn chopper so long to land," I hear him grumble inwardly. "Who so often circles above a runway that doesn't even have a fly on it?" I hold a hand on my mouth to muffle my laughter. Very little of that tight Chief Warrior is noticeable now. The two have maintained contact via video chat for weeks, but meeting in person is obviously another vibe. And every wolf wants his mate as close as possible to be mentally stable. I think back to a few hours ago. Early on, the Chief Warrior was at my door, reminding me that he would be the one to drive me to the Royal airstrip later. He grinned broadly, constantly looking at his watch until I steered him
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The Script
My mouth falls open."Earlier now? Why so suddenly?" I ask agonized. I hadn't counted on this. Ralph Ralph has decided unilaterally that the mating will take place in three days. After that one afternoon, he came to my apartment, he made no further attempt to see or speak with me. And now he has such a message delivered to me. It is as if my input doesn't matter in all this. Eric looks at me expressionlessly. "The King has decided. If you need any explanation, you will have to ask him for that yourself, my Queen," he adds aloofly. My heart beats in my chest.I have been waiting to hear from Jasper for a week and a half. He had promised to come to get me and now there was little time left. What has held him up? Distraught, I stare at the Secretary. "But I'm not ready yet. I need more time," I whispered helplessly. Eric stands up and makes a brief bow to me. "Discuss that with the King, please," he replies briefly and leaves the room, Ivor following behind
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Not Interested
I pass the following days as if in a trance.I tried to speak to Ralph several times, but I was unsuccessful. Each time I hear another excuse. Then he is busy finishing work so he will be free to go on a honeymoon with me, then again he is on a business trip and comes back late. Every time I try, I'm faced with another reason why I can't meet him. I spend a lot of time with Elena.She is so lively and has much to say about the school and her friends. The child really distracts me from my problems and I enjoy her presence at the Palace. I don't know what I would have done if she wasn't with me just now when all this was happening. She really is a lifesaver. But not only my life is miserable at this time. Chief Warrior Ivor is also nearing the end, suffering from his mate's behavior. Elena still ignores him, she doesn't even want to talk about him. Several times Ivor has attempted to speak to her, he has pulled all kinds of stunts to be alone with her to apologize. Yeste
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After blinking my eyes a few times, I wake up.As I lie still for a few minutes to get my bearings, I feel a beam of light on my face. I turn to the side where it is coming from. Then I see it. It comes from outside through the thin curtains in my bedroom. After taking some breaths, I throw my feet over the edge of the bed and walk to the window. As I slide the curtains aside, my heart skips a beat. Right in front of me, the Full Moon stares directly at me. It has a bright red border but is as white as snow. It feels like something personal between it and me, like it has a score to settle with me. With large worried eyes, I stare back at it, wondering what doom it foretells this time. Tomorrow is the mating ceremony, where Ralph will also mark me and then bind me to him forever. Does this moon challenge me because I can no longer avert my fate? With a tug I close both curtains blocking the light from this bad omen. I turn my back to the window and bury my face desperately in my ha
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We Are Overtaken
Alpha Jasper's POV "Jasper! You won't believe this, I swear," I hear my Beta shout before I can even see him.And then he runs into my study, out of breath and completely red-faced. Amazed, I look up at him and wonder what drove him to act out like this. He could have easily used the mind link, which is more efficient and takes less physical strength. "Jasper, the King has brought the mating ceremony to next weekend," he brings out, gasping for air. "I'm sure he knows about you meeting Rain. He must have noticed something on her, the man is a Lycan". Startled, I stare at Jace, this was the least I expected. I thought I had at least three weeks left to come up with a strategy to get my mate back without unleashing a war. And now I have only one day left. This means I have to act faster. Like a zombie, I rise from my chair."We've already written to the Council. Alpha King Remus called me yesterday to confirm the receipt of the letter and st
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Nightmare Reality
Rain's POV This is the day when my nightmare becomes real.According to the program, the mating ceremony will be held in the late afternoon, followed by a reception for the guests to congratulate Ralph and me. After the official part, there will be a Lycans and werewolves run in the woods around the Kingdom. This last one in particular, scares the hell out of me. I have no wolf and that will become clear today. I'd like to know what explanation Ralph has ready for everyone as to why I can't join the run. Looking at the clock on my nightstand, I notice that it is already around ten o'clock.Next to me, Elena is still asleep. I fold my hands behind my head and stare at the ceiling. Jasper only has a few hours left to show up here. If he doesn't come, I will be forced to figure out myself how to get to him. I don't own a car in the Kingdom. And I doubt any of the guests would dare to give me a ride to Human Town. When I reach the city, I can go to a bank to
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