All Chapters of The Rejected Full Moon: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
147 Chapters
Ralph Is Back
The atmosphere in the dining hall is excellent. But the incident in the mall sticks with me. I will have to find an appropriate time and go back to the mall again in hopes of learning from the waitress exactly who that gorgeous man was. I already know his name is Jasper, but I need to know where to find him. Eric watches aloofly; he seems to have forgotten about the incident of an hour ago. Everyone laughs and jokes and I join in too. But then the dining room door opens and no one but my mate steps in. "Ralph!" I exclaim and jump off my chair to run toward him. He opens his arms wide and I throw myself against his chest. Relieved, I lay my head against his body as he presses me against him. "My Queen. How did the shopping go?" he asks, smiling. "I saw a teeming car parked outside." I look up at his happily beaming face and kiss him briefly on the lips. It feels like I've landed in a safe haven. "We're almost done. The King-Mother is really on a roll and Magda is stepp
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Sages Call
Secretary Eric's POV againOops!!! That was in the nick of time.Saray still recognizes that Alpha as her fated mate despite her amnesia. I arrived just in time and saw the two looking at each other like teenagers in love. Never before have I seen that intense look in the woman's eyes. She loves the Alpha, that's for sure; conversely, he adores her. His eyes exposed that all, he was like a drunken man recognizing a bottle of fine wine after a long time. Never have I seen that look in Saray's eyes when she's with Ralph. In time I was able to bring her along and also led the Alpha astray by calling her Saray. That name confusion might increase his doubts that she is his mate. On top of that, the Coast Guard has already convinced him that Rain has died at sea.My cousin must be careful now, if the two meet again, he will be on the loser's end. After the incident, I called him and reported what had happened. Totally panicked, he immediately jumped on the Royal Jet towards Human Town to ge
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It cannot be otherwise, it must be me that the elders opposite us are targeting!But how did they find out about my misses in such a short time? I am sure of Ivor and Esis, those men are highly trustworthy. Or have they been sloppy and left a witness? Nope, not a chance. Ivor is known for his precision work. I glance again at the men in front of us and get the feeling they are playing us off.They take a gamble, think they can get us off balance and we then spill all our sins. That is not going to happen. 'They are playing us out. Be premeditated!' I mind link my partners in crime. They too, are weighing the situation. We are three men here with a troubled conscience, but we are really too old to be playing into the Sages' hands. We must see where their objection lies. Behaving like the Angels of Light is the best strategy here. As the person with the heaviest conscience, I will answer last. "Elder, with all due respect. If you have anything against any o
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Reality Kicks In
Magda's POV"Esis, you are back."I almost ran from the couch I was lying on into my husband's arms, wrapping my legs around his waist. He has been away from home for more than a week. If Saray and the rest of the family had not stayed with us, I would be all by myself here. Esis told me that he had asked Ralph to let Saray stay with us since she was supposed to be in Human Town. That way I would feel his absence less. With Saray came the whole family, her mother-in-law and two others as well as my parents and siblings. Those were great days, together with the women helping Saray pick out baby clothes and altering her wedding dress. That wedding dress looked like a colonial heritage; it made me laugh terribly. Saray didn't want to annoy her mother-in-law so she accepted the tradition. Only the clothing needed to be adjusted to fit her big belly. That reminds me of my own situation.I have been married for a month now. Esis wants children as
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Trust Me, Please!
Before I have a chance to respond to Esis' words, he has my chin in his oversized hand and takes my face to his. Our eyes clash and I lose myself in the depth of his gorgeous blues. His piercing gaze continues to hold me before he bows his head. "I'm obsessed with you. I love you so much. Please, keep remembering that," he whispers against my lips. Our tongues connect and my husband takes the time to explore my mouth, so tender and intimate that my toes curl. "Never be afraid of me, Magda. I know you are baffled by my confession, but I promise you that everything will be all right. As long as you hold on to our love. Will you do that, my love?" I nod vehemently. I love my husband, but his behavior in the last few minutes has left me terribly confused. But I don't want to dwell on that now. The flame he keeps fanning in me demands fulfillment again, and my mind refuses to reason at this moment. "Words, darling. Give me your words," he demands softly in my
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A Friend In Need
A Friend In Need Blinking my eyes several times, I wake up.Silently I remain lying on the bed, feeling so satisfied, my body so relaxed. A smile crosses my lips as I think about last night. Esis. My husband is back. And of course, he is the reason why I feel so wonderful. Slowly I turn onto my back and stare at the ceiling.Last night was great. We had sex until we dropped. Esis had a constant urge to possess me, he had a desperate feeling he wanted to fulfill. Every time he took me, it was more blissful than the one before. Marrying Esis was the best thing I ever did. I felt good with my exfiancé Robin, but what I share with Esis is exceptional. He is the real deal, everything a woman could want from her husband. I look beside me and see that he is no longer there.Definitely heading back to work, which he does early every morning only to be with me in the afternoon. Then I see a note on the bed. I grab it and unfold it right away. 'My l
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Elena Knows
Wide-eyed I face the unknown man in front of me.Out of nowhere he appeared in front of me and now I wondered if he was at the door all the time. "Who are you?" I ask rudely. The man looks at me almost submissively. He is of Esis age, also athletically built. "I'm Harvey, Luna. The Head Warrior of Midnight Moon," he answers in awe. "I am here for your safety. Alpha Esis has ordered me to take you anywhere you want as long as you are safe." Relieved, I listen to him. I was afraid he would stop me from leaving the house. "I'm on my way to the private airstrip," I inform him. "You won't let the Alpha know until after I leave. Not before." He hesitates but nods anyway. Then he walks away to get the car. When the Maserati is in front of me, Harvey gets out and puts my suitcase in the trunk.Then he opens the door for me and I drop into the back seat. We drive down the long driveway to the main road. It's quiet in the car, the warrior looking ste
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A Letter
Rain's POV The Jet initiates landing and I can hardly suppress my excitement to see Magda again.I am so happy with her arrival, even though the circumstances are not my favorite. My instinct tells me that her flight from her mate has everything to do with him being a werewolf. Esis finally confessed and Magda didn't know how to handle the resulting situation very well. She has never really been a strong personality, Magda has a soft character and can't even hurt a fly. With her marriage to Esis, she has made herself emotionally totally dependent on her husband, who has no problem with that at all. But dealing on her own with such an issue that turns her life upside down is not really her thing. And she turned to me for help, which I gladly offered. The Jet's door slides open and I rush toward her.She speeds down the three flights of stairs and plunges into my arms. "Saray! How happy I am to be with you. I think I'm going crazy from all that hap
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Need Answers
In a much better mood, Magda steps into the palace.She looks around her with eyes big with admiration. "Do you really live here, Saray? This is much more than the hut we were staying in," she declares in awe. I slap her on the back amicably; of course she exaggerates. "The villa of yours is also very luxurious, Magda. It's been a long time since we lived on the island," I remind her. I arranged for her an apartment close to mine, although I think we will spend a lot of time together. Magda wants to get her heart out, she needs a distraction so that her life falls back into the right rhythm. And I need her too, there are some issues I want to discuss with a confidante. "Saray, where is Ralph? And Eric? They live here too, right?" she asks as we step into her quarters. She inspects all the rooms before meeting me back in the master bedroom. "Is everything to your liking, Magda?" I inquire politely. She sits down next to me. "Yes, it's perfect here. I can't
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Who Is Your Luna?
Again Magda's POV With the car windows open, I race down the highway in the Maserati.The wind flows delightfully into the car, blowing up my long locks. The dense woods rush past me. With every mile I travel, I drive closer to my goal, Conselho Construction. My mission is clear, I must find the man who holds the key to Saray's past. In this company, I need to find someone who knows something about her private life. And then hope that this Jasper's name is mentioned. I think back to last night.When Saray told her story, it struck me in the heart. She is desperate; her need is more significant than mine. I have an entire life and a future, but Saray has only a present that is fragile without her past. And I am in a position to help her and will. This trip will also distract me from my personal concerns, so it serves two different solutions. I pray to God that I find enough information that will be useful to my friend. Because she is right, marrying Ralph
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