All Chapters of The Lycan King's Bride: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
157 Chapters
The Demon Trapped In A Memory
“But I foresee a calamity, far greater than what we have faced to strike our descendant if the two world mixes again. The demonic monsters aren’t something we can control and we can’t allow demons to feed on our life auras, either. This is the cause we have come together today because we can’t…” Her head tilted toward the uninterested demon who still seemed less than bothered by the gathering. For a moment hurt flashed in her eyes but then went away without a trace. With pursed lips and determination, she goes on, as if braving her heart, “We can’t seal the Other World gate forever, so instead we will lock it.” A silence fell, men displeased with the proposition. The young Beast King with the bone on the throne was the first to scoff, turning all eyes on him. “Lock it you say, Little Witch. Pray tell who shall have the key?” He seemed displeased at the idea of handing out such strong power in any other hand but his own. Though they seemed to be in a truce, it was obvious they we
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The 'Heated' Negotiations
The demon tilted his head inquisitively, at her no-nonsense attitude. “You are not going anywhere.” Several tendrils left him and encased them in the air. As Berilla struggled, Valerie just furrowed her brows at how hard he was squeezing their bones. Smirking, he shook his head, “The morons in your time must have cheated fate. Every cheat has a price. You must know well, you paid it.” Valerie gave a faint hum, “Okay. I will do well to remember it.” She turned her head to the side, "Now, Berilla!" With a snap, she threw the luminous glowing magic circle she had drawn behind her in the air. Berilla's eyes widened but she was quick to infuse her aura in it. The demon’s face darkened and both of them disappeared from there without a trace. ...... Both of them fell on their hands and feet but couldn't help vomiting the contents of their stomachs. They had been falling for an hour now. “Argh… Were you trying to kill me?!” “I just saved your life!” “You almost killed me!” With a
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The Femme Fatale
The episode in the lake and the escape from the palace had changed their relationship but he could see she was more gentle and shy with him since she got to know about the mark. If he had an inkling of how it would mellow down his royal tsundere wife, he would have told her right away. “...I shouldn’t have done it, is that what you are thinking?” She asked, peering up at him. His face was void of any expression and it was making her fidget with anxiety. She has been trying to read his expressions for a while now. Furrowing his brows, he smiled. “No, You did well. Threaten anyone you like, I’ll back you up.” Laylin blinked at him. ‘Did he think she went around making threats?’ Though she thought that, she just tilted her head. “I’ll remember your generosity.” It was never a bad thing to have a man like him backing her. Though they might end up losing their lives under the mad wizard, it was an assurance. He gave a nod, as another thought came to him, “You think witches can stop
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The Woes Of Wombs
Esmer thought of it over and over again but reached a conclusion she will face her darkest fear. She will tell her daughter about their relationship. She still remembered that day as vividly as if it was yesterday. The recently crowned King of Ehan had taken over the throne and, to celebrate the occasion, had taken in three wives. The Queen was infuriated at his betrayal and had decided to go to the Summer villa on the majestic mountain of Gazy. They were both in a carriage and her little daughter was weeping in her arms asking her not to fight with her father again. She was about to answer her when the carriage suddenly jerked about on a plane road on an uneventful day. Queen Esmeralda felt her heart burst with the ominous premonition. Then it all happened in mere seconds. She opened her window to see what it was but the next thing she knew her carriage was flipping down the mountain. With the sudden fall, she only had enough time to throw her young daughter out of the window. He
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“...You can’t decide what I’ll resent."
Done with his work, he was taking a tray with something steaming hot on it. From what Laylin had told him of when he was unconscious, the woman might have just come to take a look to alleviate her guilt before planning to disappear again to lick her wounds With how she was hiding in the forest at the time of the ritual, he could tell she had no intention of even seeing her supposed beloved daughter. How could such a person ever be an anchor to anyone? She knew her daughter was a hated Mistress here and she was also aware her daughter was a motherless child in Ehan's court but Laylin wasn't good enough in both instances for her to step up. Most notably, Laylin's previous stunt proved something. She was desperate to get away from him enough to poison him. Though the Princess was rather content with him now, he knew he was no good man. She might not feel this way after this newly acquired Honeymoon period fades away. He was scarred by her attempt. He would be a moron to give her a h
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“Teach me how to love you."
“Didn't they send you to die?” Laylin shut her mouth at that. There's that, but that was also the truth that Ehan, itself, hasn't been a cruel place to live. She was no idealistic advocate for peace, but she had no inclination to see war waged upon a small human kingdom after solving this issue, either. Especially now that they were in exile, it hardly made sense. Her father could just suck it. In the end, she just sighed. “The demonic monsters will cause the most destruction in the human region as they are utterly helpless against these creatures, more so than beasts. And I’m sure once you are back on your throne, they will constantly live in a state of fear of retaliation. They are pitiful as they are, I don’t wish to be a tyrant. Karma will serve them." He clicked his tongue and pulled her closer to him. She too sighed, burying deeper in his embrace. He was warm and cozy. Hugging him made her feel satisfied like nothing else. “You are too nice… unnecessarily so, but it has help
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Ambrose’s blood.
Berilla felt her palms grew sweaty facing their enraged mother. The truth is she would have never dared to do anything if it wasn’t for Valerie taking the lead. Her plan was just to leave on her own and help Princess Laylin to the best of her abilities but the Book Of Oath changed things. The fact that it was because of Sarang's negligence was true as well. If they back out, they will be making an enemy out of Rakhbar. The Youngest of Red Witches took hesitant steps to her mother. Even though she wasn’t unaware of her mother’s cruel nature and the brutality she had shown toward her daughter and niece, but her mother had always been lenient with her. With whatever had happened, she didn’t wish to proceed against her mother. Her mother had dreams of future glimpses that led her astray. It was time her mother saw things from their perspective. Maybe in the face of calamity, they could stand together as a family putting differences aside. “… Calm down, Mother. Our ancestor, the Grea
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The Way Sisters Over 40 Reconcile
They were standing above the cave, on the Mountain. Ambrose had disappeared for fifteen minutes to look around the area. The letter telling them of their arrival and asking for a certain location to meet was peculiar, but Laylin insisted they meet them on the top of the deserted mountain. Laylin curiously looked around the great wide area. Moss was growing on several stones but the faded scribbles on the stones were apparent. “For how deserted it is, it’s hard to imagine a civilization lived in these mountains.” Esmer thought out loud, watching Laylin taking a deep interest in the lifeless patterns on the walls. Laylin shook her head, after observing for a while. “...These resemble magic circles but are wide enough to cover the whole mountain range.” She spread her arms around. “The climatic changes may be there since it’s been at least thousands of years but this place doesn't look like it could ever be inhabited." She pointed for Esmer to see. "Look, the mountain is covered in
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The Red Witches
“You know, the girl grew up well.” Berilla tilted her head to Laylin listening attentively to witches and wizards and engaging them very conveniently. They must look like chicks flocking around her to the Princess. They were probably all lost about how startlingly similar she looked to the witch in the Book Of Oath. “You should have seen her when she was in the Rakhbar Palace. She practically swung the King left and right by her mood swings and courtiers were frightened of her imposing stares.” Berila laughed, thinking of the young Princess's frightening temperament. Esmer smiled. The young Princess really was such an alpha. Wherever she was, eyes would fall on her. "Speaking of the King, is he with you?" Berilla bit her lip and asked nervously. The King had seen her as 'Marquis of Balijour' and probably had an inkling of what she did. Esmer huffed. "He's around." Berilla leaped up in agitation. "He doesn't know, does he?" Esmer rolled her eyes. Her sister was asking if he knew
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Blood And Memories
“Yo-You!” The witch sisters had many vendettas against the Old Mistress of Sarang. That was also the reason Valerie wanted to confirm the mark on another person as soon as possible. Their mother was never brimming with motherly affection to begin with and was outright toxic to Valerie but then she saw Sansy’s attack Esmeralda's carriage on a rocky mountainous road but that wasn’t it. She saw Esmerlda’s death. There’s another thing about their mother’s ability that many don’t know. She only knows one future, where her interference isn’t there. It is like she’s a regressor. Her power is hard to understand but she only sees a singular path of future where things flow as they do, without any change made by her. If she or anyone makes a change, minor or major, it could have a butterfly effect and the future she will see will become a lie. Due to the peculiarity of her ability, their mother recorded her dreams with the Head Bookkeeper of Sarang and on that day she made a choice. Eith
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