All Chapters of Scorching Desires: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
109 Chapters
Chapter 81
"What the fuck, man?" Christian became defensive, shielding Isabelle from his father. He pulled her behind him, widening his stance as his nostrils began to flare."Disrupted your little kissing session?" The man nonchalantly asked, closing the door with his foot."What now?" Christian's chest rose, his breath coming in and out in short puffs. Isabelle peered at the older man, placing her hand on Christian's clothed bicep to calm him. "Your mother won't stop pestering to see you." Christian tensed further, his jaw clicking. Isabelle felt his bicep harden further, so she began rubbing the spot. Christian gritted his teeth, staring straight at his father."I told you I don't care." He sneered, holding his burning gaze."Do you remember what we talked about three weeks ago?" The older man with silver hair asked, throwing a glance at Isabelle. To some extent, she felt like he was referring to her. She couldn't shake off that feeling when Christian hesitated to reply, tilting his head to
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Chapter 82
The next day, Isabelle arrived with Christian at his office, both of them seeming drained. Dion observed quietly as his boss entered his office without saying good morning. He closed the door with so much force that the bang made him flinch."Trouble in Paradise?" He asked Isabelle when she stopped by his desk."Something like that." She mumbled, eyeing a cup of coffee that was on Dion's desk. "Here." He pushed the cup towards her after following her line of vision."No, thank you." She declined, even though she yearned for even a sip. She hadn't enjoyed her breakfast after an argument broke out between her and Christian. She had poured the coffee in the sink and the corn and eggs inside the dustbin in the kitchen.Dion sighed, placing his phone on the desk."Wanna talk about it?" He skeptically asked."He got mad when I told him I wanted to resume working at the hospital." Dion had an inkling given how Christian had become overprotective of Belle."Give him time." He wasn't good at g
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Chapter 83
"I knew it!" Isabelle jumped up excitedly while Christian stood unmoving, eyes void of any emotion. Her anger had dissipated that instant, replaced by an excitement she couldn't quite explain. Sean's hand was still on the back of Dion's head, but both of them had tilted their faces to look at Isabelle."Uh oh." Dion muttered when his gaze landed on Christian. Sean looked past Isabelle, at his friend, whose face depicted nothing. It all happened in seconds, but the time seemed to have frozen around the four of them. Then Christian broke the bubble and walked, his leather shoes tapping on the tiled floor as he passed them."Go on." Dion urged Sean when he seemed confused on whether to follow Christian to his office. With a long loud intake of air, Sean went after Christian, leaving a beaming Isabelle and a shying Dion in the hallway.Sean pushed the door open forcefully before Christian could lock it manually. They had been friends for so long that Sean was able to tell when Christian w
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Chapter 84
Sean heard nothing that was said at the brief meeting with IT experts from Black Inc. and Mr. William's company. After everyone else left, Sean dragged his feet to the elevator, immersed in thoughts. When he passed by Dion's desk, it was empty and Isabelle wasn't anywhere to be seen too. He hoped Dion hadn't been summoned by Christian because if anyone was supposed to answer questions, it should have been him."Are you gay?" Sean was startled when Christian's voice sounded just as he entered his office. The man had decided to listen to Sean after all. What Isabelle said had challenged him to give Sean a chance."Yes." Sean answered, straight up."This thing you have with Dion. Is it that serious?" He added another question."I love him." Sean didn't see the need to beat around the bush. He had decided to answer the questions as they came. "Why?" Christian breathed out, looking straight at Sean. Even though there was a distance between them, Sean could see the hurt in Christian's eyes
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Chapter 85
Two weeks after Christian found out that Sean and Dion were dating, Isabelle had insisted on resuming work. During that time, her mother had called her severally, but every time she would ignore it. She was put back at the ER, and was doing shifts after shifts. In those fourteen days she barely had time to spend with her boyfriend. At the end of the second week Isabelle had a two day off, but opted not to tell Christian."Belle!" Dion shot up from his chair when Isabelle made an appearance. She was quick to place her index finger on her lips, silencing him."He doesn't know you're here, does he?" Dion whispered as the two lovingly hugged. "It's a surprise." Isabelle confirmed, pulling away from the hug."god I missed you." Dion smiled, holding her right hand."I missed you too, so much." She returned his smile with her own. They talked everyday via the phone, mostly through texts when she wasn't working, but they still yearned to see each other. In all honesty, the two of them clicke
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Chapter 86
Isabelle's ass was suspended just above the edge of the desk, while her back lay on the surface. "Naughty woman." Christian trailed his hands along her thighs as he pushed Isabelle's dress up her waist."Walking with your pussy unclothed." He huskily whispered, spreading her legs to reveal Isabelle's glistening folds. She was already needy for him and the moisture between her legs was enough proof."I wanted to be ready for you." She croaked when she felt his hand near her pussy, right on the inside her thigh. Christian spread her folds, running his thumb in between them. Isabelle parted her lips as the warmth of Christian's finger mixed with her heat. "Forgive me."Christian breathed, retracting his hand from her wetness. Isabelle lifted her head and watched with her dilated pupils as Christian stroked his cock. His groans, the gentle grip around his shaft as he fucked his fist had Isabelle guiding her hand to her forsaken pussy. "So needy."Christian rasped, looking at Isabelle's fi
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Chapter 87
"Your mother has been constantly coming over, demanding to see you." Isabelle's hand holding a glass of cold orange juice froze in front of her mouth."What do you mean has? "She doesn't even know your place of work." "My company's advertised all over, babe; of course she knows." "The security wouldn't let her past the lobby though, so I didn't really get to see her." Isabelle's hands finally stirred, placing the glass back on the counter. "Did she say why she wanted to see me?" "She has been constantly calling me, but I never answer; I have nothing to say to her." She sighed, remembering how her mother had reacted when she found out about her pregnancy. "She did, yesterday. When they wouldn't let her in, she was dragged out screaming that she had something important to tell you about your father." Christian hadn't planned to tell Isabelle about the visits, but when her mother mentioned her father, he knew she had to know."That's unlike my mother; she would never do anything to ga
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Chapter 88
"What?!" Isabelle managed to utter in a barely audible voice."I'm sorry." Her mother whispered back. Christian reached for the phone, which was on the bed but Isabelle put some distance between them, indicating that she didn't want to talk to her mother."Did you find out about it recently, or were you aware of it all before it happened?" Christian spat the question, snaking his arm around Isabelle's waist. He pulled her to his side and guided her back to the bed. "After, I swear I didn't know about it until Sam passed by later that night. I overheard the two talking, with Sam demanding the rest of the money promised to him." Isabelle's mother pleaded, pressing her mobile phone forcefully on her ear."Did you?" Isabelle paused as she sat on the bed, feeling as if her whole world was crushing down right in front of her."Did you look for me after you found out?" When a temporary silence enveloped the phone call, Isabelle and Christian kind of knew what her mother's answer would be. T
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Chapter 89
"Is your mother capable of committing murder?" The detective asked, looking at Isabelle to read her reaction. They were still outside Isabelle's house after the detectives combed the scene. Several media houses were covering everything live, and the police officers were controlling a crowd that had formed. "No, and why are you asking if the man is still alive?" Isabelle answered, leaning on Christian's side. She was physically and emotionally utterly exhausted; she couldn't explain the turmoil she was in. She didn't know what to feel or how to react anymore."We need you to come down to the station for a formal interrogation." Isabelle swallowed, looking at the ambulances, private cars, news vans, and patrol cars that were packed down the street in front of her parent's house. "If I may, officer. Isabelle has had a very tiring day; she needs to rest for tonight." Christian stated sternly, holding the officer's gaze. It was already dark, and Isabelle just wanted to take a shower, ea
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Chapter 90
"No, I am not leaving her. What if he comes and finishes his j...?" Isabelle hiccuped, grasping her mother's hand as she sat beside her hospital bed. Christian insisted he take her home for a well-cooked homemade meal, a hot bath, and sufficient rest. "He can't even walk, babe; you saw how pathetic he is. They have two officers outside his room; there's no way out for him." Christian took in Isabelle's dark circles under her eyes, her pale cheeks, and her chapped lips. She had spent over 12 hours in the hospital—the whole night beside her mother. He had no option but to spend the night with her, just to make sure she wouldn't do anything drastic."She won't even open her eyes." Isabelle's voice broke as she blew her nose using her free right hand. She was on the verge of tears again, and Christian couldn't recount how many times she had cried. It was six in the morning, and the girl refused to even close her eyes."The doctors sedated her heavily, you know that.They said it'd take ti
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