All Chapters of The Alpha Damien: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
149 Chapters
Then to top it off I took your shoes off and got a look at your feet, and now you know how I get over those. So, yeah, I was pretty worked up over you when I crawled into bed and I just, well, to be honest, I had a pretty good orgasm thinking about you.""Now who's giving out super compliments? Okay, so we've firmly established that even though I've never been with a woman, I am fairly comfortable around you and have no problems with us touching and smelling each other. Oh, and let's not forget the kissing. I really do like kissing you. That's a good solid fact."Elena grinned mischievously at Marie."Point taken."Mariw leaned over and kissed elena, just a quick kiss, and then leaned back. Elena pouted."What was that? That wasn't a kiss. This is a kiss!"Elena slid her arm behind Marie's head, pushing her fingers up through her hair and cupping the back of her head, she pulled mariw to her and really kissed her firmly. Elena rubbed her lips back and forth gently over Marie's and the
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Ninety One
She tilted her head and kissed Elena's ear. Her voice thick with emotion,"Oh, my elena! You've just made me the happiest girl in the world just now!"Elena whispered back, her voice just as thick,"Make that two of us."They kissed to seal their mutual feelings for each other. They hugged for a few minutes and then leaned back to look at each other. Elena spoke first."I guess we'd better get a move on if we're going to go get my truck. But no stopping for boilermakers! I don't think I could handle even smelling one of those things after last night. Okay?"Mariw gave her a lopsided grin,"And so it begins. Yes, dear. No boilermakers."Elena's jaw dropped at Marie's remark, the she snapped her mouth shut and gave her an irritated frown."I can't believe you just said that! No, wait, yes I can."Elena took a quick guess at the best spot and then zipped her hands to Marie's hipbones and tickled her. Marie let loose a whoop and shot her legs out, launching herself off of Elena's lap and
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Ninety Two
"Oh, my! Marie, you got a virgin! Congratulations!"Elena gave hima scowl, but didn't really take offense to his comment. Marie was looking a little embarrassed and she was blushing. She leaned over to Elena's ear and whispered the meaning. Elena's jaw dropped and she turned beet red."OH! Uhm, REALLY? Wow."Elena sat there and thought about it and then she remembered what Marie looked like. She suddenly got a great big grin on her face and turned to Marie."That sounds fun! Want to dance?"Marie turned deep crimson and looked at the floor. Josh fell off his stool laughing. He was coughing and trying to breathe."GOD! Your incorrigible! I am not taking you out into the public with me ever again."Josh had recovered enough to stand up and speak again."Elena, you are wonderful! You two are perfect together. I wasn't so sure about you last night, but you just redeemed yourself a hundred times over. Thank you! I have never seen anyone beat Marie at her own game. Congratulations!""Stop e
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Ninety Three
Elena wrapped her long arms around Marie's small frame, curling one arm up and cupping the side of Marie's head against her chest, and did just that.At some point Marie fell asleep in Elena's lap. She listened to Marie's breathing and could feel her heartbeat through her hand on her back. Elena thought about what had gone on between them in the last twenty-four hours and smiled.She was content and happy. She had never considered being with a woman before, but then again, she had never thought about being with a werewolf either, and that had happened. So, all things considered, this wasn't bad. Actually it was great. She had to be honest with herself on this, could she really make love to a woman.She knew the concept and the mechanics of sex, but could she really do it? Perhaps not with just any woman, but she thought she could with Lena. Yeah, she was nervous about it, but okay, your first time is always a nervous experience.She found that her hand had been wandering while she wa
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Ninety Four
"So, how am I going to take you out to dinner if you keep leaving your juices on my thigh? You do realize this is the only pair of pants I have with me?""I think I want to eat in tonight.""Ah. So it does work both ways very well, doesn't it?"Elena giggled."Yes, it does. Do you like Chinese?""I'd prefer blonde with a side order of pink, with extra juice, please."Marie moaned and rubbed her lips against Elena's thigh."Oh, don't tease me. That's cruel.""Who said I was teasing you?"Marie pulled her head away from elena's chest and looked up into her face to see if she could detect any humor or mischief. Elena returned her gaze, slipping the tip of her tongue out and running it suggestively around her mouth, and then she grinned."Really? Here? Right now?""Unless you can think of a better place for my first time, yeah, right here, right now.""Oh, my sweet Elena, I will make it so special for you, trust me."Marie pushed her face to Elena and they kissed. Long, slow and sweet. Sh
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Ninety Five
She lowered her head and licked the insides of Elena's thighs. She worked in ever-smaller circles until she was licking the soft mounds of Elena's mons. She could tell by the feel of the skin that Elena waxed them.Marie slipped her tongue out and ran the tip up the wrinkly edges of her lips. Elena moaned and pushed her hips up to meet that tongue. Marie smiled and opened her mouth and latched onto her mons. She slid her tongue up and down the smooth slit several times, just savoring the juices that were flowing out. Elena's breathing was getting faster as the shudders waved through her body. Marie was giving her twin foot massages while she licked her lips, the effect was to totally relax and excite at the same time.Marie circled her tongue around the entrance of Elena's tunnel making her moan louder. After several minutes of this, marie flicked her tongue under the hood and pushed the tip against the hard nub and wiggled it back and forth. Elena's body was twitching and shuddering
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Ninety Six
Elena slipped a single finger into marie and hooked it up; probing for that rough patch she liked to have pushed. Marie was almost there; Elena was trying to keep her on that knife-edge just a little longer.Then she found it, and started to rub light circles around it and into the center of it. Elena sucked Marie's lips into her mouth and used her tongue to rub them against the roof of her mouth, and then she pushed her nose over Marie's hood and pushing hard, she rubbed it back and forth rapidly. This triple stimulation shot marie over the edge and she screamed all the way over. Her whole body shook, her arms flopped around, her legs jittering, and her head pushed back into the cushion as far as she could.Marie arched her back and rocked her hips up and down, making it difficult for Elena to hold on to Marie's lips, but she managed. Elena kept up the little circles on that special spot inside her and it sent Marie over another ledge, wracking her body with shuddering spasms. When M
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Ninety Seven
"Oh, go ahead. You must be as hungry as I am. I almost ate mine on the way back to the house.""SO! What's for dinner?""Mediterranean style Caesar salads, with calamatta olives, feta cheese dressing, and grilled lamb. I also got us each a Gyro with extra tzatziki sauce on it, and to drink, I picked up a bottle of Exotic Fruit White Zinfandel. Does that meet with your approval, madam?""HOLY COW! You know how to get dinner! I was thinking pizza or Chinese. Wow! Where did you get this from?""The Mediterranean Grill on South Park Street just on the other side of Broadway.""Oh! I've driven past it, but never really thought about what kind of food they had. MMMM! This smells wonderful! You are wonderful! Thank you!"Marie leaned over and kissed Elena's cheek as she was placing the salad platters on the table. Elena blushed and returned the kiss. Marie got out some plates and wine glasses, helping elena set the table for dinner. When the table was set and the bags cleared, Marie looked a
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Ninety Eight
No, rephrase that Elena, you are in love with this beautiful naked woman sitting across the table from you. Do I have a right to feel this way? What about Dagomarus? Aren't you in love with him too? Well, I thought I was. What happens if he comes back? What do you do then, Elena? Stop loving Lena? NO! I can't. Well, there it is. Will you send him away if he returns? That's a tough one. Would I choose Marie over Damien? Then Elena realized it was a moot question. I have chosen Marie over Damien. She examined what she felt when she said it inside her mind, looking at it from all sides. Yes, I have chosen and I feel at peace."Penny for your thoughts, Luv."Marie was looking at her with love in her eyes. Elena returned that look and smiled."I was just thinking about us. How I really feel deep inside my heart."Elena wasn't sure if she should mention all of her thoughts."Well, Luv? How do you feel about us?"There was a trace of fear in Marie's eyes now, and Elena hated to see it. She w
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Ninety Nine
Looking around the room, she realized she could see everything clearly; however, there wasn't any light source. Maybe the moon is up and it's shining enough to light the room and the sky. Yeah, that's what it is, the moon. Well, if it's just after four in the morning I should still be tired and go back to sleep. She closed her eyes and snuggled against Marie .She couldn't go back to sleep. She felt completely rested and wide-awake. She thought she would feel tired and worn out after what they had done last night, and this morning, she added to herself. However, she didn't feel tired or worn out; instead she felt more alive than she had in years. She smiled again, thinking that it must be love that's doing this. Yes, its love.She listened to Marie's breathing, the soft rhythm of it, deep and just a little loud in her ears. She frowned again, it is a little loud, but then her nose is right next to my ear. Elena concentrated for a second and realized she could hear the hum from the cl
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