All Chapters of Lust & Fangs: Steamy Vampire Erotic Short Stories: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
148 Chapters
Vampire Slave10
No, you wouldn't have. The ability passes from mother to daughter and too many dream weavers never find the special man strong enough to mate with her. The man I called da, well he wasn't. My true da died before I was born. I think that is why he treated me the way he did, I was no true kin to him."Chal had to force himself to pay attention to her words when all he truly wanted to do was make love to her. His need for her was so incredibly strong that he found himself nodding and sliding his hands up and over her breasts. They were small but firm, her nipples hard and erect. Those rosy peaks were big, sitting high upon her soft skin. He could feel himself salivate."I want to taste you."Bliss shivered at the thought. "Yes." She moaned and her head fell back as he wasted no time. His mouth feasted upon her flesh and suckled upon her nipples. He nibbled upon the taut nubs until she was limp across his arm. Her breath panted from lungs that seemed oxygen starved. "Chal!""I want to fuc
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Vampire Slave11
She cried out his name as she came and then came again. But he didn't stop. He kept the waves of her orgasm flooding her until she couldn't breathe and her throat was raw from crying out. Her hand stroked over the small of his back and she hiss one word. "Come."He roared his pleasure, his head thrust back. He didn't even think about moving away from her or about what he was and what he could do to her if he wasn't careful. His body jerked, his arms strained as he filled her over and over with steamy jets of his semen. Then he moaned her name, falling to the bed, his eyes closed. If his heart could beat, it would have been pounding out of his chest. He snuggled down into the bed and reached out for her with his eyes still closed.The bed was the only thing that his fingers touched, when it should have been the softness of her skin had his eyes open. The room was still dark but he could see well enough to realize that he'd fallen asleep in her room. She lay close to the edge of the bed
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Vampire Slave12
It couldn't be you. You don't look old enough to vote." He reached out and took her hand in his. "So are you telling me that your kind has some kind of psychic ability? That you know what will happen before it actually does?""Not always, Chal. But if it happens to someone we care about, we are capable to change things just enough to protect that person. You knew a dream weaver then and she loved you very much, enough that she was able to cast that dream and give you that feeling to keep you off that train." She lifted her glass again and took another small sip. "Now do you understand?""I'm not sure," he answered and a chuckle escaped his beautiful mouth. "It's all kind of spinning in here right now.""Well, you're part vampire, part incubus. That's a very strange combination as well.""And you speak like none of this is out of the realm of possibility. So which one of us should be more amazed?""I know what I am, and I've seen a lot. The man you took me from, he was a real monster.
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Vampire Slave13
Gods, yes, Bliss" His hands were on her arms and he held her against him. "You know, I am an incubus, kissing is like...""Appetizers? She giggled as his eyebrows rose at the comparison."I guess that will work. I know making love with you will be mind-blowing, just by the fire you cause in me. But for now, will you walk with me?" He dropped his hands from her and offered her his arm, smiling widely when she threaded hers through it. "The gardens are beautiful in the moonlight."She nodded and smiled and felt a bit more at ease. She let him lead her to the double french doors and stepped through them when he opened them. When he reached for her hand again, she gave it to him eagerly. A walk in the beauty behind his huge manse, perhaps a kiss and a cuddle under the big moon that was just peeking over the top of the trees, was an exquisite thought.Chal lifted her hand and kissed it while she looked down at her. "Not afraid of the dark?""Not while you're with me.""Maybe you should be.
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Vampire Slave14
Chal met the gaze of each of the men and added a touch of mind control to send them on their way. Only one man tried to fight him but an extra harsh glance made him move as well. He stood where he was until they'd left the garden, then he hurried toward his home, anxious to get to BlissHis first idea that anything was wrong was the french doors. They stood wide open. "Bliss!" He moved inside carefully. He could smell her scent but there was something else as well. A stranger's scent, but one he was slightly familiar with. "Garret." Celesta and the men had been nothing but a smoke screen to keep him away from the house so that Garret could come in and snatch Bliss from under his nose. He hurried further into the house. "Rodney? Giselle?"Giselle helped a limping Rodney into the hall. "They took her sir. We tried, but...""I know. Rodney, are you okay?" He forced himself to not scream at the man. This was his own fault and no one else."I shall be fine, sir. It was G...""Garret, yes I
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Vampire Slave15
It wasn't Chal that came to find her. He'd stood in front of the french doors with his hands out to his side. He'd slowly turned in a full circle than he'd come closer to the doors and knocked gently."You're Miss Bliss, aren't you?" He asked through the glass. "Chal asked me to come and find you. He wanted you to know that everything is all right but you must come with me. He'll come find you when all is safe." The man spoke with a strange smile on his face. He sounded so gentle and absolutely honest. But it was as if he couldn't remember how to smile, like he was rusty, or missing something. There was an odd inflection in his voice as he spoke and she could feel him draw her in. She couldn't think of anything else but doing what he wanted. She reached for the door handle to open it for him.But Rodney quickly wrapped his arm around her and spun her away as Giselle firmly double locked the door. "Leave Garret. You are not welcome here. Go back to those bottom dwellers you live with a
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Vampire Slave16
She had tried all the buttons when Garret had followed Celesta out of the car but they didn't work. There'd been heated words between the two of them. Les had cried and stomped her foot so hard on the ground, her expensive shoes had lost a heel. She picked up the heel and threw it as hard as she could. "You'll regret this, Garret! You wait, you'll see! Then I'll laugh at you and turn my back on you!!"Garret didn't look back. He slipped back in the back of the car and slammed the door behind him. "The mountains now, James."The reply was an affirmative and Bliss felt her heart sink. She was alone in the back of the car with Garret. What would he do to her next?Garret spread his long legs out in front of him and got comfortable. He took hold of Bliss's arm and pulled her to sit between them. If she relaxed, she could cuddle up against his legs. She was surrounded by him. The thought made her nauseous. She pulled back, or at least as far back as he would let her."What do you want from
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Vampire Slave17
He kicked off the blanket finally and jumped up, pulling back the huge, thick curtain that hid the door and any light that might come in through the cracks. The sun was still up but it was close enough to sunset for him. He didn't care about the minor pain that the sun would cause. She needed him.Constance, the owner of the house must have heard him rise because she was walking up the staircase before he could start down. "Chal, I never mind letting you use the safe room. You are always a joy.""I'm sorry, Connie. This actually wasn't a pleasure call. I'm searching for someone. You might know him, I think you run in the same circles. Garret Johannesburg. He's kidnapped my..." Chal couldn't finish. He wasn't quite sure what Bliss was to him. He just knew he had to find her and soon."Kidnapped your ... what?" Constance took a lock of her long, white blonde hair and twirled the curl around her finger. Chal loved her hair. He always liked to cover himself with the heavy tresses. "Your b
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Vampire slave18
Garret shook her. "Shut up! If I wanted you to speak, I'd tell you what to say!" He pressed the knife so that its sharp blade indented the flesh of her neck. A single drop of blood dripped from that blade. With a gleam in his eyes, he ran his hand from her waist to her breasts, caressing her nipple through the gown. "She likes this," he jeered, as if trying to provoke Chal's temper. He pulled at the gown and ripped it further until her nipple was exposed and he tweaked at it, causing her to jerk away from his groping hands. He yanked her back again and thrust his hips against the softness of her buttocks. "Tell him how much you like it, bitch. Tell him how much you want me. Tell him that you want to stay with me and be mine."A flush of shame suffused her face as her nipple grew hard under the onslaught of his fingers. In a clearly awful exchange, he moved one hand down to her naked pussy. She tried to jerk away then but he wouldn't allow it. It might have been that last lash of his f
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Vampire Slave19
Cuddling her close, he tried to keep her from seeing the dead guards that were there and on the outside of Garret's front door as well as the shack. His step was sure and her weight seemed like nothing. He walked down the walkway to the driveway, than started down the long drive. The gate was open and as he reached the road, he was running and then he blurred out of sight.She couldn't lift her head. He ran so fast and so easily that she felt as if they were flying. It was an exhilarating and terrifying sensation and she couldn't keep her eyes open to watch. Instead, she buried her face against his neck, wrapped her arms around him, and inhaled his spicy, male scent. She laid a tender kiss against his skin just under his ear and felt him shudder. "You can't," he growled. "You have to Stop. You're killing me, Bliss."She heard him even though his words were quickly lost in the wind he created with his passing. A little imp, one she hadn't felt since before her mother's death lent her e
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