All Chapters of Lust & Fangs: Steamy Vampire Erotic Short Stories: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
148 Chapters
In The Blood 10
"Oh my god. I was so scared." She cried and sobbed into his chest for some time before calming and looking up at him."Thank you.""There's no need. You wouldn't have been in danger if I hadn't gotten you into this.""It's not your fault." Mike remained silent."Mike! Look!" She pointed towards the bodies of the fallen Vampires. Both of them were starting to breakdown before their eyes. The flesh shriveled and shrank until it clung to the bones. Then the bones began to fall apart, losing their shape. Finally, as the skin began to flake off, the deeper tissues combusted and the whole corpse caught fire. Within minutes, both bodies were reduced to little more than ash."My god." Was all he could say.Quietly gathering her into his arms, he leapt from wall to ceiling and climbed out through the skylight. After retrieving his shoes and drinking the two units of blood he'd left with them, he took her home.As they stood in her room, they were both a little sedate, trying to cope with the n
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In The Blood 11
As much as I love playing with my food dear, it's time to end this game." The vampire sneered. He must be the Alpha, the others are hanging back. Well, now or never. With a surge of his blood-fueled metabolism, Mike threw himself at the Alpha with all of his might.A fraction of a second later, both of his taloned hands gripped the predator's face and continued his trajectory into the opposite wall. Even the toughened vampiric skull collapsed under the force, though not without leaving a significant dent in the masonry. Already on the move, Mike performed a backflip that left him in the middle of the alley, ready for the deadman's cohorts.He didn't wait long. Two shadows stepped out from either side of the alley and approached him. These guys are better than Mark and Syn. Fan-bloody-tastic. Crouching in a defensive stance, Mike quickly reached into his mind and released his feral side - his instinct-reflexes tensed like coiled springs, waiting to be unleashed.The approach of the vam
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In The Blood 12
Okay, goodnight... er, morning." By the time Mike got to the other room, he could already sense her Pulse calming down and slipping off to sleep. Hmm, now what? After settling down on the bed, Mike quickly slipped into a meditative trance. Although he only need an hour or so of sleep, he remained so until three in the afternoon when he heard Alice rousing from her slumber. Deciding to follow suit, Mike also got up. While she was in the shower, he spent a few minutes brushing the dust that was once vampire blood from his clothes."Afternoon." Mike greeted her as he walked up behind her. Alice jumped in surprise, quickly turning."Shit, I didn't hear you coming. For a second, I almost thought I'd dreamed last night." She quickly calmed down."Afraid not. Sorry, I sometimes forget how quiet I am." Mike tried to give her a calming half-grin."It's alright, I'll get used to it. Do you want to grab a shower before we go.""Not really, I don't seem to accumulate sweat or body odor much." Tak
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In The Blood 13
Howdy gents, welcome to The Crypt." He said, eying the three. Why do they always travel in threes?The one on the left, obviously the Alpha, chuckled. "Well now, I've never seen you around. Recently changed, or just new to town?" Mike could tell this one was pretty powerful, just by the utter lack of effort in his actions and fluidity of motion."Both. Just came in last night." The others quickly looked to their boss, with some degree of panic on their faces. The Alpha however, remained very calm."So you're one who took out Alec and his boys. My name is Jerek, and you've done me a favor. There's a sort of gang-war going on in this town, between my little cabal and another run by a bitch named Lily. Alec worked for Lily. It's all going to end tomorrow though, total Armageddon. Then we can do whatever we like, suck the herd dry and move on to the next town. Sounds great huh?""Yeah, great.""Feel like joining the winning side?""Sure, I'll fight on your side." This is BAD!!! "When's th
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In The Blood 14
Hello?" Mike forgot how much he'd missed Lucy's voice."Lucy?""Mike! It's you. What's going on?""It's ok Lucy, it's ok." It was then that he heard the sound he'd been waiting for, a sudden drop in sound quality. Too subtle for anyone but a vampire to notice, but he knew that the call was being tapped and traced. In his head, Mike slowly counted from sixty, knowing it would take a minute to locate the origin of his call. 60... 59... 58..."Lucy, listen carefully. The two vampire packs in this city are going to war tomorrow, the winners are going to massacre a dance club called The Crypt.... 51... 50... 49"Oh my god Mike! What're you going to do?""I'm going to stop them as best I can." ... 43... 42... 41..."Be careful Mike. I miss you.""I miss you too Lucy." ... 31... 30... 29... They'll have traced the city by now, better cut it short. "Lucy, I've got to go now. I'll call you again when, this blows over." ... 25... 24... 23..."Okay, Mike. Be careful.""I will Lucy, I will." He h
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In The Blood 15
The give and take went on for mere seconds, but seemed to stretch for hours, until four taloned fingers sunk deep into Mike's shoulder. Fuck! Not fast enough! At least now I know exactly where he is. Lashing out at Alec's arm, Mike could feel the flesh and sinew being shredded and bones broken."Little bastard!" Alex screamed aloud and drove his other hand straight for Mike's face. With only a microsecond to react, Mike swung wide and not only deflected the blow, but took a chunk out of his opponent's throat. Aha! There you are! A flurry of razor-sharp claws tore away at Alec's neck until the talons in Mike's shoulder released their death-grip and Alec dropped dead on the ground.Gunfire. About fucking time. Despite the obvious use of silencers, short, controlled bursts of automatic fire echoed throughout the night. Sounds like they're actually finishing off the vamps. Good, I need to get out of here. Leaping a good five blocks away, Mike landed silently in a dark alley and shook the
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In The Blood 16
About this time, the cell door swung open and in walked Arnold and Evelyn."So, how are we feeling today?" Damn, I thought I'd just imagined him being so insufferably chipper."Just fine, if you enjoy being zapped, starved and shackled.""Oh, so it has a sense of humor." Oh wow, definitely didn't imagine that attitude of hers either. She'd be kinda pretty without that sneer of her's."Well-" Mike tried to stand up, but suddenly found his limbs numb and rubbery. His train of thought was interrupted as he toppled into a heap on the ground."Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention, those wrist and ankle restraints will electrically override your muscles if they detect any sudden acceleration. That'll take some getting used to.""The shaped-charges in your collar will blow your head clear off if you step out of line too." Evelyn mentioned, not without a little glee.Very slowly, Mike pulled himself to his feet. "So, let me get this straight. I'm to be your marionette, and should I fail, the hand g
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In The Blood 17
Well, Mike." Arnold started. "I'm afraid my hands are tied. As a vampire, you're a threat. We can't let you go. Best we can do is not kill you here and now." At least he's honest.Evelyn still hadn't recovered enough from Mike's statement to speak. She just nodded along with Arnold, with a confused look on her face."Alright, so I'm stuck here until you guys get bored with me. Then become a pile of dust and ash. Wonderful." Mike wasn't terribly pleased with this situation."Yes, well, I'm sure you'll get used to it. Or maybe your status will get changed." Arnold was trying desperately to improve Mike's mood."Whatever. I think I'll go back to my cell now." He said, walking out of the lab and back the way he came. Only two guards tried to stop him, before backing off from Mike's fanged sneer. A few minutes, Arnold and Evelyn caught up with him."Come on Mike, it's no so bad." Arnold was cut off by a klaxons and flashing red lights. "Oh no, an escape!" As if on cue, a dozen armed soldie
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In The Blood 18
Get him... he's getting away... how'd he do that?... I've never seen one do it."Klaxons and alarms began to blare, while heavy doors began to slide into place. Going Cold gave him enough speed to slide past the first few doors, but soon he'd reach one that was already sealed. Luckily, the automatic doors would be hindering the soldiers as much as him.The ventilation duct!Obviously, the designer of this complex had thought that noone could crawl through a duct that was less than twenty centimeters in diameter. Obviously, they hadn't met a vampire like Mike. Ripping the grate off of the duct, Mike squeezed and squirmed himself in and pulled the grate back on behind him. Moving through the ductwork was more like slithering than crawling, but it could be done with considerable ease.After a while, Mike heard a familiar voice. "I don't know Evelyn, have any of the other specimens exhibited that ability?""Not a one. It's probably a very advanced ability, but then, that's his trademark,
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In The Blood 19/ Life Of A Vampire1
No where in particular. I'm kind of on the run.""From who?" Mike motioned that they should start walking, in the direction she'd been heading before, while he told her his sordid little story (glazing over quite a few details about Lucy and Alice)."Wow. Tres cool. Well, I'm heading home to Toronto, care to join me?" She asked hopefully."Sure, far be it for me to turn down a lady's offer." They continued walking."So, how come you can be out during the day? Isn't that a vampire no-no?""Not really, while I'm Thawed, running on human metabolism, it's fine. When I'm Cold though, the sun really bugs me. Though I seem to be one of the few vamps who can stay thawed for long. Whether they can't stay that way for long or just won't, I don't know.""Oh, I see.""So, what about you? What do you do?" Mike said, wanting to change the topic from vampire lore."Not much. My grandmother left me enough that I'll never have to work. Every now and then I just go on a walk-about. Like now, I'm just co
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