All Chapters of The Lycan King's Healer: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
75 Chapters
#Chapter 51: Moon Soaked Skin
It was like the kiss at the palace. Our lips mended together with a delicate passion, like they were hungry but trying to save their rations. His hands found my face and caressed my cheeks, holding my face as softly as glass. I melted into him, threading my fingers through his hair. My whole world in that moment was the droplets of water on his skin, the fairy lights glowing beyond my closed eyelids, and lavender and sandalwood. He was my entire universe. In the midst of the slow kiss, I couldn’t help but feel suddenly hyper aware of our naked chests pressed together. He had never seen me this way; or at least, was never in the right state to remember being this way. The reminder felt like cold water poured down my spine. I pulled away, my breathing increasing slightly. “Let’s swim,” I said, flashing him an attempted smile that I hoped appeared enthusiastic enough. He hesitated before nodding, sinking back into the water. To avoid seeming upset
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#Chapter 52: Rejuvenations
Once we ascended the stairs, I felt the first flicker of awkwardness occur that whole night. “Um,” I said, hesitating in front of my bedroom doors. I had never invited him into my bedroom before. He looked at me with the same expression I was probably displaying; tentativeness. “I guess I will see you in the morning?” he asked, his eyes scanning me for an answer. Suddenly, I felt like we were two school kids on the porch after a first date. A grin spread my face apart at the sheer foolishness of it—he had just been inside of me, and we were technically married. “Yes, I will see you in the morning,” I teased, stepping over my threshold as he shot me a puzzled look, “because you will be lying next to me.” He laughed, walking in after me with more confidence in his stance. “Got to respect my lady.” We dressed for bed. He had allowed me to wear the robe back to the palace, and to cover his own self, he wrapped my dirty dress around h
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#Chapter 53: Healing Needed
Under the moonlight, Clement and I left the estate in disguise to roam into the villages. It was admittedly dangerous; that’s why I snuck out that night. Aldrich would never let me go, and I also did not know if he’d approve of me returning to my former life. He was so protective and territorial, he would also never permit me to prowl the night with another man, despite the fact Clement would never see me that way. I was still certain he viewed me as a mere child. In the first village we visited, there were several people tucked into straw blankets for warmth along the streets. Women, men, and even some children. They rejoiced when they saw us, forcing me to try to remember why I ever stopped doing this in the first place. We eventually came across a single mother with her children bundled in her arms. They were shivering in the crisp autumn night. Her dark hair matched the bags under her eyes. I walked right up to her, kneeling onto the pavement. “You
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#Chapter 54: Friends
I was going to join Theo for sleep, but my anger was so wrathful, I would never find it. Instead, I stormed downstairs to where Clement told me I’d always be able to find him if he was in the estate. The library. I walked into the grand library in my nightgown and slippers. It was one of my favorite spots; it was a universe of old and new novels, all color coded and stacked in shelves that towered up to the vaulted ceiling. I walked through the endless galleries and ventured through the ancient seating area, not finding a trace of him. So I waited. I sat down in one of the loveseats. To make the waiting process more enjoyable, I plucked a book from the pharmaceuticals section. None of it involved witchery, for the only ones that nursed that kind of information came from my cottage, so it slightly bored me. I felt each minute pass by as I sat in the early morning sun accompanied by the sound of the ticking grandfather clock. Angry tears rimmed my
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#Chapter 55: Betrayal
As I left the room, I immediately went to consult with the guard outside in the corridor. “How long has she been in there with that man?” I asked, trying to keep my voice neutral. “Who is he?” The guard thought for a moment before answering. “Since this morning. The man has been permitted on the premises since yesterday with claims that he was a friend of miss Cathy’s. This was confirmed when Cathy ventured out last night with him to the village.” “What?” I demanded, rage brewing in my stomach. I regained my composure before nodding. “Thank you.” I then continued my trek down the corridor, not letting my expression reflect what was happening inside of me.CathyShit. I ran out of the library in a haste. I did not notice him step into the room, but I heard him as he stormed out. Since I was not stupid, I knew what he saw and what he suspected as he ran out. I saw him turn around the bend all the way down the corridor; he was walking in large strides, but
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#Chapter 56: Bleeding Fairytale
I did not have time for this. I took the paper from my son’s hand and shredded it into a million pieces, watching it float to the ground. “No littering, mommy!” Theo reprimanded, echoing one of my lessons to him. “Who gave this to you, Theo?” I asked in a voice that suggested the seriousness of the situation, but in a way that wouldn’t scare him. He looked at the sky to contemplate for a second. “Uhh,” he said, shifting back and forth on his feet. “A worker?” “A servant?” I questioned, raising my eyebrows. “A man with a necktie?” “Yes!” he answered, proud of himself for remembering. “A man with a necktie. A servant.” He sounded out the word slowly. Aldrich and I always had the worst timing. I took his hand and brought him back inside, feeling like the weight that was lifted from my shoulders was back on. Now I had two stresses to worry about. My brain instantly scrambled over what I should do. I could not bother Aldrich
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#Chapter 57: Delicate Danika’s Disappearance
Alan was out the door before I was. Even in his wheelchair, he was fast. The guards swiftly replaced the chair with crutches so that he could move on uneven terrain, and I followed him out the door.“Stay with the guards,” I commanded Theo. He nodded, his little face looking petrified, and I felt a stab of guilt that he had to experience all of this so frequently. We ventured out with a group of armed guards. All of the estate was now informed of the weird happenings after Alan’s supposed death. We did not tell them a healer brought him back, instead we claimed that he never died in the first place, and that he was broken, but his heart never stopped beating. Our entourage searched through the estate, one group looking through the building, and another surveying outside. Alan and I were the group outside, because that was the setting of a worst case scenario. What if she was shot by an arrow? What if whoever wrote that note was angry with me for ripping it up?
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#Chapter 58: Grudges
Alan shot a glare at me before looking back at Danika. He spoke to her the most gently I’ve witnessed; I had never heard his voice lower to such a soft octave. “You’re in the infirmary, Danika,” he said soothingly, then cracked a humorous grin, “looks like the tables have turned.” “What?” she demanded before her gaze flickered around the room, at the white blanket cloaked around her, and then at our worried faces. Alan’s kindness must have been the most startling aspect of it all. “We…” I hesitated, then decided not to sugarcoat it. She could handle it. “We found you unconscious in the woods. You’re not hurt, but you were out of it.” I watched for her reaction, chewing my inner lip. “You said the last thing you were doing was talking to Clement?” Alan interrogated, staring at her like a concerned parent that was trying to learn all the details of their child’s accident. “Yes,” she said, looking at him with fogged over eyes, “I found him in the l
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#Chapter 59: Armed
Aldrich’s arm was hooked around me before I could breathe. He scooped me up like I was a child, gripping me to his chest as he ran for cover. I gasped as I looked around, trying to find the assailant or where the arrow even came from in the first place. About a couple yards away, there was a small shed that stored extra weapons and auxiliary. He sprinted toward it with me as his baggage, and I was shocked at the fact he was able to move so fast despite carrying me, like I weighed nothing more than a pound. He was even stronger than I thought. My gaze still shot around the field in a panic, but I did not see even a retreating silhouette. The shed was locked; he simply kicked the lock of the door broken with his brutal force before rushing us inside, swinging the door closed behind us. We were both breathing heavily, and he released me from his arms before pushing down on my back to make me huddle close to the ground. The only sound in the small, dark space was
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#Chapter 60: Blood in the Rain
The sex was explosive. It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my existence. We crashed into each other like a wreck, kissing violently and aggressively, like we hated each other again. I tugged at his hair and he gripped at my waist, his tongue dominating my mouth. I scratched down the back of his neck all the way down his spine underneath his shirt. He ripped off my clothes, as if he was angry I even put them on, and I was gasping for breath as I became vividly aware of the deadly weapons next to my head as he fucked me. We were not making love this time; we were avenging. I ravaged him, and he ravaged me, like a physical fight without the violence. Sometimes he took charge and other times I demanded dominance, and because of the sheer animalistic nature of it all, I felt my wolf nearly transitioning out of my human form. He was growling in my ear, biting on my neck and my collarbones. I was doing the same to him, except harder, even drawing some blood along
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